03 gennaio, 2021

Visto nel Web - 567

 Anno nuovo, per ora tutto come il vecchio, intanto ecco cosa ho wisto nel Web.

Breve elenco delle reazioni social a ogni nuovo video di robot della Boston Dynamics che fanno cose che nessun robot aveva fatto finora
robots, automazione, droni
::: amedeo_balbi ::: hackaday

5 Ways to install Node.js
linguaggi di programmazione
::: loige

La profezia dell’algoritmo: in cerca dei modelli predittivi
machine learning
::: ilmanifesto

Amazon Still Hasn't Fixed Its Problem With Bait-and-Switch Reviews
::: Slashdot

what's the link between my #FOIA litigation on Julian #Assange and the #espionage activities targeting me inside the Embassy?I was targeted a month after my UK #FOIA lawyers @estelledehon @suigenerisjen and I discovered the destruction of emails
Julian Assange
::: SMaurizi

Friendly cyclists. 😂
Web, Internet | umorismo
::: _youhadonejob1

#Flash, la fine alle porte: Il 31 dicembre 2020 #Adobe porrà fine al #supporto; gli #utenti #Windows10 sono invitati a disinstallare il software, che a partire dall'1 gennaio 2021 non riceverà più alcun #update di #sicurezza
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | tool, componente software
::: eteria_cloud

An interesting paper "An Empirical Survey-based Study into Industry Practice in Real-time Systems" @ RTSS 2020
::: glipari

VP and Head Scientist of Alexa at Amazon: 'The Turing Test is Obsolete. It's Time To Build a New Barometer For AI'
artificial intelligence
::: Slashdot

Today's The Batch includes pieces from AI leaders @robotsmarts, @drfeifei, Matthew Mattina, @harryshum, and @ilyasut on their hopes for AI in 2021. Take a look!
artificial intelligence
::: AndrewYNg

A Steampunk Engine to Solve Your Satellite Woes! - Universe Today
spazio, esplorazione
::: universetoday

Spotify's Podcasting Problem: Loophole Allows Remixes and Unreleased Songs To Hide in Plain Sight
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

SpaceX Will Attempt To Recover Super Heavy Rocket by Catching it With Launch Tower
spazio, esplorazione | tecnologia
::: Slashdot

Guess the year
::: geoffwozniak

Wednesday hot take: you will be a much, much better Common Lisp programmer if you seriously use Haskell, Standard ML, or OCaml for a little while
Lisp | programmazione funzionale
::: stylewarning

"ci sarà da piangere quando il Garante inizierà ad obbligare le scuole a passare a strumenti idonei." di fronte all'imperativo della trasformazione digitale l'Italia e' stata venduta, illegalmente, al miglior offerente
::: jaromil

NSO used real people’s location data to pitch its contact-tracing tech, researchers say
dati, raccolta | coronavirus
::: fabiochiusi

How to Play Xbox Games on Your iPhone or iPad
games | dispositivi mobili
::: Genjuro75

Amaro Averna scanzete
giornali, stampa
::: zeropregi

To end 2020 on a positive note... 🥳
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: xme

[Borborigmi] #AdventOfCode2020: serpenti marini e teoremi cinesi - Sull'esperienza di AOC ho già scritto parecchio l'anno passato, e molte delle considerazioni fatte in quell'occasione sono ancora valide oggi. Ne aggiungo qualcuna dopo l'esperienza del 2020
codici e commenti inclusi 👌
programming, codice, snippet
::: marcodelmastro

Il @sole24ore in una raffinata analisi economico-culturale...
giornali, stampa
::: QuinziUgo

“I #cyberattacchi in Italia nel 2020 sono aumentati del 353%”. A dirlo è Nunzia Ciardi, direttrice della #PoliziaPostale, ospite della nuova puntata di “1234”
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: andreatemplari

Imagine a Cheney inviting people to compare body counts
Edward Snowden
::: Snowden ::: Snowden

Companies Are Fleeing California. Blame Bad Government
economia, lavoro
::: Slashdot

Just in time for new year's eve: Hoverlord turned 0.1.0 ❤️ Now with full-fledged actor-to-actor communication AND message replies!
linguaggi di programmazione
::: dottorblaster

Flash was a great idea for its time; I used to use it as a case study in my PL class (remember, @CasualEffects?). But it turned into an awful pit of bugs even as its value diminished. Did everything go to hell after Adobe took it over?
applicazioni, programmi | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: ShriramKMurthi

Microsoft Says SolarWinds Hackers Viewed Source Code
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Happy New Year! May 2021 be the year of awakening and real bold change. And let’s all continue the never-ending fight for the living planet
ambiente, ecologia
::: GretaThunberg ::: GretaThunberg

If ever something needed to be retired, it's the Turing Test. Rather than "Can you create a machine with independent intelligence?" it's become "Can you fool humans into thinking they're talking with an intelligent machine?"
artificial intelligence
::: qhardy


Alphabet Unit Wing Blasts New US Drone ID Rule, Citing Privacy
robots, automazione, droni
::: Slashdot

NYSE To Delist Chinese Telco Giants on US Executive Order
economia, lavoro
::: Slashdot

Twitter's resistance to an edit button is an extremely strong practical commitment to immutable state. Not joking. It's actually a pretty interesting experiment in that sense
::: michael_nielsen

Are we canceling Apple now? Ah no, I guess your iPhones are more important than your cancelling
Apple | lavoro
::: GianlucaXAcqua ::: Mte90Net

Tech's Top Seven Companies Added $3.4 Trillion in Value in 2020
economia, lavoro
::: Slashdot

Amazon To Expand Its Childhood-To-Career CS Program To India Later This Year
Amazon | scuola, educazione, cultura
::: Slashdot

A pochi giorni dalla fine del suo mandato, Trump apre alle trivellazioni nell'#ArcticWildlifeRefuge. La sua non è stata un'amministrazione ambientalista
ambiente, ecologia
::: AtlanteUsa2020

OK! 💥
la fine di un thread iniziato dicendo NO! --sbagliavo, 💥 Igor 💥 rockz! 💥
tip, suggerimenti
::: _juhan

#gamedev #sideproject working on a small spaceship driving simulation game. I got the idea from #ObjectsInSpace, which is unfortunately abandoned
::: vikkio88

Japan's Brand New Anti-Piracy Law Goes Live
copyright e brevetti
::: Slashdot

Launched 25 years ago today: Netscape Navigator 2.0, the first browser to support JavaScript

Google Maps' Moat is Evaporating
::: Slashdot

Forget the Streaming Wars -- Pandemic-Stricken 2020 Lifted Netflix and Others
video, streaming
::: Slashdot

C2V can now generate V wrappers on top of C libraries
linguaggi di programmazione
::: v_language

All of us CS academics are complicit in this system
artificial intelligence
::: ShriramKMurthi

::: omgubuntu

Python already looks outdated
no, no, no! non ancora
::: samth

The thing with pointing out "AI can't do X!" is that, if you keep refining X into something narrow and precise enough, you'll eventually cross a threshold where a realistic amount of engineering and training data make X possible
artificial intelligence
::: fchollet ::: fadibadine

Cawbird 1.3 Released with Improved DM Support, Video Uploading
applicazioni, programmi
::: dcavedon

articles like this are fun since back in the day I'd have killed for 32 MB of RAM in my Linux box. the first machine I ran Linux on had 4 MB of RAM and it worked very well, but my roommate's 2 MB machine would start to swap almost right away
::: johnregehr

Versabar VB 10,000 Heavy Lift Catamaran for salvaging
::: MachinePix

In 1985 UNIX/WORLD reviewed 20/20, a spreadsheet program that was considered to be a competitor to Lotus 1-2-3 running on UNIX. 20/20 never really took off, and Lotus 1-2-3 gave way to Microsoft Excel, a fate similar to many other successful Windows programs of that time
::: unix_byte

New year, more hot takes! JavaScript is clearly the right answer to the question "what language should we use to teach programming?" (This is a bad question, but many people ask it.) JavaScript has the best tools, best community, best libraries, easiest installation, and more
linguaggi di programmazione
::: samth

Samsung Appears To Have a New Tile Competitor On the Way
::: Slashdot

In theory: the spec is clear and complete, so the developer's understanding matches it perfectly; the dev is skilled and their implementation matches their understanding. All 3 circles overlap completely
programming, codice, snippet
::: jamietheriveter ::: ShriramKMurthi

Backdoor Account Discovered in More Than 100,000 Zyxel Firewalls, VPN Gateways
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Pechino si è interessata da tempo ai videogame perché ne ha colto il potenziale sociale e politico. Ma sta scoprendo anche le problematiche legate al controllo delle comunità videoludiche
::: simopieranni

mancano 2 giorni alla sentenza sul caso Julian #Assange,vorrei vedere una sentenza giusta, ma non ho alcuna speranza : non processano criminali di guerra, i torturatori e graziano #Blackwater.Dobbiamo fare i conti con il fatto che siamo in mano a questa gente
Julian Assange
::: SMaurizi

Massachusetts To Ban Sale of New Gas-Powered Cars by 2035
ambiente, ecologia
::: Slashdot

Brava Francesca, lavoriamo affinché in Italia le tecnologie che abbiamo sviluppato fioriscano come innovazione ed eccellenza nazionale ed Europea. C'è anche chi di noi non si e' venduto a Facebook, qui un racconto in dettaglio
dati, raccolta | open source | Facebook
::: jaromil

#otd in 1975 Paul Allen & Bill Gates officially established Microsoft - a combination of MICROprocessors and SOFTware

#Phishing #Poste a tema #SPID – #CERT-#AGID
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slvlombardo

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