Travolto dalla neve --no, dai, meno di un cm-- ecco cosa ho wisto nel Web.
In #Cina è in corso uno scontro totale tra Pcc e big tech, in particolare alibaba e tencent (questioni finanziarie, monopolio dei pagamenti on line, settore nel quale vuole entrare anche lo stato...)
::: simopieranni
Coding meme
::: nixcraft
Full Circle Magazine #163
::: fullcirclemag
imapautofiler 1.9.0
::: doughellmann
Report: Hyundai is in talks to buy the robotics company Boston Dynamics for upwards of $1 billion. Why? The car manufacturer's CES presentation from 2019 on "the ultimate mobility vehicle: might be a clue
robots, automazione, droni
My new hobby: getting rid of as many #dotfiles from my home dir as possible, by either moving them to XDG base dirs (~/.config, etc.) or just removing them (e.g., conffiles for apps I haven't used in 10+ years). I'm doing 10 at a time. I should be done by 2030
yesss! ma tanto non si vedono (di solito); una cosa di Unix che si poteva migliorare, come ha fatto Plan 9
::: zacchiro
Facebook Removes Temporary Algorithm Change That Had Blocked Misinformation
Facebook | disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: Slashdot
Python's Steering Council Assesses the After-Guido Era
::: Slashdot
The ESA Starts a New Commercial Sector in Space: Removing Space Debris
spazio, esplorazione
::: Slashdot
#lisp ABCL, Common Lisp for the JVM, on the new Apple M1 CPU
Lisp | Apple
::: RainerJoswig
Raspberry Pi Used To Hack Tesla Model X SUV Key Fob
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | hardware
::: Slashdot
New Videogame Bug Turns Spider-Man Into a Trash Can
games | bug
::: Slashdot
Conspiracy Theorists Who'd First Popularized QAnon Now Accused of Financial Motives
disinformazione, fake news, bufale | economia, lavoro
::: Slashdot
On one hand, citizens are asked to accept the possibility of being filmed under the pretext that they have nothing to fear if they have done nothing wrong. And at the same time the police refuse to be filmed, which is a right in every democracy
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: fabiochiusi
Zombie digitali
Web, Internet | umorismo
::: Asiablog_it
Adesso come faccio a resistere senza comprarle? 🤩🤩🤩
::: DiegoManinetti
The Origin of the “#MIT #License”
::: zacchiro
Microsoft Also Patented Tech to Score Meetings Using Filmed Body Language, Facial Expressions
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: Slashdot
Once a year I have the urge to write a new documentation tool to replace Sphinx with. Then I discover something new, try it for a few months and cycle continues. Never actually end up writing one
programming, codice, snippet
::: mitsuhiko
Among the general population in the US the prospect of pardoning Snowden has a lot of popular support. It's the elites and ruling class of this country pushing the hysterics because they know the surveillance state is critical to their continued existence in the 21st century
Edward Snowden | riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: DrugStud ::: Snowden
Tasmania Is Now 100% Powered By Renewable Electricity
::: Slashdot
Tecnologia digitale obsoleta, un secolo e mezzo di Storia a rischio 🤦♂️
mica tanto convinto che ce la raccontino tutta (e tutta giusta)
storia | aggiornaamento, update
::: RadioProzac
FontManager 0.8 Released with Google Fonts Integration
tool, componente software
::: dcavedon
Esto es lo que toca hacer también para ganar a la extrema derecha: fact-checking bien hecho. Como lo que propone el proyecto @OnlineSmask que desenmascara las falsedades y los bulos de Salvini y su "bestia"
niente panico, cioè sì ma non per la lingua, è in italiano
disinformazione, fake news, bufale | odio, razzismo, discriminazioni | politica
::: StevenForti
Deep learning isn't a science, but rather an ever-changing set of empirically-derived engineering best practices, woven together by over-claiming, unreliable narratives
deep learning
::: fchollet
Greg Kroah-Hartman: 'Don't Make Users Mad'
programming, codice, snippet
::: Slashdot
Twitter has suspended a Thai pro-royalist account linked to the palace that was connected to thousands of others created in recent weeks spreading posts in favor of King Maha Vajiralongkorn and the monarchy
Twitter | censura
::: Edourdoo
There is a new study in @Science entitled "Abrupt shift to hotter and drier climate over inner East Asia beyond the tipping point"
ambiente, ecologia
::: MichaelEMann
Settimane di bugie eversive senza prove, ma ancora le false accuse di brogli di Trump vengono virgolettate nel titolo. Nessuno dei pezzi che ho letto informa i lettori del fatto che siano bugie eversive: si parla solo di "accuse" e "denunce"
giornali, stampa
::: fabiochiusi
Leggendo le reazioni e i commenti di un gruppo di insegnanti ad un articolo sull’elearning e sulla didattica a distanza. Mancanza di comprensione del problema, incapacità di differenziare dad ed elearning, polarizzazione aprioristica, fuga dalla realtà, autocommiserazione
scuola, educazione, cultura | elearning, didattica a distanza
::: stefanoepifani
Bloomberg Columnist: Bitcoin is Part of a Real Monetary Revolution
blockchain e crypto*
::: Slashdot ::: RichRogers_ chi c'è nella recensione di repubblica dei nuovi Mac M1?
::: BFruttini
Il numero di Shannon è una stima (per difetto) del numero di possibili partite di scacchi: 10^120
::: amedeo_balbi
#apple, multa di 10 milioni dall’Antitrust per pubblicità ingannevole sugli #iPhone
Apple | ad, pubblicità
::: sole24ore
Are Tech Workers Fleeing the San Francisco Bay Area?
coronavirus | lavoro a distanza
::: Slashdot
pydoc — Online Help for Modules
::: pymotw
EU Lawmakers To Push Audio-Visual Sector on Geoblocking
video, streaming | Unione Europea
::: Slashdot
::: AaronToponce
New tutorial! 🚀 Siamese networks with #Keras and #TensorFlow
machine learning | Python
::: PyImageSearch
If you want to try to comprehend AI it is well worth reading Francois Chollet's @fchollet (at Google) paper 'On the Measure of Intelligence' It illustrates very well the intellectual complexity and challenges we face using 'AI' solutions
artificial intelligence
::: IntranetFocus
Facebook, Google to Face New Antitrust Suits in US
::: Slashdot
Bitcoin Hits New Record, This Time With Less Talk of a Bubble
blockchain e crypto*
::: Slashdot
Americans of All Ages Are Spending More on Video Games
::: Slashdot
Ron Paul calls on Trump to pardon Julian Assange and Edward Snowden: “Edward Snowden and Julian Assange are not criminals. They are heroes for telling us the truth about what criminals in government were doing in our name and with our money”
Julian Assange | Edward Snowden
::: sahouraxo
#ultimora Zuckerberg lancia l'allarme: "Metà della popolazione mondiale passa fino a 8 ore lontana dai social"
social media | umorismo
::: lercionotizie
From Thailand To Indonesia, Taxes Tighten for Digital Businesses
economia, lavoro
::: Slashdot
Global Smartphone Sales Declined 5.7% in Third Quarter of 2020
::: slashdot
EU Greenhouse Gas Emissions Down 24% Since 1990
ambiente, ecologia | Unione Europea
::: Slashdot
Cursive: Reasons It Is Still Relevant Today & the Science Behind It
I'm generally skeptical of arguments that say we should continue to do that old-fashioned thing because otherwise the next generation will falter and die, but some good points there
scuola, educazione, cultura
::: skdh
Facebook Buys Customer-Service Software Maker Kustomer For About $1 Billion
::: Slashdot
Java Buffer types versus native arrays: which is faster?
programming, codice, snippet
::: lemire
Y'all may dislike (La)TeX markup but my god people are out there saying they wish "troff had won" and— my god
applicazioni, programmi | umorismo
::: Symbo1ics
If this doesn't radicalize you, look at it again
economia, lavoro
::: rosequartzklein
It's important for every government's civil service to understand AI
artificial intelligence
::: AndrewYNg
Happy to announce Collabora Office 6.4 for #Android, #iOS, #FDroid & #ChromeOS 🌻
applicazioni, programmi
::: CollaboraOffice
da qui o altrove, da qualche parte si deve pur cominciare :^) di software libero non ci si puo' riempire la bocca senza attivare le mani
tutto il thread (dall'inizio, nèh!)
open source
::: jaromil
Happy birthday to the Boolean operators! Published #otd more than 160 years, George Boole’s book introduced “and”, “or," “not” and the general concept of symbolic logic
storia | matematica | programming, codice, snippet
'Welcome To the PC Malaise Era'
Microsoft | sistemi operativi
::: Slashdot
matematica | umorismo
::: every_peano
Giga gratis per la teledidattica? Sì, ma solo se ti fai usare dalle piattaforme private e a scopo di profitto, e non se usi quella pubblica e senza fini di lucro di @ReteGARR : @michele_pinassi scopre il diavolo nascosto nel dettaglio
scuola, educazione, cultura | open source
::: MCPievatolo
Facebook is to pay mainstream UK news outlets millions of pounds a year to license their articles, as the social network faces the threat of a government crackdown over its dominance of online advertising
::: fabiochiusi ::: rasmus_kleis
13/ Apple's strategy is to use two processors: one designed to run fast above 3 GHz, and the other to run slow below 2 GHz. Apple calls this their "performance" and "efficiency" processors. Each optimized to be their best at their goal
hardware | Apple
::: ErrataRob
Su Planet LUG, l'aggregatore delle news dei Linux Users Groups italiani, vengono indicizzati anche gli eventi (fisici e, soprattutto in questo periodo, online)
::: ItaLinuxSociety
Anyone who downloaded the app to enter a particular business would be streaming information to the Health Ministry regarding their location and how long they were in the store
coronavirus | riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: fabiochiusi
Salvini vuole i vostri dati compreso il cellulare 😂 #facciamorete
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | politica
::: alex_orlowski
Interessante (sul Foglio, Feltri & compagnia)
giornali, stampa
::: gloriabaldoni
Learning new things from Google
Google | umorismo
::: xkcd
this: Software Heritage IDentifiers
storia | open source
::: atomotic
Researchers at DeepMind say they have solved “the protein folding problem,” a task that has bedeviled scientists for more than 50 years
artificial intelligence
::: fabiochiusi ::: fabiochiusi ::: AdamRutherford ::: DeepMind ::: alfcnz
Microsoft Removes 18 Malicious Edge Extensions for Injecting Ads Into Web Pages
::: Slashdot
Linux Support for Apple Silicon? This Dev is Working on it
Apple | Linux
::: dcavedon
Prior to 2009 when Node.js was released people generally avoided using JavaScript. Everyone understood that JS was a terrible language and so it was used only sparingly. But then someone thought it was a good idea to put this awful language on the server
linguaggi di programmazione
::: mariofusco
An extremely good blog which describes the history of Erlang implementation and the new techniques, improvements and their issues
linguaggi di programmazione
::: rvirding
Questo il livello dello scambio tra una lettera al giornale e la risposta del direttore Claudio Cerasa. Ironia negazionista climatica e su Greta Thunberg (perché ovviamente, come noto, in tutto il mondo solo Thunberg sostiene l'eliminazione della plastica monouso)
giornali, stampa | ambiente, ecologia
::: tonyscalari
Robotic surgery on a banana by Dr. Kais Rona
non nuova ma merita
robots, automazione, droni
::: MachinePix
I'm #JulianAssange because I could be next, and you could too. Do you want your #Government telling journalists anywhere in the world what they can and can't publish?
Julian Assange
::: TheOliverStone
Microsoft Will Remove User Names from 'Productivity Score' Feature After Privacy Backlash
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot
Amazon Is Laying the Groundwork for Its Own Quantum Computer
quantum computing | Amazon
::: Slashdot
Il bello dei social
social media
::: bobbirok
#Breaking: The Chang'e-5 successfully landed on the near side of moon, China's National Space Administration (CNSA) announced on Tuesday
spazio, esplorazione
::: PDChina ::: AJ_FI ::: eyes_roger ::: emenietti ::: AJ_FI
Documents reveal Lockport Schools' facial recognition system misidentifies Black students at much higher rates, and mistakes broom handles for guns
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza | odio, razzismo, discriminazioni
::: fabiochiusi
Seattle ranks #3 in millennials’ salaries with an adjusted median salary of $51K, which is almost $10K higher than the national average. Silicon Valley ranks #1 at $60K, and the San Francisco Bay Area is #2 at $53K
economia, lavoro
::: RichRogers_
only today I learned that you don't actually need a makefile
uh! serve?
programming, codice, snippet
::: johnregehr
The early days of articial intelligence and computing were driven by sex (Serious research article)
storia | artificial intelligence
::: lemire
Today @Microsoft & @codeorg are launching a new K-12 curriculum on AI & ethics
scuola, educazione, cultura | artificial intelligence
Reminder: open-source projects are not a source of free technical support. If there is no documentation, offer to write some. If some function is missing, offer to write it. Do not demand that functionality be added, that documentation be provided… unless you are willing to pay
open source
::: lemire
I russi temono il deterioramento della ISS e hanno annunciato l'intenzione di costruire una nuova stazione da soli. Con i cinesi che vanno anch'essi per conto loro, sembra finita l'epoca di una sola stazione spaziale internazionale per tutto il mondo
spazio, esplorazione
::: a_a_f_t
scuola, educazione, cultura
::: zacchiro
Reddit Reveals Daily Active User Count For the First Time: 52 Million
social media
::: Slashdot
If you like music, SuperCollider, Open Sound Control (OSC), Erlang/BEAM, and Lisp, you should check out the undertone project ( and hang out with us on the LFE Slack in the #algo-sound channel :-)
programmazione funzionale
::: oubiwann
Ford Calls On Automakers To Support California Fuel Economy Deal
ambiente, ecologia | politica
::: Slashdot
Se vi siete mai chiesti quanto ci mettano i magneti superconduttori dell'LHC a passare dalla temperatura ambiente del tunnel (~20 C, cioe' 293 K, gradi kelvin, temperatura assoluta) a soli 1,9 K (-271.3 C), ecco qui un grafico del raffreddamento in corso
::: KersevanRoberto
Massachusetts lawmakers have voted to pass a new police reform bill that will ban police departments and public agencies from using facial recognition technology across the state
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: fabiochiusi
Trump threatens to veto major defense bill unless Congress repeals Section 230, a legal shield for tech giants
Web, Internet
::: fabiochiusi ::: MIT_CSAIL
#mustread re: unaccountable #surveillance. @citizenlab does it again, uncovering clients of NSO Group-associated Circles, a firm that "exploits weaknesses in the global mobile phone system to snoop on calls, texts, and the location of phones around the globe"
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: davidakaye
dal laboratorio all'uso sulla popolazione in appena dieci mesi
coronavirus | tecnologia
::: emenietti
Spain introduces its national strategy on AI
artificial intelligence
::: fabiochiusi
Bravo @giacomotesio credo Jami sia in questa lista grazie a te e mi pare una delle poche alternative sane tra le tante trappole di marketing che vedo
scuola, educazione, cultura
::: jaromil
Open data. Facile a dirsi. Un foglione csv, o txt, in cui statistici con i contro-cazzi esaminano un fenomeno micro, lo classificano, pensando, e lo distribuiscono agli altri. For free. Tutto il resto è spazzatura, anche se for free
open source | dati, raccolta
::: ThManfredi
My team at Kyber Photonics is excited to share our Guest Article in IEEE Spectrum! There we describe the challenges the lidar industry is facing and how we are developing a lidar-on-a-chip to enable the next generation of autonomous robots and vehicles
::: josue_j_lopez
Elon Musk Would Consider Having Tesla Acquire a Legacy Automaker
::: Slashdot
Idling smartphones can now hear a "Hey Siri" or "OK Google" but not much else. Today @Qualcomm announces their next #Snapdragon chip can detect ambient sounds for acoustic scene recognition & accessibility for hard of hearing
dispositivi mobili
::: IEEESpectrum
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