Julian Assange
::: markcurtis30 ::: deepa_driver ::: SomersetBean ::: Aus4Assange ::: FlickRubicon ::: wikileaks
Delighted to say that we're starting to infill the early parts of PAPL (Programming and Programming Languages), using material from @KathiFisler's innovative data-centric computing course. (Welcome, co-author!) Pretty soon it will actually be a full book!
programming, codice, snippet
::: ShriramKMurthi
Stack Overflow Explores Why Developers Love TypeScript More Than Python
linguaggi di programmazione
::: Slashdot
Discovering Dennis Ritchie’s Lost Dissertation
::: orporick
Cell Phone Pings Lead Investigators to Buried Bodies
dispositivi mobili
::: Slashdot
glad to see more people waking up to the fact that the App Store is basically an authoritarian institution
::: neurocy
'Biologically Plausible' Deep Learning Neurons Predict the Chords of Bach
ehmmm... da verificare, messo qui per via del deep learning
deep learning
::: Slashdot
Has the Time Finally Come for Generics in Golang?
linguaggi di programmazione
::: Slashdot
if you've ever tried or liked neverland, I've just made a uhtml port that weights ~5K, instead of ~7.5K
linguaggi di programmazione
::: WebReflection
Il mio abbonamento al @Corriere è stato breve e sgradevole. Un'avventura fatta di popup, contenuti riciclati, pubblicità invasiva e poco valore aggiunto. Mi sono abbonato con la mail, ma per andarmene ho dovuto fornire il mio numero di cellulare 1/3
giornali, stampa
::: andreaganduglia
Facebook, Amazon, Uber, Twitter, Microsoft: le attività di lobby e pressione politica delle multinazionali tecnologiche sono sotto la lente delle associazioni tedesche per la #trasparenza
::: WikimediaItalia
America Can Achieve Its 90% Clean Energy Goals 15 Years Early
ottimismo hyper-
ambiente, ecologia
::: Slashdot
Should Microsoft Release an Edgebook?
hardware | sistemi operativi | Web, Internet
::: Slashdot
Pop!_OS: La distro per i Professionisti!
Linux distro
::: Genjuro75
You can now use Gmail to create a new disposable email address that is temporary but will still last forever.
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | Web, Internet
::: labnol
'Largest Distributed Peer-To-Peer Grid' On Earth Laying Foundation For A Decentralized Internet
Web, Internet
::: Slashdot
Space Startup Promises 30-Mile-High Balloon Rides to the 'Edge of Space'
spazio, esplorazione
::: Slashdot
Giusto per ricordare che mentre ci stiamo battendo per mille diverse battaglie nel mondo, sullo sfondo, resta l'enorme emergenza del Cambiamento Climatico. Questo è l'aumento nelle temperature medie sulla Terra
ambiente, ecologia
::: Link4Universe
This smart glove and signal display keeps riders safe using machine learning
machine learning
::: arduino
The Cutting Edge of 3D Printing: Chemicals Within Chemicals, and Printing Tissue In Bodies
::: Slashdot
BYTE magazine issues are made available for download from @internetarchive excellent source of nerd nostalgia
::: jaromil
I explain why conspiracy theories are unscientific. I expect the comment section to be, erm, interesting
scienza | disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: skdh
Blogger/tech journalist/whatever: use resources like @internetarchive, Google Cache, and Bing Cache to verify if something online is new or not. I can't tell you how many flat-out wrong articles I've seen that could have been avoided by a 30-second archive search
tip, suggerimenti | novità | disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: corbindavenport
It's good to keep an eye on what's going on in the world. It's important. But a constant stream of urgent news makes you lose the ability to process what it all means
::: fchollet
I have two advices for people willing to approach #Rust #rustlang
linguaggi di programmazione
::: thek3nger
As Videogames Respond To Protesters, Fortnite Removes Police Cars
games | politica
::: Slashdot
Francia, bocciata la legge che obbliga le piattaforme online a rimuovere contenuti di odio entro un’ora: misure che possono interferire con la libertà di espressione
Web, Internet
::: _arianna
Free software alternatives for virtual conferencing
open source
::: wilbowma
What Happens If Apple Switches to Its Own ARM Chips for Macs?
Apple | hardware
::: Slashdot
We met up with @VictorStinner and @juldanjou to discuss the performance of the programming language #Python!
::: behind_thecode
Nel caso vi foste dimenticati come ci si lava le mani, in Giappone sta per spiegarcelo una intelligenza artificiale -- originariamente costruita in funzione anti-crimine, ma tutto il mondo "smart" è paese...
artificial intelligence | coronavirus
::: fabiochiusi
Parscale, manager della campagna Trump, dice una cosa vera: i posti vuoti a Tulsa non sono frutto dello scherzo su tiktok, quelle erano prenotazioni. I posti vuoti indicano paura del coronavirus e dei manifestanti. Parscale però ha parlato per giorni di un milione di prenotazioni
social media | coronavirus | politica
::: AtlanteUsa2020 ::: Erriders
A Programmer's Guide to Find and Replace
tip, suggerimenti
::: lobsters
Statement from our Director of Policy, @EmilyCSharpe, on the election information efforts announced today by #Facebook
Facebook | politica
::: webfoundation
Over 100 browser extensions distributed through Google #Chrome Web Store have been caught stealing users' data as part of a massive global #surveillance campaign
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: TheHackersNews
I'm immensely proud to say that @FutureLearn and @uclcbt's course "Introduction to Blockchain and DLT" has been officially launched today!
blockchain e crypto*
::: thiagoearp
Facebook is releasing the largest ever data set of deepfakes—more than 100,000 clips produced using 3,426 actors and a range of existing face-swapping techniques
::: techreview
Breve storia triste, tristissima
Web, Internet | scuola, educazione, cultura
::: QuinziUgo
Dalle perculate a #Salvini al #flop del comizio di #Trump a Tulsa
social media
::: Kotiomkin
mailbox — Manipulate Email Archives
::: pymotw
10 Wonderful Examples Of Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) For Good
artificial intelligence
::: viciocort
Preliminary Theory of the In-Group Contrarian
::: RadioProzac
![]() |
1962 |
The world after covid-19 – @BillGates on how to fight future pandemics
protagonisti | coronavirus
::: ppriolo
Wirecard Says Missing $2.1 Billion Never Existed, Rips Up Earlier Accounts
economia, lavoro
::: Slashdot
Nintendo Chills Mobile Ambitions After Animal Crossing Success
games | economia, lavoro
::: Slashdot
Google To Start Fact-Checking Google Images
disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: Slashdot
Apple WWDC20
::: corbindavenport ::: Slashdot ::: Genjuro75 ::: Genjuro75 ::: Slashdot ::: Slashdot ::: Genjuro75 ::: lucasalvioli ::: MKBHD ::: astro_filo ::: Slashdot ::: corbindavenport ::: Genjuro75 ::: Genjuro75 ::: TimothyCookothy ::: WebReflection ::: Slashdot ::: emenietti ::: RikuVoipio ::: Slashdot ::: emenietti ::: Slashdot
Encrypted Phone Network Says It's Shutting Down After Police Hack
::: Slashdot
Microsoft Is Shutting Down Mixer and Partnering With Facebook Gaming
::: Slashdot
Crooks Abuse Google Analytics To Conceal Theft of Payment Card Data
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot
'BlueLeaks' Exposes Files From Hundreds of Police Departments
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot
sphinxcontrib-spelling 5.1.2
::: doughellmann
Andrew Yang is Pushing Big Tech To Pay Users For Data
dati, raccolta
::: Slashdot
Feel like you search for the same coding questions time and again? You're not alone, old friend
ah! ma allora non soltanto io! anche se ammetto di abusarne, al posto di RTFM
programming, codice, snippet
::: StackOverflow
With technical writing, it's not just about explaining it accurately. It's about keeping the proportion of readers who survive your explanation high enough that the accuracy even matters
Web, Internet | social media
::: jimblandy
The search for a beautiful theory that's also useful...
::: newscientist
How to Evaluate a Data Visualization
dati, raccolta | machine learning
::: mlmemoirs
IBM, Microsoft and Amazon have all made ethical pledges on facial recognition, but their carefully worded statements leave plenty of room for oppressive uses of the technology
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: oliviasolon
German Aerospace Center Remote Sensing Technology Institute researchers observed an improvement in air quality, especially over regions that were quarantined due to COVID-19
coronavirus | ambiente, ecologia
::: IEEESpectrum
"Facebook faces advertiser revolt over failure to address hate speech" the @guardian reports. It is not part of the revolt, but running ads on Facebook
Facebook | odio, razzismo, discriminazioni | ad, pubblicità
::: rasmus_kleis
ommissioner @vestager on the use of #FacialRecognition technologies in public spaces: "...It can change our society and I think it is really important that we keep public space for the public and not for authorities and their surveillance measures"
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: cdteu
It’s a trap!
::: fremebonda
Tesla, battery day rinviato. Ecco tutte le prossime mosse di Musk
protagonisti | energia
::: sole24ore
After Outcry, Apple Will Let Developers Challenge App Store Guidelines
::: Slashdot
Here's how 15 roboticists have been adapting to the closures of labs, classrooms, and businesses by taking their robots home with them to continue their work
robots, automazione, droni
::: IEEESpectrum
Facebook acquires crowdsourced mapping company
::: dcavedon
Criptovalute nel mirino ma resistono gli spalloni
crittografia | frodi
::: sole24ore
We've published a story on how #facebook's failing in handling #hatespeech on its platform by gathering and analysing millions of posts and comments in right-wing facebook groups. Fun fact: We used an #algorithm by #facebook to detect #hate posts on facebook
odio, razzismo, discriminazioni
::: BR_AILab
Facebook protegge la libertà di espressione di Trump, ma non quella di attivisti e giornalisti palestinesi, siriani e tunisini
Facebook | politica
::: valigiablu
Although it will not be fully operational until next year, experts are hoping the 130bn yen ($1.2bn) supercomputer will help identify treatments for Covid-19 from about 2,000 existing drugs
::: fabiochiusi
Highly recommend @ruha9‘s book Race after Technology for a thorough analysis of the social context, classifications and the impact on the tech, seen as an extension of ourselves
tecnologia | riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: maria_axente
Working on that project you like
::: garabatokid
Me explaining client how to use the program!
::: PratikNilange
Why are Google and Apple dictating how European democracies fight coronavirus?
coronavirus | ditte
::: fabiochiusi
India moves to exclude Huawei & ZTE from #5G. Already banned from state-run operators, private operators likely next
::: thorstenbenner
Big Lies and Rotten Herrings - 17 Kremlin Disinformation Techniques You Need to Know Now
disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: Byline Times
Basta smart-working, con costi per datore di lavoro e lavoratori, ma anche per il sistema dei trasporti e l’ambiente, perché altrimenti i locali del centro città non lavorano in pausa pranzo. Ecco le “pressioni” in base a cui decide la politica. Altro che analisi costi-benefici
riporto Torino ma ci sarebbe anche altri, Milano per dire
lavoro | innovazioni, futuro
::: vitalbaa ::: mariofusco
Da fabbrica di brutte copie a laboratorio inarrestabile di un futuro digitale che potrebbe diventare anche il nostro. Una chiacchierata sulla #Cina con @simopieranni
tecnologia | Cina
::: signorelli82
Here a new GNU+Linux distro made by and for the #gamer communities: Simplicity is based on our @DevuanOrg and optimizes the usage of resources
Linux distro
::: jaromil
Japan's digital contact tracing app is halted: "The free app, which was launched Friday and had been downloaded around 3.71 million times as of Tuesday morning, erroneously accepts reference numbers not issued by the Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry"
::: fabiochiusi
Trending in China: Pinduoduo Founder Becomes China’s Second-Richest Person
Cina | protagonisti | economia, lavoro
::: LorenzoLamperti
E se fosse il Sole il responsabile del riscaldamento globale? E' vero che l'attività solare influisce sulle variazioni del clima, ma per il riscaldamento che vediamo ora, non è il colpevole come potete vedere da un paragone tra attività del Sole (giallo) e riscaldamento (rosso)
ambiente, ecologia
::: Link4Universe
We have just made the video recording of last week’s COMMUNIA salon on exceptions and limitations in the context of #Article17 available on our website. If you have missed the event you can watch it here
::: communia_eu
China Launches Its Final Satellite To Complete Its Rival To the US-owned GPS System
::: Slashdot
I am now convinced that Twitter is secretly developing an algorithm that adds typos on your tweets as soon as click “Tweet”
Twitter | umorismo
::: thek3nger
Segway Will Stop Making Its Iconic Self-balancing Scooter
::: Slashdot
Tack alla lyssnare! Igår hade nästan 2 miljoner svenskar hört sommarpratet. Den totala tystnaden från samtliga politiska partier visar att klimat- och hållbarhetskrisen inte är en politisk kris. Den är en existentiell kris, helt och hållet baserad på vetenskaplig konsensus
ambiente, ecologia
::: GretaThunberg
Facebook quietly overruled its own fact checkers to reinstate a climate denial group’s misleading post. The company also created a loophole, allowing climate denial to be considered “opinion” and therefore immune to fact checks
ambiente, ecologia
::: scottpwaldman
German court said Facebook broke competition laws by combining data it collected about users across its different platforms, including WhatsApp and Instagram, as well as from outside websites and third-party apps
::: MarietjeSchaake
Funziona tutto alla grande
coronavirus | riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: jacopo_iacoboni ::: fabiochiusi ::: fabiochiusi
Anonymous ha sottratto e divulgato pacchi di dati da 200 organismi di polizia. Ogni concentrazione massiva di dati è un disastro in attesa di accadere. E in Italia Crediamo davvero che siano gli altri incapaci di proteggersi?
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: quinta
Microsoft Releases First Public Preview of its Defender Antivirus on Android
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot
Microsoft Edge Accused of Sneakily Importing Firefox Data In Windows 10
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot
What Comes After Zoom?
Web, Internet
::: Slashdot
![]() |
emanuele balboni |
Oculus Discontinues Its Low-End Go Headset To Focus On Oculus Quest
virtual reality
::: Slashdot
PayPal, Venmo To Roll Out Crypto Buying and Selling, Says Report
crittografia | blockchain e crypto*
::: Slashdot
Not all signs are equal
::: mathemaniac
5G networks are supposed to use more robust security protocols, but they'll be undermined by the flaws of 3G and 4G for years to come
5G | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: IEEESpectrum
Cosa ci dice il caso Trump sulla natura di Internet e dei social media. Qualche mia considerazione sull’evolversi della disciplina dei social media, oggetto di rinnovata attenzione negli USA come nella UE
social media | censura
::: vitalbaa
#Wuhan espande la propria produzione di semiconduttori per favorire la ripresa della #Cina 🇨🇳. Ma il progetto, trainato dal piano governativo #MadeinChina2025, corre il rischio di restare a lungo una "cattedrale (industriale) nel deserto (della domanda)"
hardware | Cina | economia, lavoro
::: galbcasanova
@marcocattaneo possibile che, nonostante Repubblica e Le Scienze siano dello stesso gruppo editoriale, circolino degli orrori del genere? Potrebbero anche chiedervi un consulto prima di fare divulgazione. Sembra tradotto con google translate
disinformazione, fake news, bufale | giornali, stampa
::: SteffPy
Il Garante della Privacy, oggi a @Montecitorio, parlando di riconocimento facciale
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: philipdisalvo
How to integrate more solar and wind power into the grid
::: IEEESpectrum
Articolo che spiega bene il livello davvero infimo de @ilfoglio_it quando si tratta di questioni ambientali, all'altezza dei peggiori No Vax quando si tratta di questioni mediche
giornali, stampa
::: stebaraz
The Endless OS Foundation was founded to bridge the #DigitalDivide. This year, 9 million kids in the US without internet were left behind during distance learning
scuola, educazione, cultura | Web, Internet
::: Endlessximpact
But there’s a belligerent faction within our society that refuses to acknowledge inconvenient or uncomfortable facts, preferring to believe that experts are somehow conspiring against them
disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: dorinileonardo
A super-powerful system-on-a-chip is now being presented as the brains of an future autonomous vehicle that will not be as advanced as what had been promised for today
::: IEEESpectrum
UBports GSI brings Ubuntu Touch to any Project Treble-supported Android device
dispositivi mobili | Ubuntu
::: xdadevelopers
Version 0.4.0 of the simdjson library is now available
programming, codice, snippet
::: lemire
Lettera alla ministra Azzolina dal prof Angelo Raffaele Meo sui problemi connessi ai dati sulle piattaforme proprietarie. Perché l’ignoranza digitale cela pericoli
scuola, educazione, cultura | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | open source
::: MilaSpicola
TikTok offered details about how its most popular feed works. Experts seem unimpressed
social media
::: Recode
Wow, huge proposal for Python 3.10 (both in potential impact and length of the proposal 😅): PEP 622: Structural Pattern Matching
::: pganssle ::: dabeaz ::: zacchiro
Top500 supercomputers
::: cmnit ::: _AliveUniverse ::: TOP500 ::: TOP500 ::: TOP500 ::: TOP500
Quando lo sviluppo della #Starship della #SpaceX ha avuto inizio, questo era tutto il centro di #BocaChica in Texas, dove stanno sviluppando queste nuove navicelle
spazio, esplorazione
::: Link4Universe
Twitter permanently suspends account that created doctored video tweeted by Trump
disinformazione, fake news, bufale | politica
::: fabiochiusi
Elon 1999 e oggi
::: _Sazed
#GDPR has strengthened fundamental right to #dataprotection & contributed to raising awareness about data privacy. Consistent and efficient enforcement remains a priority
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
"To plant trees can backfire and reduce biodiversity with little impact on carbon emissions." Just planting trees is "not a simple climate solution". #ReWildNature #ClimateBreakdown #EcologicalBreakdown
ambiente, ecologia
::: GretaThunberg
Il colosso cinese Baidu ha deciso di uscire dalla Partnership on AI (PAI), ufficialmente per questioni di quote, ma molto più probabilmente come risposta all'intensificarsi delle tensioni fra Stati Uniti e Cina
artificial intelligence | Cina
::: LucaSambucci
Il Belgio esclude i cinesi Huawei e Zte dalle infrastrutture critiche del 5G
::: davcarretta
Ci pensate che, se tutto va bene, tra qualche mese potremo veder volare su Marte un elicottero robotico? Si chiama #Ingenuity, della #NASA e qui lo potete vedere durante un test in una camera che simula condizioni di atmosfera marziana. Sarà un momento meraviglioso
spazio, esplorazione | robots, automazione, droni
::: Link4Universe
"Il vero business di Apple & co è la nostra Salute" ora posso corroborare le mie posizioni con argomenti ad verecundiam
economia, lavoro | dati, raccolta
::: f_ronchetti
Chang Li, su Alibaba l’auto più economica del mondo
::: janavel7
Today we are starting the work towards a European #cybersecurity certification framework. It will provide European industry & digital service provides with tools to help increase the trust & security of their ICT products
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: DSMeu
Vorrei dire a @MassimGiannini che sarebbe bello se i giornalisti a @LaStampa imparessro a citare le fonti. È segno di qualità e trasparenza. Su #thyssenkrupp siete stati tra i pochi a non citare la nostra redazione che ha dato la notizia in esclusiva. Io sono l’autrice, grazie
giornali, stampa
::: Cri_Giordano
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