13 dicembre, 2020

Visto nel Web - 561

 Mentre tutto uguale, niente di nuovo tranne cosa ho wisto nel Web.

Good for YouTube for saying clearly and definitively that it will remove videos that falsely claim the election was stolen
disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: CaseyNewton

Uber, in a move that signals acknowledgement that, despite its predictions, fully autonomous vehicles won't arrive next year, sells off its self-driving car division
::: IEEESpectrum

Introducing TensorFlow AI Service Partners: fostering connections between TensorFlow experts and enterprises looking to adopt machine learning solutions
artificial intelligence
::: fchollet

An older colleague of mine argued in the 1990s that we should do away with programming and software engineering classes since the future was AI. Yet, today, when recruiters call me up, they ask for students who can build software... not AIs
programming, codice, snippet | artificial intelligence
::: lemire

A Chinese optical quantum computer supposedly recently achieved "quantum supremacy." @Google made a similar claim in 2019. What does this mean? And how does it affect #QuantumComputing going forward? @JeremyHsu investigates
quantum computing
::: IEEESpectrum

Mia enorme gratitudine a @jacopo_iacoboni, che continua a occuparsi di vicende centrali per la geopolitica spezzando il colpevole silenzio. La defenestrazione del whistleblower italiano operata da Huawei è una colossale ammissione della rapina cinese di brevetti tecnologici
giornali, stampa | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: OGiannino

Pictures of the French president, in front of a huge @scikit_learn logo, while I am displaying a presentation with @libreoffice , using a Linux laptop with #Python stickers. Open source that powers our world needs to be visible to decision makers
open source | machine learning | Python
::: GaelVaroquaux ::: zacchiro

questo è il paese che amo
::: bermat

All Kubernetes versions affected by unpatched MiTM vulnerability
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: BleepinComputer

This week OpenSSL has released fixes for a high severity Denial of Service (DoS) vulnerability, CVE-2020-1971. U.S. DHS Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has warned
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Gurgling_MrD

Google Will Change How Chrome Extensions Access Data in 2021
browser | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Reminder: #opensource is not free just because you found something laying on the side of the road. It's free because hard-working people believe you should have the right to use software the way you want to. That software only continues to exist through continued work
open source
::: aevavoom

FTC Sues Facebook for Illegal Monopolization
Facebook | antitrust
::: Slashdot ::: jaromil ::: linamkhan

How People Across the World Spend Their Time and What it Tells us About Living Conditions
dati, raccolta
::: Slashdot

If two, Assange and @Snowden
Julian Assange | Edward Snowden
::: arusbridger

La vendetta (postuma) di Trump contro le piattaforme
Web, Internet | politica
::: ilmanifesto

#Copyright and #COVID-19: Has @WIPO learned nothing from the #pandemic? asks ⁦@communia_eu
⁩#:copy #:cor
::: cearta ::: 3_justus

Birds Aren't Real
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza | umorismo
::: birdsarentreal

Facebook Announces Plan To Break Up U.S. Government Before It Becomes Too Powerful
::: TheOnion

Tesla Full Self-Driving System's Beta Developer Settings Leaked
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Google CEO pledges to investigate exit of top AI ethicist
Google | artificial intelligence | etica
::: fabiochiusi

L'Orribile Trump quando andrà via lascerà danni incalcolabili
ambiente, ecologia
::: annaBusca

Microsoft initiative will use AI to sniff out bribes, theft and other government corruption
Microsoft | artificial intelligence | politica
::: fabiochiusi

Parsing in Rust with nom
In this tutorial, we’ll demonstrate how to write a very basic URL parser in Rust
linguaggi di programmazione
::: medeoTL

French Army Gets Ethical Go-Ahead For Bionic Soldiers
tecnologia | etica
::: Slashdot

How many GNU/Linux users are needed to change a light bulb?
non nuova (anzi vecchia (vecchissima)) ma sempre bella
::: nixcraft

Good news from a therapy point of view in our fight against #SARSCoV2. A novel compound called EIDD-2801 blocks SARS-CoV-2 transmission in ferrets. One of the compound that both reduce the symptoms and the TRANSIMISSION. 1/n
::: AurelianoStingi

No, non deve per forza esistere un’app per tutto. No, un’app non ci salverà
coronavirus | applicazioni, programmi
::: ebobferraris

New from me: Co-op is quietly using facial recognition cameras to scan everyone entering shops. The tech is being in 18 stores and has been used for about 18 months. It's using tech from Facewatch, which says Co-op has the "best" watchlist in the UK
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: mattburgess1

Obligatory facial recognition for travellers at the US border by @CBP 😱
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: SophieintVeld

Big Tech, Gig economy e tutta la nuova generazione di colossi americani e non è cresciuta senza regole e non ne vogliono di nuove. La notizia è che Stati Uniti ed Europa cominciano ad agire
ditte | politica
::: AtlanteUsa2020

Cruise Begins Driverless Testing In San Francisco
::: Slashdot

Thales Alenia Space and Avio sign with European Space Agency the Space Rider development contract
spazio, esplorazione
::: emenietti

Communia, together with its members @creativecommons and @WikimediaDE, will be joining @WCL_PIJIP in a 3-year project to promote effective change in the political discourse towards the protection of the right to research in international copyright law
copyright e brevetti
::: communia_eu

Earth is warming at different rates
ambiente, ecologia
::: ScottDuncanWX

Men in S China found their houses secretly sold after having their facial information collected
da verificare
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza | frodi
::: SerenaConsole

Wall Street Begins Trading Water Futures as a Commodity
What could possibly go wrong?
ambiente, ecologia
::: mitsuhiko

Le logiciel éducatif @g_compris fête ses 20 ans 😲 : l'occasion de vous présenter le projet et les personnes qui lui donnent vie !
scuola, educazione, cultura
::: framasoft

Hidden Symmetry Could Be Key To More Robust Quantum Systems, Researchers Find
quantum computing
::: Slashdot

Chinese courts have sided with privacy advocates against commercial facial recognition systems that scan faces without consent. A fascinating item, that adds a lot of nuance to the discourse around privacy in China
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: AASchapiro

the ways evidence has been mobilised in the school mobile phone ban debate in Australia has turned children’s digital practices — and potentially their digital futures — into a political football
scuola, educazione, cultura | dispositivi mobili
::: fabiochiusi

#TBT: if NASA ever wants to see human beings walk on Mars, the cult of the astronaut must end
spazio, esplorazione
::: IEEESpectrum

Combining wheels and legs could be a game changer for #robot mobility
robots, automazione, droni
::: IEEESpectrum

Meanwhile, @SpaceX and others figure out how to get humans into space
spazio, esplorazione
::: IEEESpectrum

Meet Rocky Linux @rocky_linux New RHEL Fork by the Original CentOS Creator
Linux distro
::: javiromanrh ::: ZDNet ::: jaromil

SpaceX's Successful Starship High-Altitude Flight Ends In a Fiery Explosion
spazio, esplorazione
::: slashdot ::: emenietti ::: MachinePix

🐍📈 Python GUI Programming — Does your Python program need a Graphical User Interface (GUI)? With this learning path you'll develop your Python GUI programming skills from scratch #python #learnpython
da verificare, prossimamente...
::: realpython

No matter how you look at it, the Timnit Grebru controversy makes Google look bad
::: lemire

How our data encodes systematic racism
The fact is that AI doesn’t work until it works for all of us. If we hope to ever address racial injustice, then we need to stop presenting our distorted data as “ground truth”
artificial intelligence | odio, razzismo, discriminazioni
::: fabiochiusi

The World’s Energy Problem
energia | ambiente, ecologia
::: OurWorldInData

France Fines Google $120M and Amazon $42M For Dropping Tracking Cookies Without Consent
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Google, Dell, and Intel Form New Computing Group for Transforming Cloud and IT Tools
::: Slashdot

Weather Service Faces Internet Bandwidth Shortage, Proposes Limiting Key Data
Web, Internet
::: Slashdot

Original Jailbreak App Store Cydia Sues Apple for its Monopoly
Apple | monopolio
::: Slashdot

It's extremely gratifying to see mainstream gadget reviews taking into account privacy invasions and societal impacts, not just features & specs & sticker price. @heatherkelly & @geoffreyfowler have been in the forefront of this for a while
ad, pubblicità
::: WillOremus

FCC Orders Equipment Removed in Step Aimed at Huawei, ZTE
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | Huawei
::: Slashdot

India Cabinet Approves Setting Up a 'Massive Network' of Public Wi-Fi Hotspots
Web, Internet | dispositivi mobili
::: Slashdot

Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Co. bought $100 million of bitcoin for its general investment account, the latest sign of mainstream acceptance for the upstart digital currency
blockchain e crypto*
::: RichRogers_ ::: RichRogers_

As a kid I was extremely interested in the idea of using computers to drive external systems. However, there was nothing like an Arduino or Pi back then. Instead, one popular option was the use of one of the cheap home computers and the cheapest at that time was the VIC-20
::: fogus

Microsoft Exposes Adrozek, Malware That Hijacks Chrome, Edge, and Firefox
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Debugging is an important part of the development process, even more so when porting code to a new target. Join @RReverser in this walkthrough to learn how @Emscripten and @ChromeDevTools streamline debugging experience for WebAssembly apps
programming, codice, snippet
::: ChromeDevTools

This mighty be my choice as a companion book for this year #AdventOfCode
uh! *ottima idea* (imho); SICP è programmazione, il linguaggio è questione secondaria
programming, codice, snippet | Scheme
::: marcodelmastro

Cyberattacco a Leonardo, la banalità del male
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: ilmanifesto

Billion $$ fines. Demands for greater transparency on ads/algorithms. Independent audits to police compliance. We got hold of Europe’s new rules coming next week that target @facebook, @google and other Big Tech firms
ad, pubblicità | algoritmi, codice | Unione Europea
::: markscott82

Salesforce Claims Its AI Can Spot Signs of Breast Cancer With 92% Accuracy
artificial intelligence
::: Slashdot

Web Scraping is a useful skill to learn in the programming world, here's an article by @digitalocean that introduces scraping web pages with Beautiful Soup and Python3
programming, codice, snippet | Python
::: benthecoder1

Smart people use simple language
::: ValaAfshar

Julian #Assange couldn't meet his lawyers in @hmpbelmarsh, he didn't get an even defunct computer for a long time, they didn't deliver his mail, he couldn't read his case files on time , they don't turn on heating and they don't give him warm clothes. #HumanRightsDay
Julian Assange
::: Hanissee

Microsoft's Latest Windows 10 Test Builds Includes Promised x64 Arm Emulation
Microsoft | sistemi operativi
::: Slashdot

su questo argomento
::: K_LDivergence

Pensavo fosse AI
ad, pubblicità
::: lopo

#AirBnB corre in Borsa ma quasi non fa profitti, mentre #Facebook affronta l'antitrust e Amazon una campagna internazionale che chiede diritti del lavoro. I ristoranti USA stretti da coronavirus e app. I nodi di BigTech e gig economy vengono al pettine
::: AtlanteUsa2020

Spotify Resets Passwords After a Security Bug Exposed Users' Private Account Information
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

I just completed "Seating System" - Day 11 - Advent of Code 2020
::: marcodelmastro

A boring cellular automata one. You may remember I have a minimized cellular automata cave generator on my business card 😆
oppure così
programming, codice, snippet
::: thek3nger

Health algorithm prioritises the risk of white people higher, resulting in potentially faster treatment. Great work from @algorithmwatch in investigating
algoritmi, codice | odio, razzismo, discriminazioni
::: Reema__Patel

"Usando le sue ampie risorse (dati e $) ha schiacciato o ostacolato ciò che ha percepito come potenziali minacce. Ha ridotto le scelte per i consumatori, ha soffocato l'innovazione e ha degradato la protezione della privacy per milioni di americani" - Processo a Facebook
::: AlienoGentile

Microsoft Will Start Force Upgrading Windows 10 For Some Users
::: Slashdot

Analysis: When might the world exceed 1.5C and 2C of global warming?
ambiente, ecologia
::: CarbonBrief

When you and your friends endorse each other on LinkedIn
::: StartGrowthHack

A huge step for #OpenScience in High Energy Physics! The 4 main LHC Experiments have agreed on a common policy to release event-level reconstructed data to the public
open source | scienza
::: lukasheinrich_

Pagina 1 di ogni manuale di buona programmazione
umorismo | (forse)
::: SteffPy

L'Ansa riporta l'appello eversivo di Trump, e senza contesto
giornali, stampa
::: fabiochiusi

Trying ramdom stuff for hours instead of reading the documentation
::: nixcraft

Check out this excellent step-by-step demonstration of how you can develop a TF/Keras project in a Kaggle notebook and send it to Google Cloud for training at scale right from your notebook, using TF Cloud
machine learning
::: fchollet

CISA and FBI Warn of Rise in Ransomware Attacks Targeting K-12 Schools
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Microsoft: New malware can infect over 30K Windows PCs a day
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: BleepinComputer

Also just published: an article in IEEE Computer from @zacchiro & I on "Continuous Open Source Compliance", in which we consider the role of policy & process in open source usage & propose in-workflow automation as the best path to promoting compliance
open source
::: webmink

Apple Starts Work on Its Own Cellular Modem, Chip Chief Says
Apple | dispositivi mobili
::: Slashdot

Besides Android Studio, what else causes global warming?
umorismo | (forse)
::: RiaCorpeno

After The US Election, Key People Are Leaving Facebook And Torching The Company In Departure Notes
::: dcavedon

What an amazing time to be alive... @Oracle is the latest tech company to move its headquarters out of California. The company said on Friday it’s moving its headquarters from the Silicon Valley to Austin, Texas
::: RichRogers_

ARM MacBook vs Intel MacBook (Not a definitive review, just one data point)
::: lemire

Nearly every African country with a stable government now has active biometric ID programmes in place or under way, according to ID4Africa, with South Africa and Nigeria’s biometric IDs among the most developed
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: fabiochiusi

Lo sapevi? In #emacs 'Alt+x battery' mostra lo stato della batteria
tip, suggerimenti
::: micmord

WADComs is an interactive cheat sheet, containing a curated list of offensive security tools and their respective commands, to be used against Windows/AD environments
ad, pubblicità
::: SteveHarville

È fatta, smetto di lavorare
applicazioni, programmi | riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: azael

The implicit vision guiding most of our integrity work today is one where all human discourse is overseen by perfect, fair, omniscient robots owned by [CEO] Mark Zuckerberg. This is clearly a dystopia, but one so deeply ingrained we hardly notice it any more
::: fabiochiusi

ieri ho contattato autorità UK x chiedere perché lo lasciano congelare in una cella in cui deve coprire finestra con libri e riscaldarsi con bollitore del tè.Mi hanno risposto:sto cercando di capire se risposta è scritta da un umano
Julian Assange
::: SMaurizi

Facebook Says Hackers Backed By Vietnam's Government Are Linked To IT Firm
Facebook | cyberwar
::: Slashdot

virgin galactic costosetta
spazio, esplorazione
::: emenietti

Apple went public on this day back in 1980. Massachusetts investors were barred from investing as state regulators considered the stock too risky. Apple stock is up 122K%
storia | Apple
::: RichRogers_

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