Se non c'è la nebbia piove; e freddo-umido ma ecco cosa ho wisto nel Web.
1600 dipendenti di @google protestano contro il licenziamento di @timnitGebru (donna e nera in un ambiente molto maschio e bianco). Gebru si occupa di etica dell'intelligenza artificiale e non aveva accettato di ritrattare una ricerca sgradita all'azienda
artificial intelligence | Google
::: andcapocci ::: HariSel95300131 ::: kharijohnson ::: ShriramKMurthi ::: rajiinio ::: itamblyn ::: zacchiro
Updated Debian 10: 10.7 released
Linux distro
::: debian ::: LinuxFansclub
The Japanese team in Sagamihara celebrates confirmation #Hayabusa2 exiting the shadow. It's extended mission begins! It's headed for two new asteroid targets in the next decade
spazio, esplorazione
::: dctrjack ::: emenietti ::: haya2e_jaxa
L’eredità di Trump: sì alle trivellazioni nel rifugio artico
ambiente, ecologia
::: ilmanifesto
In corporate #infosec we get things done...
::: unix_ninja
Does Digital Advertising Actually Work?
ad, pubblicità
::: Slashdot
How Bill Gates Would Fight Climate Change
protagonisti | ambiente, ecologia
::: Slashdot
Chi diavolo ha inventato quei captcha malefici dove bisogna selezionare autobus, idranti, biciclette e strisce pedonali???
::: magaolimpia
Macs with T2, M1 chips cannot be restored to factory state without Apple
::: GianlucaXAcqua
Radicle: A peer-to-peer alternative to GitHub
programming, codice, snippet
::: GianlucaXAcqua
#AI "is synonymous with #facialrecognition, but the home security systems of the future will look beyond our faces to offer protection"
artificial intelligence | riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: DorotheaBaur
This year saw a ton of incisive, critical books on technology and the tech industry published by some fantastic authors — many of which have appeared on the show!
tecnologia | artificial intelligence | blockchain e crypto* | riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza | lavoro
::: techwontsaveus
Urban Explorers Discover A Treasure Trove Of Soviet Computing Power
::: Slashdot
ieri il modulo di ascesa di chang’e 5, carico di rocce raccolte sulla luna, si è riunito al resto della strumentazione che l’attendeva nell’orbita lunare: ora torneranno insieme verso la terra. grandissimo risultato dell’agenzia spaziale cinese
spazio, esplorazione
::: emenietti
Jeff Bezos Shares Blue Origin Engine Test Footage
spazio, esplorazione
::: Slashdot
If you're interested in the intersection of physics, machine learning, and JAX you might like JAX, M.D., a set of tools to do molecular physics simulations on top of JAX
machine learning
::: sschoenholz
Big Raspberry Pi OS Update! Better YouTube Playback , Printer support, P...
sistemi operativi
::: Genjuro75
While looking up information on the spread operator in Javascript (...), I cam across this
linguaggi di programmazione
::: LeifAndersen
La Cina batte Google e conquista la supremazia quantistica
quantum computing
::: Genjuro75
Se il tuo computer è lento e il tuo smartphone si surriscalda, forse stai estraendo criptovaluta per qualcun altro. Come scoprirlo, e impedirlo
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Genjuro75
New Research Shows What We Can Accomplish by Manipulating Biology
::: Slashdot
Per chi avesse paura che la batteria del mini non sia grande abbastanza
dispositivi mobili | applicazioni, programmi
::: bermat
qualcosa si vede già, l'asincronicità io sono mattiniero ma qualcuno della squadra no (forse sbaglio io)
lavoro a distanza
::: sytses
Celebrating the Path-Breaking Research That Lead to Coronavirus Vaccines
coronavirus | tecnologia
::: Slashdot
Richard Stallman Answers Questions at EmacsConf 2020
::: Slashdot
We have won. They've literally added a LAMBDA keyword to … Excel
non oso immaginare come la prenderanno
applicazioni, programmi
::: ShriramKMurthi
YouTube and Peacock are Now Streaming James Bond Films For Free
video, streaming
::: Slashdot
one of my favorite things I've heard a computer scientist say was long ago when
programming, codice, snippet | storia
::: johnregehr
Kazakhstan's Government Begins Intercepting HTTPS Traffic In Its Capital
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: Slashdot
AutoX, an Alibaba-backed startup, announced it had rolled out fully driverless robotaxis on public roads in Shenzhen. (...) AutoX has completely removed the backup driver or any remote operators for its local fleet of 25 cars
::: fabiochiusi
The facial recognition system in a public toilet in Guangdong province’s Dongguan city was used to recognise individuals and limit the amount of toilet paper each could take within a certain amount of time
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: fabiochiusi
The Snowden Effect
Edward Snowden | Cina
::: simopieranni
Japan to offer 10% tax break for companies investing in green tech
ambiente, ecologia
::: simopieranni
Uno dei motivi della recente guerra tra pcc e big tech (alibaba e Tencent su tutti)
dispositivi mobili | Cina
::: simopieranni
Access Now’s latest report "explores the actions EU governments are taking to promote what the EU calls Trustworthy AI, what this approach means for human rights, and how European AI strategy is changing"
artificial intelligence | Unione Europea
::: fabiochiusi
Al degradante spettacolo di gente che litiga violentemente sui social si aggiunge quello di professori universitari e gente di cultura che fa altrettanto, solo con un lessico più complesso. Cosa che li pone automaticamente su un livello ancora più basso
social media
::: mpietropoli
companies are now going beyond machine readability to try and adjust the sentiment and tone of their reports in ways that might induce algorithmic “readers” to draw favourable conclusions about the content
algoritmi, codice | automazione
::: fabiochiusi
Sto leggendo attacchi ignobili da parte di persone piccole, molto piccole, a @udogumpel. Udo non ti curar di loro ma guarda e passa. #JeSuisUdo #IoStoConUdo
i social-cosi --come vengono usati da qualcuno-- a volte mi fanno venite brutte idee, antidemocratiche
social media
::: MauroV1968
Il 92% del codice OpenSource al mondo è scritto da uomini e la parità di genere è ben lungi dall'essere dietro l'angolo: il 2019 è l'anno con maggiore intervento femminile sul codice e arriva a malapena al 10%...
open source | programming, codice, snippet | gender, discriminazioni
::: lastknight
The best feature of cryptocurrency from 2017 to 2020 is that it has served as a magnet for the hype-following toxic opportunists looking for a quick buck that would have otherwise be drawn into deep learning. We did see an influx of those in 2015 and 2016, sadly
blockchain e crypto*
::: fchollet
Who wants a digital vaccine passport?
coronavirus | riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: fabiochiusi
logging — Report Status, Error, and Informational Messages
::: pymotw
Yeah. Quantum computing is here and not far off knocking that down to 0
blockchain e crypto*
::: TingedPooch
Whistleblower wie Edward Snowden sind keine Kriminellen. Ohne sie könnten rechtswidrige Aktivitäten und kriminelle Strukturen niemals publik und beendet werden. Die strafrechtliche Verfolgung von Edward Snowden verbietet sich damit
Edward Snowden
::: GregorGysi
Apple Preps Next Mac Chips With Aim To Outclass Top-End PCs
hardware | Apple
::: Slashdot ::: geekdotcom
Ecco come risponde il “servizio clienti” :D Ci sarebbe da aprire un esposto solo per questo
::: lastknight
My husband sent me this
::: HannahEDaly
US Air Pollution Monitoring Network Falling Into Disrepair
ambiente, ecologia
::: Slashdot
is 777 bad?
::: FedericaMontes7
Despite predictions that the coronavirus pandemic might tank the chip industry, it has proven to be resilient in the face of challenges
hardware | coronavirus
::: IEEESpectrum
Due Dragon attraccate. Impensabile pochi anni fa
spazio, esplorazione
::: disinformatico
Amazon Fire TV Adds Local News In 12 U.S. Cities, With 90 More Coming In 2021
::: Slashdot
Ce l'hanno fatta. Di nuovo. Per la seconda volta nella storia, scienziati e tecnici della @JAXA_en sono riusciti a compiere una consegna da un asteroide al nostro pianeta
spazio, esplorazione
::: mediainaf
The biggest factor fueling the Bitcoin boom is fear that the Federal Reserve and other central banks are—and will be—printing too much money
blockchain e crypto*
::: RichRogers_
7 Risks of Dual Booting Windows and Linux Operating Systems
sistemi operativi
::: Genjuro75
L’app di un servizio pubblico che blocca un utente che esprime un parere esperto (seppure corredato di legittima esclamazione) compie un atto di una gravità inaudita. @IOitaliait lo state facendo DAVVERO MOLTO MOLTO MALE
basta non aggiungo più niente; già troppo
social media | politica
::: stefanoepifani ::: g_bonfiglio ::: emenietti ::: lastknight ::: DiegoManinetti ::: rostokkio ::: fulcorno ::: Leonardobecchet ::: g_bonfiglio ::: paolo_de_rosa ::: lastknight ::: manginobrioches ::: AurelianoStingi features 52 high-quality, concise, very readable deep learning code examples across different application domains. They're a great way to learn about deep learning and Keras best practices
machine learning
::: fchollet
Au 1er janv. 2021, une nouvelle étiquette sera obligatoire en rayon & en ligne. Elle indiquera si les produits sont réparables. Comment, pourquoi ? On vous explique tout ici
diritto di riparare
::: spareka
love to use the industry standard 8-bit byte
programming, codice, snippet
::: lexi_lambda
Electric-Car Companies Now Comprise Half the Worth of the World's 10 Most Valuable Automakers
::: Slashdot
Oggi, 7 dicembre 2020, è il giorno in cui il celebre influencer liberista Rick DuFer, molto attivo sui temi economici e del lavoro, ha scoperto che se scioperi ti tolgono quelle ore dallo stipendio. Giuro. Non lo sapeva, chiedeva fonti. Poi ha cancellato il tweet...
social media
::: masaccio_
Adesso abbiamo capito a chi faranno bene le azioni Tesla a 600$ (e a spese di chi...soprattutto)
protagonisti | economia, lavoro
::: HariSel95300131
German court forces mail provider Tutanota to insert a backdoor
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: newsyc100
La Nuova Zelanda dichiara lo stato di emergenza climatica e si impegna a essere il primo governo a emissioni zero entro il 2025
ambiente, ecologia
::: formicablu
Happy to announce Collabora Online 6.4.2 🌻 We’ve made the use of spreadsheets in #CollaboraOnline even more easy
applicazioni, programmi
::: CollaboraOffice
Ecco la “Netflix della cultura”: è il nuovo gioco della politica?
Perché non si è puntato proprio sulla piattaforma pubblica che già esiste, inarrivabilmente ricca di contenuti culturali?
video, streaming | politica
::: roma7maggio
App di tracciamento #Corona tedesca disponibile senza i servizi #Google
::: sdallagata
EU vs Big Tech: Brussels’ bid to weaken the digital gatekeepers
Brussels will be wary of antagonising the US just at the moment when it is hoping that the start of the Biden administration will provide an opportunity to boost the transatlantic alliance after [Trump]
Unione Europea | ditte
::: rasmus_kleis
The Declaration unites European countries around the common project of a digital transformation that is driven in collaboration and with full respect of the fundamental rights and shared European values
Unione Europea | digitalizzazione
::: fabiochiusi
Tracking footage from a helicopter of today’s Falcon 9 launch off LC-39A
spazio, esplorazione
::: SpaceX
“Denunciation machine”: European Parliament approves #electronic #mass #surveillance of E-mails and messengers
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: michele_pinassi ::: informapirata
Coca-Cola, Pepsi and Nestle Named Top Plastic Polluters For Third Year In a Row
ambiente, ecologia
::: Slashdot
Cloudflare and Apple Design a New Privacy-Friendly Internet Protocol
Web, Internet
::: Slashdot
This report presents an exhaustive study on the current uses of AI in India, reviewing 70+ use cases across 9 key sectors, including policing, agriculture, health, and education
artificial intelligence
::: fabiochiusi
Three new Python releases: 3.9.1, 3.10.0a1, and 3.8.7rc1
::: gvanrossum
Tripadvisor's App, and More Than 100 Others, Have Just Been Blocked in China
::: Slashdot
Enzyme is a compiler plug-in that allows ML engineers to import arbitrary foreign code into systems like TensorFlow and PyTorch without having to rewrite it
machine learning
Huawei has tested facial recognition software that could send automated “Uighur alarms” to government authorities when its camera systems identify members of the oppressed minority group
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: fabiochiusi
New website for Google Quantum, including colabs with Cirq
quantum computing | Python
::: random_forests
BTC-e Founder Sentenced To Five Years in Prison for Laundering Ransomware Funds
blockchain e crypto*
::: Slashdot
Spam Calls Grew 18% This Year Despite the Global Pandemic
::: Slashdot
Good to see France doubling down on nuclear power. Today 75% of electricity generation in France is nuclear, making it one of the greenest countries in Europe (the contrast with coal-powered Germany is especially striking)
::: fchollet
Oggi Musk intervistato su Repubblica ripete il ritornello del primo essere umano su Marte «verosimilmente tra sei anni, ma forse già tra quattro», e della costruzione di una città marziana. Il termine più educato che mi viene in mente è "fanfaluche"
::: amedeo_balbi
Amazon, Amex To Fund Software Developers in New GitHub Program
programming, codice, snippet
::: Slashdot
Ieri sono andato all'agenzia per prendere l'assicurazione e il tipo era intrippato con pratiche auto, i dati per diverse pratiche ora li mandano in digitale, vengono stampate dal funzionario, poi vogliono la copia cartacea originale. Questo è lo stato dell' #italiadigitale
::: Genjuro75
Flyboard Air jet-powered hoverboard by Frank Zapata
::: MachinePix
Well-written blog post on doing neuroevolution with Keras and PyGAD
artificial intelligence | Python
::: fchollet
Google's Look To Speak Taps Gaze-Tracking AI To Help Users With Impairments Communicate
::: Slashdot
Cold Fusion by EU Commission: a Fleischmann-Pons revival
energia | disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: RadioProzac
Senate Votes To Advance Nomination of Trump FCC Nominee
Web, Internet | politica
::: Slashdot
✨ New updates in TensorFlow - TensorFlow 2.4.0-rc4 has been released and features a number of new features and improvements, including MultiWorkerMirroredStrategy becoming a stable API
machine learning
::: TensorFlow ::: fchollet
CentOS 8 Ending Next Year To Focus Shift On CentOS Stream
Linux distro
::: Slashdot
Prime impressioni delle persone sottoposte a vaccinazione in UK
::: Labbufala
GE Puts Default Password In Radiology Devices, Leaving Healthcare Networks Exposed
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot
Cemetery of Soviet computers
::: dcavedon
IBM announced they’re introducing classical control flow and computation to QASM as a quantum arch re-think
quantum computing
::: stylewarning
breaking: cybersecurity firm FireEye has been hacked. In a blog post, CEO Kevin Mandia said a highly sophisticated foreign nation-state attack resulted in the theft of internal hacking tools (Red Team kits)
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | cyberwar
::: Bing_Chris
Sensors, machine learning, computer vision, & cloud computing have increased supply chain resiliency for manufacturers. Tech companies are focused on bringing the value of these advancements to factory operations
::: RichRogers_
Google Says It is Expanding Fuchsia's Open Source Model
sistemi operativi
::: Slashdot
A small group of Canadian AI researchers and entrepreneurs have seized control of hundreds of millions of dollars of government money
artificial intelligence | politica
::: lemire
Toyota Announces New All-Electric SUV, Says It's Their 'First Step' For Battery-Electric Cars
::: Slashdot
Fret not, you can get a dark mode on LibreOffice too
applicazioni, programmi
::: itsfoss2
Diversi dirigenti di Royal Dutch Shell si sono dimessi dissociandosi dalla linea aziendale, ancora troppo ancorata ai profitti petroliferi, nonostante gli annunci di preparazione alla transizione energetica.
Tenere margini di breve perdendo capitale umano, vedremo come andrà...
ambiente, ecologia
::: AlienoGentile
🚀 #Qt6 is finally here! The new major release of Qt has been rearchitected for software development productivity & scalability. Learn more about the platform that you and your team can build next-gen 2D & 3D #UX with
programming, codice, snippet
::: qtproject
A big data program for policing in China’s Xinjiang region arbitrarily selects Turkic Muslims for possible detention
dati, raccolta | Cina
::: fabiochiusi
Exciting new paper by my colleagues at AWS Center for Quantum Computing
quantum computing
::: Alidoust
The Internet is at a crossroads. What happens next will define our online lives for an entire generation.
Web, Internet | Unione Europea
::: Policy
Singapore App Halves Contact-Tracing Time, Leading Engineer Says
coronavirus | riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: fabiochiusi
Japan plans to boost its tumbling birth rate by funding artificial intelligence matchmaking schemes to help residents find love. From next year it will subsidise local governments already running or starting projects that use AI to pair people up
artificial intelligence
::: fabiochiusi
Anyone who registers online for the free #vaccination in #Hungary will automatically transfer his/her data to the office of #Orban’s propaganda minister, reports @444hu. Those who agree to be contacted later will be handled by a company, which runs the election system software
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza | politica
::: eublogo
Samsung Plans To Ditch Power Adapters Just 3 Months After Mocking Apple Over the Same
dispositivi mobili
::: Slashdot
Quella di #Bari è la quinta Sezione Locale di Italian Linux Society
::: ItaLinuxSociety
UNEP’s annual Emissions Gap Report 2020 finds that, despite a dip in 2020 carbon dioxide emissions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the world is still heading for a temperature rise in excess of 3°C this century
ambiente, ecologia
::: emenietti
La silenziosa battaglia della Cina per cambiare le regole di internet
Web, Internet
::: arturodicorinto ::: simopieranni
soddisfazione 💖
social media
::: Fedez
sì, anche
::: Muschelschloss
Germany, France, 11 Other EU Countries Team Up For Semiconductor Push
hardware | Unione Europea
::: Slashdot
Copyright and COVID-19: Has WIPO learned nothing from the pandemic?
copyright e brevetti | coronavirus
::: communia_eu
Trust me when I tell you that this introduction to using the command line interface (CLI) by @lisaironcutter is some of the finest #techcomm I have seen in quite some time. Her humanities card is clearly *not* expired
ottima, ho capito anch'io, quasi tutto
Linux | manuali, how to
::: Dan_Blick
Live from Black Hat #BHEU talk by @bas_van_schaik and @kevin_backhouse: @TheOpenSSF CVE Benchmark is now open source!
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: GHSecurityLab
MIT researchers have found that this minuscule metal could replace silicon to create smaller, more energy-efficient transistors. More on "indium gallium arsenide" (InGaAs)
hardware | innovazioni, futuro
You can change the laws to make encryption backdoors "lawful", but you can't make them secure. Break encryption for governments, break it for everyone
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: ltribe
La storia di Xiaoice, l'assistente virtuale per cuori solitari in Cina
artificial intelligence | social media
::: giuliapompili
Indian Chronicles – how a massive 15-year influence operation successfully targeted the EU & UN with 750+ fake local media and 10+ zombie-NGOs
frodi | disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: DisinfoEU
Souk is the Flatpak App Store You’ve Been Waiting For
applicazioni, programmi
::: dcavedon
L’inviato delle Nazioni Unite contro la tortura chiede il rilascio immediato di Julian Assange
Julian Assange
::: fabiochiusi
The EU's medicines regulator said Wednesday it had been the victim of a cyberattack, just weeks before it is due to decide on special approval for two coronavirus vaccines
coronavirus | frodi
::: AFP
2020 AP CS Scores: Still Big Gaps In Performance, Participation
gender, discriminazioni
::: Slashdot
Today MIT's drag-and-drop data analytics platform w/Brown University has emerged from stealth
uh! 🤓🤪🤒
Elettrificazione auto può essere risolutiva su CO2, alcuni inquinanti (N2O, etc), e rumore, ma non sul particolato, e, bene che andrà, avrà effetto zero su congestione e altri fattori di vivibilità urbana
ambiente, ecologia
::: LuMo71
A day after offloading its autonomous car project, Uber is ejecting its flying car effort too
::: CadeMetz
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