29 novembre, 2020

Visto nel Web - 557

 Presto che è tardi, ecco cosa ho wisto nel Web.

Edward Snowden should absolutely be pardoned. There's no longer any question about his intentions or the illegality of the surveillance programs that he brought to public light
Edward Snowden
::: CoveringDelta ::: Snowden ::: Snowden

ZTE's Designation as Security Threat Affirmed by US FCC
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | politica
::: Slashdot

Google Plans Fiber-Optic Network To Connect Via Saudi Arabia and Israel for First Time
Web, Internet
::: Slashdot

la gestione dei grafici in @libreoffice calc non è degna del suo nome. Creare un semplice grafico auto espandibile è praticamente impossibile... In google document l'ho fatto in 2 secondi, e non ho mai usato google document
dipende cosa vuoi e chi sei, secondo me
applicazioni, programmi
::: medeoTL

GM is taking on Tesla in a big way, starting with the $2.3-billion battery plant its building in Ohio
economia, lavoro | energia
::: IEEESpectrum

C64 GAMES IN THE MAKING (GITM) A comprehensive list of #Commodore64 games currently in Development
storia | games

Vestager Seeks Patents Overhaul Amid Court Fights Over Cars
copyright e brevetti
::: Slashdot

Three Members of TMT Cybercrime Group Arrested in Nigeria
::: Slashdot

Google Ordered To Hand Over Emails in $600 Million Divorce Battle
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | Google
::: Slashdot

1% of Farms Operate 70% of World's Farmland
sarà davvero vero?
economia, lavoro
::: Slashdot

Illegal Tampering By Diesel Pickup Owners Is Worsening Pollution, EPA Says
ambiente, ecologia
::: Slashdot

Dear @TwitterSupport, are any humans involved with decision-making?
oops! a volte non sai quel che dici, o cosa capisci
::: GIMP_Official

As requested, here are a few non-exhaustive resources I'd recommend for getting started with Graph Neural Nets (GNNs), depending on what flavour of learning suits you best
neural networks
::: PetarV_93

Quindi è iniziata la rivolta dei robot?
robots, automazione, droni
::: ivosilvestro

Russian Cyberpunk Farm // Русская Кибердеревня
umorismo | robots, automazione, droni
::: RadioProzac

Io, le pale eoliche, le voglio vedere. Al largo della spiaggia di Rimini come in tanti altri posti. Basta con i pregiudizi e le argomentazioni fintamente ambientaliste
::: cmnit

I have seen more calls for pardon this year than in all others combined. No other issue in our time unites left, right, and center like the struggle to end governments' abuse of mass surveillance and secrecy, and that would not be true without you -- and your advocacy. Thank you
Edward Snowden
::: Snowden

List of Free Python Resources
::: Hakin9

Internet users in the world
Web, Internet

Microsoft Productivity Score Feature Criticised as Workplace Surveillance
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: Slashdot

Bitcoin at $100,000 in 2021? Outrageous To Some, a No-Brainer for Backers
blockchain e crypto*
::: slashdot

Britain Commits $333 Million To Help Carriers Replace Huawei 5G
::: Slashdot

The UK will impose new rules next year aimed at preventing Google and Facebook from abusing their market dominance
::: martinapennisi ::: fabiochiusi

Received a letter with an interesting idea to create a neural network-based Open Access journal
scienza | Web, Internet
::: Sci_Hub

Addressing The Developer Experience Gap. Newcode or Gluecode
Web, Internet | programming, codice, snippet
::: redmonk

Success! More than 10 000 people call on authorities across Europe to STOP the use of discriminatory and privacy-invasive surveillance tech
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: edri

Le regole per esportare i dati fuori dall'Europa
dati, raccolta
::: philipdisalvo

Hey Alexa
::: savagechickens

ntervista a Frank Pasquale, docente di diritto alla Brooklyn Law School e autore di New laws of robotics: defending human expertise in the age of AI
artificial intelligence
::: simopieranni

.@algorithmwatch's work is tremendous! If you're interested in everything going on in #EU, how data and algorithms might shape our life, subscribe to the newsletter!
dati, raccolta | algoritmi, codice
::: angelogulina

PHP 8 released with a major update of the language
linguaggi di programmazione | Web, Internet
::: jaromil

A graphical commutative diagram editor
applicazioni, programmi
::: wilbowma

Blender 2.91 Released with Major Improvements, Including New Setting Search Feature
applicazioni, programmi
::: omgubuntu

China Rises as World's Data Superpower as Internet Fractures
Web, Internet | Cina
::: Slashdot

FCC Maintains Ban on Mobile Phone Voice Calls During Flights
dispositivi mobili
::: Slashdot

I am a journalist and I'm joining the Twitter storm #WeAreAllAssange to reclaim the respect of #FreedomOfSpeech and #HumanRights He's wanted by @StateDeptfor the "crime" of revealing evidence of war crimes. Stand up for our right to not be lied to. #JournalistsSpeakUpForAssange
Julian Assange
::: andcapocci

Bisogna cercare di evitare in ogni modo questo evento. L’archivio storico della Stampa sta per sparire
::: MauroV1968

Check out this post to see how TensorFlow Quantum (TFQ) helped one researcher publish their first paper, and what it can do for you!
machine learning
::: TensorFlow

Ricerca, PoliMi: "Scoperta nuova tecnica per controllare la luce"
Lo studio su 'Nature Photonics', potrebbe innescare una rivoluzione tecnologica nelle Tlc
Web, Internet
::: HariSel95300131

M1 Mac
Apple | hardware
::: 9to5mac ::: Jeffinatorator ::: Slashdot

Microsoft's 'Project Latte' Aims To Bring Android Apps To Windows 10
sistemi operativi | dispositivi mobili
::: Slashdot

thanks to @vpshufb LLVM IR has an explicit poison value now, this is a win for testing at the very least
programming, codice, snippet
::: johnregehr

Irony has left the chat...
boh! io, me: boh 🙄
sistemi operativi | Linux
::: sibinmohan ::: IanColdwater

Facebook's Libra Currency To Launch Next Year in Limited Format
Facebook | blockchain e crypto*
::: Slashdot

Here I look at the experience making phone calls on the Pinephone with Manjaro Phosh
hardware | dispositivi mobili | Linux
::: geotechland

Machine Learning concepts as animal GIFs - A thread
umorismo | machine learning
::: ChristophMolnar

European Parliament vote takes another big step toward ‘right to repair’ rules
diritto di riparare
::: dcavedon

Oggi sul Fatto un articolo denuncia i trucchi su "come fregare i prof se sei in Dad" -- e poteva mancare, nel finale, il riferimento alla salvifica app che invece riconosce "atteggiamenti "sospetti" tramite riconoscimento facciale e machine learning"?
scuola, educazione, cultura | machine learning
::: fabiochiusi

Ugandan police officials have confirmed they are using the cameras supplied by Huawei which helped the force track down some of the more than 836 suspects they have arrested
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: fabiochiusi

"The project will connect all the police stations in the city to this CCTV network, with 500 kilometres of optical fibre being laid at 700 points in the city" Another City Is Using Crime Control as an Excuse for Facial Recognition Surveillance
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: fabiochiusi

A Hacker is Selling Access To the Email Accounts of Hundreds of C-Level Executives
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Lo smaltimento delle batterie
ambiente, ecologia
::: Genjuro75

#MacOSBigSur hanno aspettato ventordicimila beta prima di farlo uscire
Apple | sistemi operativi
::: Genjuro75

10 anni fa, #WikiLeaks iniziava a pubblicare i #cablo della diplomazia USA: da quel momento, Julian #Assange NON avrebbe mai più conosciuto la libertà e #WikiLeaks fu soggetta al primo blocco stragiudiziale al mondo delle carte di credito contro un'organizzazione giornalistica
Julian Assange
::: SMaurizi

Chinese Police Have Seized $4.2 Billion Cryptos from PlusToken Ponzi Crackdown
blockchain e crypto* | frodi
::: slashdot

La #Cina ha elaborato una bozza di legge per la protezione dei dati. Simile a quella europea, la proposta mette in discussione la raccolta indiscriminata di informazioni personali
sic | Cina
::: simopieranni ::: infocamere

A Big Brother Watch investigation has found councils using huge amounts of highly personal data + predictive analytics to create covid risk scores with private data firm Xantura - and even predict who might break self-isolation
ahemmm... il Daily Mail, verificare
coronavirus | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: BigBrotherWatch

Debugging Tactics...
umorismo | programming, codice, snippet
::: richcampbell

Pushed by Pandemic, Amazon Goes on a Hiring Spree Without Equal
Amazon | coronavirus
::: Slashdot

On the desperate need for a #readwriteweb ... check out @project_solid also @BlueGriffonApp and @dokieli let’s build solid as a space where anyone can be creative and also just get stuff done, no lock in, all standard, universal back end, total control, totally standards
Web, Internet
::: timberners_lee

I am very proud to say that today I published the 1st edition of "Interpretable Machine Learning"
machine learning
::: ChristophMolnar

Salviamo la crittografia (e la nostra libertà) dagli attacchi del Consiglio Ue
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | crittografia
::: arturodicorinto

TMD-2: A Bigger, Better, More Collaborative Turing Machine
::: hackaday

In 165 countries, China's Beidou eclipses American GPS
tecnologia | Cina
::: simopieranni

Mandating Facebook and Twitter with the task of determining truth in science seems like a bad idea
social media
::: lemire

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