Tante cose, Assange, un pasticcio mio, temo di non sono riuscito a capire, sto facendo troppe cose e non sono parallelo; intanto ecco cosa ho wisto nel Web.
Thread by @koryodynasty
: 1/ I thought I'd write about my experience re-entering South Korea, where I reside, during this global pandemic
::: MauroV1968
Se mettessero un badge esclusivo sulla pic
::: ffffjd
La gioia di cancellare 170 commenti di spam in un colpo solo XD #bye 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Web, Internet
::: AndreaMblog
EFF Reveals Behind-the-Scenes Account of the Fight to Save .ORG
Web, Internet
::: Slashdot
Here's a very concise DCGAN implementation in Keras. Implementing arbitrary deep learning models doesn't get simpler than that
machine learning
::: fchollet
Quando tra gli imbecilli e i fogli Excel si stabilisce un'alleanza
::: L_Apostata
Prevedo un movimentato 2021 per lui #stevebannon e #Zuckerberg #facciamorete
Facebook | politica
::: alex_orlowski
What makes cities attractive is the lifestyle more than the jobs. Even assuming a lasting and extensive move to remote work (which would be a great thing), cities will bounce back when the pandemic is over
sì, imho
::: fchollet
Are We Experiencing a Great Software Stagnation?
linguaggi di programmazione | programming, codice, snippet
::: Slashdot
Takuya Hirai, Japan's digital transformation minister, said the tracking system will function by using GPS
::: hare_brain
Mentre il Pcc covava l’attacco alle piattaforme (Alibaba e Tencent) è stata lanciata una vasta sperimentazione dello yuan digitale. In questo pezzo provo a spiegare perché le due cose sono concatenate e quali sono le poste in palio #Cina @ilmanifesto
Cina | digitalizzazione
::: simopieranni
Are Linux phones about to kill Android? @UBports #ubuntutouch
hardware | dispositivi mobili | open source
::: dcavedon
In Washington we are seeing one of the greatest industrial companies of the 20th century hand the torch to one of the greatest Industry 4.0 companies of the 21st century. @_katya_long #Industry40 #IoT #Manufacturing
Internet of things | innovazioni, futuro
::: RichRogers_
Is the US Government's Cybersecurity Agency Up to the Job?
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot
Thank you so much for all the well-wishes on my 18th birthday! Tonight you will find me down at the local pub exposing all the dark secrets behind the climate- and school strike conspiracy and my evil handlers who can no longer control me! I am free at last!!
ambiente, ecologia | protagonisti
::: GretaThunberg ::: HariSel95300131
Bitcoin Surges 25% In One Week. Warren Buffett Still Won't Buy It
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: Slashdot
#BleachBit System Cleaner: disponibile la versione 4.2 del tool open source!
applicazioni, programmi
::: AndreaDraghetti
Come for the tweet, stay for the replies. Oh, the replies!
disinformazione, fake news, bufale | 5G
::: ShriramKMurthi
Overview of different dashboard lights that might pop up in your car. Number 29 apparently isn't referring to a casserole...
::: simongerman600
and the local navigation is nailed down, after 3 days, woop woop #gamedev #sideproject #spacesim #react #phaser3
::: vikkio88
Understand TensorFlow Basic with Python
Python | machine learning
::: AghiathChbib
Study Finds Brain Activity of Coders Isn't Like Language or Math
programming, codice, snippet | matematica
::: Slashdot
Australia: i bar sono chiusi per Covid, il caffè del mattino lo porta il drone
::: DronEzine ::: DronEzine
A chi ha commesso tutti i crimini rivelati da Julian #Assange e #WikiLeaks è stata garantita l’impunità. L’unico che ha pagato è chi ha rivelato quei crimini
Julian Assange
::: Moonlightshad1
Speculation Grows As AMD Files Patent for GPU Design
copyright e brevetti
::: Slashdot
Do Children Really Need To Learn To Code?
programming, codice, snippet | scuola, educazione, cultura
::: Slashdot
The Atlantic Urges Humankind to Fix the Social Web
social media
::: Slashdot
But Facebook can employ you to write Rust & Haskell... Doesn’t that make it all worth it? 🤷🏼♂️
programming, codice, snippet | Facebook
::: stylewarning
Thanks to @spaceface7777 and @danieldaeschle, modules.vlang.io, automatically generated documentation of V's standard library, is now updated on every single commit. It also has instant global search now
linguaggi di programmazione
::: v_language
When Big Brands Stopped Spending On Digital Ads, Nothing Happened. Why?
ad, pubblicità
::: Slashdot
E’ in corso una massiccia campagna di diffusione del #malware “#EMOTET” attraverso mail che sembrerebbero provenire da caselle riconducibili al dominio istruzione .it, con un allegato in formato Zip protetto da password da scaricare
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slvlombardo
The recent death of an employee at e-commerce firm Pinduoduo has renewed criticism of the long hours commonly practiced at China’s tech companies
lavoro | Cina
::: SerenaConsole
“Fa discutere” ”A suo favore”
non ce la possiamo fare
giornali, stampa
::: fabiochiusi ::: fabiochiusi
Assange non sarà estradato, raccolgo tutto qui il lunedì
Julian Assange
::: _taylorhudak ::: philipdisalvo ::: kgosztola ::: kgosztola ::: Snowden ::: MElmaazi ::: fabiochiusi ::: avilarenata ::: jamesrbuk ::: Snowden ::: FreedomofPress ::: avilarenata ::: AP ::: AlekosPrete ::: philipdisalvo ::: ggreenwald ::: avilarenata ::: cdeloire ::: SMaurizi ::: fabiochiusi ::: fabiochiusi ::: philipdisalvo ::: wikileaks ::: yanisvaroufakis ::: PamelaFalk ::: marina_catucci ::: SMaurizi ::: _arianna ::: YourMarkLubbers ::: fabiochiusi ::: SMaurizi
Singapore Police Force can obtain TraceTogether data for criminal investigations: Desmond Tan
coronavirus | riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: fabiochiusi
Provato windows subsystem for linux
sistemi operativi
::: SteffPy
La compagnia telefonica http://ho.mobile ha confermato il furto di dati di alcuni clienti
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: ilpost ::: Gabry89
We're Alphabet workers. We’ve been organizing for over a year, & we’re finally ready to share why. This morning, we're announcing #AWU, the first union open to *all* workers at any Alphabet company. Every worker deserves a union—including tech workers
lavoro | Google
::: AlphabetWorkers ::: dottorblaster ::: LaurenKGurley ::: Slashdot ::: greenhousenyt ::: trombauni ::: ctrlshifti
In home: "resiste al vaccino"
giornali, stampa
::: fabiochiusi
Jack Ma, fondatore di Alibaba e Ant, è scomparso dalla scena pubblica (persino come giudice di talent) da quando ha criticato le regole bancarie cinesi. Con un patrimonio netto di 50,6 mld$, Jack Ma è l'uomo più ricco in Cina
protagonisti | Cina
::: AlienoGentile ::: Renato_Corghi ::: Slashdot ::: simopieranni
Dopo la #Brexit il Regno Unito rimarrà partner del programma di osservazione terrestre #Copernicus (programma congiunto Unione Europea-ESA) mentre resterà fuori da #Galileo (programma solo UE). UK è uscito dall'Unione Europea, ma non dall'ESA
spazio, esplorazione
::: a_a_f_t
Not too long ago, there was interest in making an @ErlangLisp Lisp machine
hardware | Lisp
::: fhunleth
This customized version of @codingfield InfiniTime is stunning. If you're interested in the #PineTime then we strongly suggest you check it out
open source | hardware
::: thepine64
How I Keep My Projects Organized
programming, codice, snippet
::: rasbt
Per iniziare bene l'anno, in traduzione italiana "Quello che #Framasoft vorrebbe fare insieme a te nel 2021", in formato testo + audio e a puntate
open source
::: nilocram
Mount your browser tabs as a file system so you can script your browser like normal scripting
uhmmm... da approfondire (avendo il tempo)
applicazioni, programmi | browser
::: wilbowma
argparse — Command-Line Option and Argument Parsing
::: pymotw
L'integrazione tra i servizi della PA, spiegata bene
::: DiegoManinetti
Does anyone know of a comprehensive list of free CS books found online? I'm only interested in "free by design" and not warezbooks
::: fogus
Un anticipo della ricerca che pubblicheremo con @StevenForti e @StopHateAndFake. Ho analizzato 114mila followers di account di estrema destra, questa è la classifica dei loro influencers. Dati non definitivi. Fate le vostre domande qui sotto. #facciamorete #stophateandfake
odio, razzismo, discriminazioni | disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: alex_orlowski
What are your #2021CodingGoals?
programming, codice, snippet
Last century global manufacturers competed based on their access to low-cost talent. This century global manufacturers will compete based on their access to AI-powered solutions. Software is eating the world. This decade it will eat manufacturing
artificial intelligence
::: RichRogers_
L’attacco hacker contro gli Stati Uniti è un disastro
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: eugenio_cau
Apple Has Purportedly Asked Foxconn To Create Two Foldable iPhone Prototype Shells
::: Slashdot
Searching for RH Counterexamples — Deploying with Docker
Python | matematica
::: MathProgramming
Haven, the Amazon-Berkshire-JPMorgan Venture To Disrupt Healthcare, is Disbanding After 3 Years
economia, lavoro
::: Slashdot
Move over, robot cars. Here come the autonomous trucks
::: IEEESpectrum
Microsoft Planning 'Sweeping Visual Rejuvenation of Windows'
sistemi operativi
::: Slashdot
The power of modern computing
::: newscientist
Epic Games Buys a Huge Mall
::: Slashdot
Took some searching, but I found it! That's all I'm at liberty to say 😁
social media
::: jakevdp
Practical Common Lisp fans, if I were to do a 2nd edition, what updates would you like to see?
per me PCL è uno dei libri migliori di sempre
::: peterseibel
A Recap of 2020 in Chinese Space
spazio, esplorazione | Cina
::: universetoday
Great new attempt at explaining biotech to computer nerds hoping someone comes up with an open source version of the vaccine
programming, codice, snippet
::: jaromil
Ukraine Government Picks Stellar To Help Build National Digital Currency
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: Slashdot
#drone Droni 2021, ENAC pubblica il regolamento aggiuntivo UAS-IT
::: Quadricottero ::: Genjuro75
rump prosegue sulla strada dell'eversione, e svariate testate italiane proseguono a virgolettarne le balle eversive come niente fosse -- senza contestualizzare, spiegando che sono appunto balle eversive. Da dove verrà la manica di scalmanati che ci casca? Chissà?
giornali, stampa
::: fabiochiusi
Wow. In a massive u-turn, Singapore's government now says police *are* allowed to access citizens' COVID-19 contact tracing data for criminal investigations. Worse, the government announced recently that contact tracing will be mandatory from this year
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza | coronavirus
::: zackwhittaker
AI could be the saviour of the COVID-19 pandemic in the coming year; we just need to prove it
artificial intelligence | coronavirus
::: fabiochiusi
I did not realise that @nmap had decided to stop using a recognised #OpenSource license and instead written its own with a field-of-use restriction to drive revenue. A great shame
open source
::: webmink
Linus Torvalds Rails At Intel For 'Killing' the ECC Industry
hardware | protagonisti
::: Slashdot ::: lemire
Facebook is a newstand. But no one can see which news Facebook is pushing to the top. So we built an app for that called #CitizenBrowser. Our first finding: the sharp impact of Facebook’s political ad ban reversal in the Georgia Senate elections
::: JuliaAngwin
Despite all the talk about the end of Moore's Law, researchers continue to demonstrate that they have tricks up their sleeves for continuing to pack transistors ever more tightly into integrated circuits
::: IEEESpectrum
Google's Luiz André Barroso brought us cloud computing, powerful search engines, and fast Internet services
::: IEEESpectrum
Imagine a 100% secure safe that still allowed limited access to its contents without ever opening its lock or breaching its walls. Welcome to the paradox of "fully homomorphic encryption." @DanGaristo explores IBM's FHE pilot
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: IEEESpectrum
A widespread Electron and Golang-based cross-platform RAT #malware is targeting #cryptocurrency users with 'undetected' trojanized apps for Windows, #Linux, and macOS systems
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: TheHackersNews
"Bootstrapping a small math library" another triumph by @JohnDCook
uh! bc è indispensabile, imho
tool, componente software | matematica
::: fogus
20 anni di #Wikipedia , l'enciclopedia on line ha mantenuto la sua promessa di democratizzare il sapere?
::: nilocram
Amazon Makes First Aircraft Purchase to Expand Cargo Network
::: Slashdot
Google's iOS Apps Haven't Been Updated in Weeks. Could Apple's Privacy Labels Be the Reason?
::: Slashdot
As #BigData tools reshape #healthcare, biased datasets and unaccountable #algorithms threaten to further disempower patients
machine learning | coronavirus
::: BostonReview
MIT study: reading code activates a much wider range of the brain region used for complex tasks like math problems. Reading code is "not the same as language, or math & logic. It seems to be its own thing."
programming, codice, snippet
NYSE Abruptly Reverses Plan To Delist Three Chinese Telecoms
Cina | economia, lavoro
::: Slashdot
81,000 UK-Owned .EU Domains Suspended As Brexit Transition Ends
Web, Internet
::: Slashdot
'Minecraft Earth' Will Shut Down On June 30th
games | Microsoft
::: Slashdot
Apple's AR glasses will have head-up displays, cameras, inertial sensors, and lidar on board—but will Apple redefine the meaning of "Glass" as it did "Pod" and "Phone"?
augmented reality
::: IEEESpectrum
Il #giornale mi attacca con un articolo dove travisa il mio tweet sugli account più seguiti dalla estrema destra. Accusandomi di creare liste di proscrizione, quando semplicemente si tratta di "chi segue chi" caro @FraBoezi ne parliamo ? #facciamorete
giornali, stampa | politica | social media
::: alex_orlowski
Is the future of energy storage giant jenga towers and abandoned mine shafts?
::: IEEESpectrum
World's Worst Internet Shutdowns Cost India $2.8 Billion in 2020
Web, Internet
::: Slashdot
Building machine learning models that work on drones, with TensorFlow/Keras
droni | machine learning
::: fchollet
Dell's New Monitors Have a Dedicated Microsoft Teams Button
hardware | Microsoft
::: Slashdot
Graphics Cards Are About To Get a Lot More Expensive, Asus Warns
::: Slashdot
Python, the ideal language for teaching programming
i numeri reali ovviamente sono approssimati; e non ci sono tutti
programming, codice, snippet
::: ShriramKMurthi ::: ShriramKMurthi ::: ShriramKMurthi ::: ShriramKMurthi ::: zacchiro ::: ShriramKMurthi ::: samth
GitHub Secures License To Operate In Iran
programming, codice, snippet | politica
::: Slashdot
Trump Auctions Arctic Refuge To Oil Drillers In Last Strike Against US Wilderness
ambiente, ecologia
::: Slashdot
Pfff who need varargs ????
programming, codice, snippet
::: pedantcoder
Image generation from sentences has come a long way in 5.5 years
machine learning
::: fchollet
Telegram Feature Exposes Your Precise Address To Hackers
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot
Biodiesel Expansion Could Worsen Deforestation in Indonesia
ambiente, ecologia
::: formicablu
Volete spiare la cartella clinica del vicino?
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: oiramdivito
Finally, in 2020, #GCC 9.2.0 has been ported to #Jehanne
sistemi operativi
::: giacomotesio
Verizon Indefinitely Delays 3G Network Shutdown
Web, Internet
::: Slashdot
Hackers target cryptocurrency users with new ElectroRAT malware
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: ZDNet
#PowerShell 7.2: New features in the Preview
per quelli che continuano con l'OS sbagliato
tool, componente software
::: Olya_moskovchen
Our latest #cybersecurity product helps sys admins #detect and replace outdated TLS encryption protocol implementations with updated configurations to ensure data is being effectively protected
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: NSACyber
Mandatory WhatsApp Privacy Policy Update Allows User Data To be Shared With Facebook
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot
From #SolarWinds to the #737Max troubles to #ransomware outbreaks in hospitals, universities & #Foxconn, 2020 was a year of cybersecurity woes and tech snafus. A rundown of some of IT's biggest misfires for the year just passed
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: IEEESpectrum
I do not understand statistics saying that JavaScript and Java programmers earn much more than C++ or Swift programmers. Before I trust someone with C++, I need to trust them highly… thus… high salary?
linguaggi di programmazione
::: lemire
Un appello per la cooperazione tra potenze spaziali e contro la militarizzazione dello spazio
spazio, esplorazione
::: a_a_f_t
Per un governo pubblico del sistema di gestione dei dati
digitalizzazione | dati, raccolta
::: ilmanifesto
Memory access on the Apple M1 processor
prog #:hard
::: lemire
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