Chissà se, chissà come va a finire ma per intanto ecco cosa ho wisto nel Web.
'Terms of Service' Agreements Are Unbalanced, Need Reforming, Urges New York Times
Web, Internet | politica
::: Slashdot
Fedora 34: New Features and Release Dates
Linux distro
::: JvJean1971
Il #raspberrypi4 si difende bene con le connessioni, è quello che tengo più distante dal router e funziona benissimo anche a 30 metri con pareti in tufo in mezzo
::: Genjuro75
Study Finds The Least-Affordable City for Tech Workers: Silicon Valley's San Jose
economia, lavoro
::: Slashdot
If GitHub Pages ever stops being offered, who else is going to realize they've meanwhile forgotten *everything* about how to set up sites and certs and miscellaneous things?
programming, codice, snippet | Web, Internet
::: ShriramKMurthi
Meme (über)
::: Keyframe
My rust diff library is slowly going somewhere
linguaggi di programmazione
::: mitsuhiko ::: mitsuhiko
Company of NASA Stars Building Orbital Space Hotel With Artificial Gravity
spazio, esplorazione
::: konstructivizm
Hereby my proposal to substitute #sudo with a short, readable tool developed in literate programming style sud zero configuration, GID based authorization, fully static binary is ~70Kb, thanks to @parazyd and@zoobab for the inspirations
programming, codice, snippet | applicazioni, programmi
::: jaromil
With New User-Defined Functions, Microsoft Excel is Now Turing Complete
applicazioni, programmi | programming, codice, snippet
::: Slashdot
The Varieties of Twitter Academics
::: wgervais
We need more non-blink based browsers in the competition. We cannot let Google define and dominate the open web standards with all the major browsers now using their engine. Firefox and Safari are the only two holding out
browser | Web, Internet
::: rajitsingh ::: kocienda Domain Stolen, Now Using IP Address of Past Malware Campaigns
::: Slashdot
New Linux-based tablet OS - JingOS set for January 31 launch
hardware | Linux
::: LinuxFansclub
Appello a sociologi e politologi: Mi piacerebbe leggere uno studio (serio) sul ruolo di Twitter nel degrado della politica italiana
tutta la discussione (promette bene)
Twitter | politica
::: janavel7
Why Sci-Hub matters: new empirical study shows that "articles downloaded from Sci-Hub were cited 1.72 times more than papers not downloaded from Sci-Hub...the number of downloads from Sci-Hub was a robust predictor of future citations"
scienza | Web, Internet
::: evgenymorozov
Are We Overestimating the Number of COBOL Transactions Each Day?
linguaggi di programmazione
::: slashdot
Apple I: su eBay un modello funzionante e assemblato da Steve Wozniak
::: Genjuro75
Guardavo ora #Windows 10, il computer di mia moglie, ma quanti menù quante voci quante impostazioni. 🤭😳😲
conosco gente che potrebbe vebirti aspettare sotto casa per questo post
sistemi operativi
::: Uomodellastrad1
I swear 50% of the compilers course is getting students to believe their compiler can be right even if it’s not producing identical code to the reference compiler
programming, codice, snippet
::: wilbowma
Biofuel-Powered Rocket Makes Historic Launch in Maine
energia | spazio, esplorazione
::: Slashdot
To Re-Enable Flash Support, South Africa's Tax Agency Released Its Own Web Browser
Web, Internet
::: Slashdot
Google Gave Top Spot For 'Home Depot' Searches to a Malicious Ad
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot
This is an image of the surface of Mars, taken from orbit. Look closely. See the faint pair of parallel lines that zig-zag from top right to bottom left? Look even more closely. See the @MarsCuriosity rover at the end of those tracks?
spazio, esplorazione | robots, automazione, droni
::: ThePlanetaryGuy
Since "free games" are free now here's a nice list someone put together. #XboxLiveGold #xbox #XboxSeriesX
While Recreating CentOS as 'Rocky Linux', Gregory Kurtzer Also Launches a Sponsoring Startup
Linux distro
::: Slashdot
Se volete veramente un programma interessante per i pdf con delle possibilità incredibili usate questo è ovviamente #opensource e #freesoftware. Dopo tanti anni che lo uso, ho trovato giusto ed etico donare € 5, per il grande lavoro di Andrea Vancondio
applicazioni, programmi | open source
::: giordi63
(Why you'd not use that sh*t) Spotify wants to suggest songs based on your emotions
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: dcavedon
Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis for February 01, 2021
Web, Internet
::: GoComics
Black-Box Algorithms Shouldn’t Decide Who Gets a Vaccine by @lizjosullivan in @OZM
algoritmi, codice
::: fabiochiusi
“Wrongfully and automatically reporting users on Facebook and Instagram is so easy that it is commonly used by small-scale criminals around the world.” Read AlgorithmWatch's investigation on the abuse of the "report user" function
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: algorithmwatch
Some people won't get vaccinated because of a conspiracy theory that vaccines are tracking devices, while carrying actual tracking devices in their pockets and using them to post about vaccines
disinformazione, fake news, bufale | coronavirus
::: jameshamblin
JavaScript has async/await. Now it just needs actors
linguaggi di programmazione
::: sindresorhus
![]() |
Providence |
We all need to thank her. If unfamiliar, her name is Alexandra Asanovna Elbakyan
scienza | Web, Internet
::: ESpacewalk
ElixirLS version 0.6.3 is released!
linguaggi di programmazione
::: bostonvaulter
I work on IT, which is the reason our house has:
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: NTechlibre
Amazon’s search algorithm boosts books promoting false claims about vaccines over those that debunk health misinformation, the researchers found
disinformazione, fake news, bufale | Amazon
::: fabiochiusi
US police and fire departments partnering with Amazon’s Ring passes 2,000
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: emenietti
Dal blog → Mamma, ho costruito una libreria di actor modeling per NodeJS
linguaggi di programmazione
::: dottorblaster
New Study: A Zero-Emissions America is Now Pretty Cheap
me vedere prima di credere
energia | ambiente, ecologia
::: Slashdot
Nonostante la pressione governativa il mondo digitale cinese cresce: per l’app di mini video Ipo da 5,4 miliardi di dollari
Cina | social media
::: simopieranni
Inspired by this investigation, I looked at Racket from 17 years ago (v206). For a simple benchmark, Racket is 15.7x faster today. If we write the program using modern Racket, it's 72x faster. With parallelism (not in Racket then), 148x
language Racket
::: samth
Come la vedo io sulla "caccia all'orso" aka "la rivincita dei nerd" #GameStop #wallstreetsbets #HedgeFunds
economia, lavoro
::: AlienoGentile ::: Vasiliy_Fet
On Proebsting's Law, or How Does clang 2.7 Hold Up In 2021?
linguaggi di programmazione
::: zeuxcg
sysconfig — Interpreter Compile-time Configuration
::: pymotw
Twitter Blocks Numerous High-Profile Accounts in India Following Government's 'Legal demand'
Twitter | censura
::: Slashdot
Governments exploit COVID-19 tracing data for other uses, risking backlash
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza | coronavirus
::: fabiochiusi
Elon Musk Grills Robinhood CEO Over GameStop Trading Freeze: 'The People Demand Answers'
economia, lavoro | protagonisti
::: Slashdot
NYU report finds that there is "no reliable evidence" to suggest that the largest social media companies are biased against conservatives. #Section230
social media | politica
::: M_feeney
Loon spun out from @theteamatx. Its moonshot goal was to bring Internet to the world via high-altitude balloons. Here's why it didn't work out
Web, Internet
::: IEEESpectrum
We are pleased to announce a new #ecl release ECL 21.2.1, grab it while it's fresh :-)
::: dk_jackdaniel ::: RainerJoswig ::: RainerJoswig
As Google Eyes Australia Exit, Microsoft Talks Bing With Prime Minister
Google | Microsoft
::: Slashdot
Is it possible to write an extremely readable implementation of a CLIP like model in #Keras & @TensorFlow? HELL YEAH, it's totally possible
machine learning
::: RisingSayak
Come difendersi dal #phishing (considerazioni basate sulla mia esperienza, altre esperienze a commento sono benvenute)
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: MauroV1968
Amazon Says Government Demands For User Data Spiked By 800% in 2020
Amazon | riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: Slashdot
Roughly "70% of the top 100 most active US Civic Groups are considered non-recommendable for issues such as hate, misinfo, bullying and harassment," the presentation concluded
Facebook | odio, razzismo, discriminazioni
::: fabiochiusi
Version 2 of @CERN's Open Hardware License approved by @OpenSourceOrg #OpenSource #FOSS #CERN #OpenHardware #OHL #licensing #OSI
open source | hardware
Robinhood Raises Another $2.4 Billion as Broker App Deals With Retail Trading Frenzy
economia, lavoro
::: Slashdot
I finally figured out how to use #TypeScript to publish a #nodejs library supporting dual package mode (CommonJS and ESM)
linguaggi di programmazione
::: loige
GPT-3, the powerful text-generating #AI from @OpenAI, is going to work -- it's beginning to power a host of commercial applications. What can users do about its unfortunate tendency to spew out toxic language?
artificial intelligence
::: IEEESpectrum
Google Snags Ford Cloud Partnership in Coup Over Microsoft
::: Slashdot
Reorganizing the rand module for V
linguaggi di programmazione
::: v_language
Xiaomi Sues US Seeking To Reverse Investment Ban
Cina | politica
::: Slashdot
Vi racconto una storia. Molta gente se la prende dicendomi che esagero quando parlo di metodo redazionale scadente e disastroso ogni volta che un giornale pubblica una bufala
giornali, stampa | disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: disinformatico
Su WhatsApp gira un nuovo malware che si diffonde tra i contatti personali
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Genjuro75
Typescript in React or rather "How to double your effort and slow yourself down to write the same shitty component"
programming, codice, snippet
::: vikkio88
Colloegamento al Web
::: igor_chubin
Google Stadia Shuts Down Internal Studios, Changing Business Focus
::: Slashdot
Elon Musk Says His Start-Up Neuralink Has Wired Up a Monkey To Play Video Games Using Its Mind
protagonisti | games | tecnologia | (forse)
::: Slashdot
Reddit Users Revolt Against the iOS App's New Video Player
::: Slashdot
Robinhood CEO To Testify Before Maxine Waters' Panel On GameStop
economia, lavoro
::: Slashdot
Exxon Mobil To Invest $3 Billion In Carbon Capture and Other Projects To Lower Emissions
ambiente, ecologia
::: Slashdot
AI2 researchers and collaborators @SamGehman, @ssgrn, and @MaartenSap spoke with @IEEESpectrum's @newsbeagle, who covers the problem of toxic language in popular models (like #GPT3) in this excellent article – a big concern for safe #NLP deployment
artificial intelligence | odio, razzismo, discriminazioni
::: allen_ai
Me logging on every morning to see if @racketlang 8.0 has been released yet
language Racket
::: joeld
Typed Racket has Refinement Types
language Racket
::: thelittlelisper
Middy, the #Nodejs Middleware framework for #AWS #Lambda, has just surpassed 2k stars on #github 🤩
linguaggi di programmazione
::: loige
Fatemi capire: dobbiamo aggiungere un pezzo a SPID, convincere i social ad integrare questa cosa, costringere tutti a usare SPID per accedere, regalare a tutti i social l’autenticazione forte di tutti gli italiani... per una cosa che ogni 12enne un po’ abile supererà con una VPN?
social media
::: raistolo
A manifesto for optimism in a dark age. It argues that “cyber-miserabilism” – the doomy belief that big tech and bad actors have permanently screwed our democracy – is wrong. Instead, @bellingcat hails the internet as an ‘extraordinary gift’
Web, Internet
::: philchamberlain
@IBM has cut its blockchain team down to almost nothing, according to four people familiar with the situation
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: CoinDesk ::: Slashdot ::: Grady_Booch
#GameStop è rivoluzione dal basso? Think again. Chi vince e chi perde e come funzionano i mercati, in un duetto di @ThManfredi e @gianlucac1
economia, lavoro
::: CrossWordsCW
Electric Cars Would Save America Huge Amounts of Energy
::: Slashdot
Singapore limits police use of TraceTogether contact-tracing data to seven types of criminal offences
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: fabiochiusi
Boston Dynamics' Spot Robot Is Now Armed
robots, automazione, droni
::: BotJunkie ::: MIT_CSAIL
More good news from the wiki-world! Today, we're instituting a site-wide Universal Code of Conduct for participation in @Wikipedia and our other sites, creating clear standards of behavior and explicit definitions of harassment, on and off wiki
::: krmaher
Internet Blackouts Skyrocket Amid Global Political Unrest
::: Slashdot
New index organizes 3000+ ML datasets by task, modality, language, benchmarks & more
machine learning | dati, raccolta
The best-selling computer brands of the last 20+ years
GameStop Shares Plunge as Traders Dump Stock
economia, lavoro
::: Slashdot ::: Slashdot
We're very proud for being part of this community that truly works together to make something as amazing, making the ground work for bringing true freedom into the mobile devices space. In true Ubuntu spirit I'm because we are. Thank you all, and specially to @thepine64 community
Ubuntu | dispositivi mobili
::: UBports
What's North Korea's next move after Google researchers outed its program of cozying up to computer security experts, surveilling them, and stealing their secrets?
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | cyberwar
::: IEEESpectrum
Why Webcams Aren't Good Enough
::: Slashdot
Red Hat Enterprise Linux gratis: la rivoluzione di Red Hat parte con 16 server
Linux distro
::: Genjuro75
Ransomware gangs are abusing VMWare ESXi exploits to encrypt virtual hard disks
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: _mrbyte
Suspected Chinese Hackers Used SolarWinds Bug To Spy on US Payroll Agency
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot
What do robots do when you are not around?
::: System32Comics
Martin Wimpress, Ubuntu Desktop Lead, is Leaving Canonical
::: dcavedon
Ransomware Gangs Made at Least $350 Million in 2020
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot
Facebook Wants iOS Users to Allow Activity Tracking Permissions
::: Genjuro75
SpaceX's Starship Launches and Again Crashes in Test of Prototype
spazio, esplorazione
::: Slashdot ::: emenietti
Great interview on "the quest for digital sovereignty" with our #DNL20 #DataCities speaker Denis @jaromil Roio!
algoritmi, codice
::: disruptberlin
Jacob Ziv and Steve Wozniak were among the recipients for IEEE's 2021 major awards
::: IEEESpectrum
Hacker Group Inserted Malware In NoxPlayer Android Emulator
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot
Amazon's Next Headquarters Is a Glass Poop Emoji Covered In Trees
::: Slashdot
Snapchat e non solo, Google porta la sua cloud nel regime di Ryad
::: ilmanifesto
Yes, electrifying vehicles worldwide, reduces end-used power demand ~22%
::: mzjacobson
🇨🇳 Keep an eye on this: #ByteDance has decided to sue #Tencent for its monopolistic practices. Another lawsuit was filed years ago, unsuccessfully, but the recent thrust against #BigTech could allow different outcomes this time
ditte | Cina
::: galbcasanova
I just discovered WebAssembly uses S-expression to represent its AST. I don't know who is the genius that made this happened, though I'm sure they are from the Lisp cabal 💞
linguaggi di programmazione
::: juldanjou
One more test of marker-less tracking used for clothes sim
da indagare, perlomeno scrollare
virtual reality
::: microdanilka
The incoming Amazon CEO Andy Jassy on facial recognition and potential police abuse: "Let's see if they somehow abuse the technology. To assume they're going to do it and therefore you shouldn't allow them to have access ... doesn't feel like the right balance to me"
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza | Amazon
::: alfredwkng
The 🇩🇪 government has just approved the implementation package for the new #copyright directive. It now be discussed in the Bundestag (parliament). The proposal contains a number of important user rights safeguards, but they are much weaker than in the proposal from last summer
copyright e brevetti
::: communia_eu ::: communia_eu
Jeff Bezos entro fine anno lascerà il ruolo di amministratore delegato della l Amazon che ricopre dal '95, e passerà al ruolo di presidente esecutivo Sarà sostituito da Andy Jassy, attualmente capo del business cloud di Amazon Web Services
protagonisti | Amazon
::: marina_catucci ::: marina_catucci
Siglato un protocollo di intesa tra @Informatici Senza Frontiere e Italian Linux Society, per collaborare sul recupero consapevole di hardware e sulle tecnologie assistive
hardware | open source
::: ItaLinuxSociety
Sempre della serie pubblicazioni belle e bollettino della Biblioteca dell'Archiginnasio #BOLOGNA
::: ArgiaSbolenfi
Big news: LibreOffice 7.1 is here! Huge thanks to all our volunteers and certified developers for making it happen. Discover the new features and improvements in this release, and why we're calling it "Community"
applicazioni, programmi
::: libreoffice
South Korea Leads World In Innovation; US Drops Out of Top 10
innovazioni, futuro
::: Slashdot
Amazon's Anti-Union Blitz Stalks Alabama Warehouse Workers Everywhere, Even the Bathroom
lavoro | Amazon
::: Slashdot
@disinformatico Ma secondo te al @Corriere lo sanno che la foto della tizia nell'articolo è quella di un famoso meme? Perché dall'articolo non si capisce...
giornali, stampa
::: Alledsnbtl
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