In questi giorni tutti parlano d'altro, io invece insisto e vi racconto cosa ho wisto nel Web.
¿Aún no conoces la terminal de #Linux? ¿Sabes de alguien que aún no se anime con la terminal #Linux? No dejes de darle RT a este magnífico #tutorial interactivo de la gran Lisa Tagliaferri (@lisaironcutter)
niente panico, è inglese; e elementare, facile
manuali, how to | Linux
::: HackDevMagazine
::: bouletcorp
Almost 1/3 of all COVID charts on Twitter have come from right-wing media & anti-maskers
coronavirus | politica
Python 3.10.0a5 is now available. Same as always: test the heck out of it, but not in prod!
::: gvanrossum
Cisco has addressed multiple pre-auth remote code execution (RCE) vulnerabilities affecting several small business VPN routers and allowing attackers to execute arbitrary code as root
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Gurgling_MrD
A privacy watchdogs' report has found that Clearview AI’s controversial facial recognition technology was “the mass identification and surveillance of individuals by a private entity.” “What Clearview does is mass surveillance and it is illegal"
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: wendygillis ::: fabiochiusi
A theory about PHP
::: CommitStrip
Recent Root-Giving Sudo Bug Also Impacts macOS
::: Slashdot
what should the biden administration’s internet policy involve? @pielemeier argues compellingly that the US should double down on human rights
Web, Internet | politica
::: davidakaye
Putting the latest Starship crash into perspective—it’s “stupidly difficult”
spazio, esplorazione
::: universetoday
A rising tide lifts all boats when it comes to open source! We’ve been working a lot with device makers, but you should care even if you’re not buying a new device with elementary OS
open source | sistemi operativi
::: elementary
Presenting: The Lisperati1000 Computer! An ultra-compact Lisp programming workstation. PETG 3D printed case, PizeroW, 4400mAh dual batteries, Full-sized 40% keyboard, 1920x480 ultrawide screen, so I can see lots of parentheses. Only 3 will ever be built
hardware | Lisp
::: lisperati
Over 300 Million Indians May Have COVID-19
::: Slashdot
Malicious Chrome and Edge Add-Ons Had a Novel Way To Hide On 3 Million Devices
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | browser
::: Slashdot
"A court on Wednesday ruled that the French state failed to take sufficient action to fight climate change" - Congratulations to those involved! It's so obvious nations aren't even close to meet their own very insufficient goals that it holds up in court
ambiente, ecologia
::: GretaThunberg
Twitter Unblocked Accounts That Criticized India’s Government. Now, Its Employees Are Being Threatened With Jail Time Unless It Blocks Them Again
Twitter | censura
::: fabiochiusi
Robots Are Speeding Up the Most Boring Job In Astronomy
robots, automazione, droni
::: Slashdot
Una società di riconoscimento facciale dovrà cancellare i dati di un cittadino europeo
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: fabiochiusi
a website is telling people to download WhatsApp. But the app is fake: it's a config file for iPhones, that then gives hackers access to your device. We found it is strongly linked to an Italian spyware firm working for intelligence/LE agencies
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: josephfcox
TikTok obbedisce al Garante Privacy - Gli italiani minori di 13 anni non potranno più iscriversi a TikTok
social media
::: ilmanifesto
Notebooks in VS Code revamped. ToC, Diffing, Gather, LiveShare, and more
programming, codice, snippet
::: gvanrossum
Before they take it down, here's the video Amazon circulated internally to roll out what amounts to the largest expansion of corporate surveillance in human history: using artificial intelligence enabled cameras on their fleet of thousands of delivery vans
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza | Amazon
::: evan_greer
Vaccine passports < > face recognition
coronavirus | riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: fabiochiusi
Wall Street Is Keeping Very Close Tabs On WallStreetBets
economia, lavoro
::: Slashdot
Gli “uomini di scienza” che negano l’origine antropica del riscaldamento globale si occupano raramente di #clima
ambiente, ecologia
::: RadioProzac
Bangladesh has bought Israeli-made surveillance equipment that can be used to monitor the mobile phones of hundreds of people simultaneously
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: fabiochiusi
#TBT: On Facebook's 17th anniversary, this 2007 post on the social network's quirks and features is like a nostalgic flashback. Remember when poking was a thing?
storia | Facebook
::: IEEESpectrum
And ICYMI, read @meharris's investigation of how Facebook's patents shaped its "filter bubbles"
::: IEEESpectrum
AT&T Customer Since 1960 Buys WSJ Print Ad To Complain of Slow Speeds
Web, Internet
::: Slashdot
Two Google engineers resign over firing of AI ethics researcher Timnit Gebru
Google | censura
::: fabiochiusi
Apple's Mixed Reality Headset Could Cost $3,000 and Include 8K Displays
augmented reality | virtual reality
::: Slashdot
Math Inspector: a new open-source, Python-based coding environment for visualizing and animating math operations
sembra mooolto interessante
Python | machine learning | matematica | applicazioni, programmi
Happy to announce #CollaboraOnline 6.4.5 🌻 After a great #LibreOffice release yesterday, now an update for the #online version -built on LibreOffice- the exciting project we started 7 years ago 🍀
applicazioni, programmi
::: CollaboraOffice
"An open source machine learning framework for efficient and transparent systematic reviews" The future of systematic reviewing will be an interaction with machine learning algorithms to deal with the enormous increase of available text
machine learning
::: alexvespi
Non più Ceo di Amazon, Bezos ora vuole lo spazio
protagonisti | spazio, esplorazione
::: marina_catucci
Our digital collection has now grown to 2 million books! We're so proud to serve communities with limited library access due to disabilities, transportation issues, and lack of local resources
libri | Web, Internet | storia
::: internetarchive
Last week the French Ministry of Culture hosted a (virtual) presentation of a report on the implementation of #Article17 of the #copyright directive. Instead of demonstrating support for the 🇫🇷 interpretation of Article 17, it achieved quite the opposite
copyright e brevetti | censura
::: communia_eu
A guera...agli egg fauns
economia, lavoro
::: gianlucac1 ::: gianlucac1 ::: AlienoGentile ::: Slashdot
Myanmar Blocks Facebook as Resistance Grows To Coup
Facebook | censura
::: Slashdot ::: Slashdot ::: fabiochiusi ::: accessnow
Microsoft Launches Viva, Its New Take on the Old Intranet
Web, Internet | Microsoft
::: Slashdot
A big change may be coming to cell phone cameras, as silicon nanostructures get ready to take on the ubiquitous plastic lens
tecnologia | dispositivi mobili
::: TeklaPerry
Happy 78th birthday to programming-language pioneer Ken Thompson
This guide details everything you need to know to create your own `fit` call
machine learning
::: RisingSayak
Pixel Phones Will Be Able To Read Your Heart Rate With Their Cameras
dispositivi mobili
::: Slashdot
Chromium Cleans Up Its Act -- and Daily DNS Root Server Queries Drop by 60 Billion
::: Slashdot
Spotify Plans For Podcast Subscriptions, a la carte Payments
video, streaming
::: Slashdot
Biden Commerce Pick Sees 'No Reason' To Lift Huawei Curbs
::: Slashdot
Google Boots 'The Great Suspender' Off the Chrome Web Store For Being Malware
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot
Israeli hackers breach KKK-affiliated website
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: javier_carriazo
The Open-Source Magma Project Will Become 5G's Linux
open source
::: Slashdot
The least effective kind of technologists are the opportunists driven by greed. The most effective are driven by curiosity
::: fchollet
Il cavo sottomarino di Google che collega USA e Francia è pronto. I dati viaggeranno a 250 Terabit/s
::: Genjuro75
7 years has been a wild ride. I'm stepping down as @Wikimedia CEO in April. We've done some great stuff
::: krmaher
The Empire State Building and Its Related Buildings Are Now Powered By Wind
energia | ambiente, ecologia
::: Slashdot
I’m pleased to announce that euro area central banks have agreed to apply sustainable and responsible investment principles in non-monetary policy portfolios. This shows our commitment to helping the shift towards a greener economy in Europe
ambiente, ecologia
::: Lagarde
Dominion Voting tells Facebook, Parler and other social media sites to preserve posts for lawsuits
social media | politica
::: fabiochiusi
Graph of the day: in social science, we can usually only dream of correlations as strong as this one: the negative relationship between % residents who can work from home and neighbourhood deprivation
se vero impressionante oltre la mia comprensione
lavoro a distanza | economia, lavoro
::: GwilymPryce1
Japan's flawed COVID-19 tracing app is digital black eye for Tokyo - Software failed to notify at-risk Android users for 4 months without a fix
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: fabiochiusi
Messaggi vocali e netiquette
social media
::: MauroV1968
Pakistan Forced Down Apps Made By a Persecuted Religious Minority
::: Slashdot
Se avete letto uno dei tanti articoli che riprendono acriticamente la nuova uscita di @Greenpeace_ITA sulle microplastiche nei cosmetici, sappiate che le cose sono un bel po' diverse da come le raccontano
ambiente, ecologia
::: divagatrice
Création d'une mission #logiciel #libre au sein du gouvernement en France: on l'a beaucoup demandée, elle vient d'être annoncée!
open source
::: rdicosmo
Roma ha speso 6.300.000€ + IVA per le licenze Microsoft
open source
::: eniogemmo
India is Restoring 4G Internet in Jammu and Kashmir After 18 Months
::: Slashdot
A tutta AI: il CEO di Xiaomi investe nel chipmaker CVITEK
artificial intelligence
::: simopieranni
Oggi debutto in borsa per #Kuaishou, piattaforma di video brevi con 262,4 mln di utenti rivale di Douyin/TikTok (ByteDance). IPO da 5,4 miliardi dollari, prezzo azioni triplicato da valore iniziale di 115 a 338 HKD, chiusura a 300 HKD. Kuaishou è per 21,5% di proprietà di Tencent
social media
::: LalaHu9
This was my first computer!
::: oubiwann
Climate change is a real threat to us all—but feeling helpless or overwhelmed isn’t going to solve it. As long as we stay hopeful and keep working with the urgency the challenge demands, we can make a difference
ambiente, ecologia
::: BarackObama
AI-enabled cameras "will detect unsafe driving, including when drivers appear distracted or drowsy, (an Amazon senior manager) explained, adding that the footage could be used by the company's safety team, or in investigations of theft or accidents"
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza | Amazon
::: fabiochiusi
Dozens of Current and Former Dropbox Employees Allege Gender Discrimination
odio, razzismo, discriminazioni
::: Slashdot
TradingView requires a paid plan in order to have a split panel layout with multiple charts, the desktop app won't start more than once, iframe embedding is restricted, standard browser windows take too much space. But you can DIY for free with less than 10 lines of python
::: evilsocket
App utilissime ovunque!
::: BeppeBeppetti
Google Explores Alternative To Apple's New Anti-Tracking Feature
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot ::: theavalkyrie ::: ObnoxiousJul
#UbuntuTouch now has a new, more informative devices page. It's clearer, simpler to use, and puts more information at your fingertips. Further updates will follow, all helping you choose the phone that is right for you
Ubuntu | dispositivi mobili
::: UBports
Volete una soluzione alternativa a Googledocs? Che protegga la vostra #privacy e i vostri dati? Magari #opensource e #freesoftware? Facile da usare? La soluzione c'è! Si chiama @cryptpad se andate sul loro sito trovate tutto
::: giordi63
vfmt now has automatic imports, similar to the goimports tool
linguaggi di programmazione
::: v_language
Pandemic Drove Sales of 4G and 5G-Enabled PCs To New Record In 2020
economia, lavoro
::: Slashdot
The Endless Browser Wars #Chrome #chromium #Firefox
::: dcavedon
L’Herald Tribune non esce più dal 2013
giornali, stampa
::: silvia_sb_
Imagine downloading a quantum compiler which claims to be “open access” and then finding that in order to use it you must agree to this: > [The business] retains the right to terminate this Licence at its sole discretion at any time, without notice, and with or without cause
open source
::: stylewarning ::: stylewarning
Early terminals had 80 columns because that was the length of a punched card
::: d_feldman
Amy Klobuchar's Big Antitrust Bill Wants To End the Age of Megamergers
antitrust | economia, lavoro
::: Slashdot
#Bitcoin is quietly knocking on the door of 40K
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: slashdot
Oh wow. Since Python3 added syntax for type hints, and types share the namespace of expressions, and existing constructor names have been repurposed as types, the
uhm... sono rimasto un po' indietro, un paio di versioni
::: joepolitz
Thinking lately about how racket macros are very good, but that has remarkably little to do with what people would traditionally call a “macro system”; the most interesting pieces are supporting tech that racket people just happen to lump into the same bucket for history reasons
language Racket
::: lexi_lambda
New Quantum Receiver the First To Detect Entire Radio Frequency Spectrum
::: Slashdot
'Apple Glass' may be able to tell when you're distracted, or paying attention
::: appleinsider
The largest ever study of facial-recognition data shows how much the rise of deep learning has fueled a loss of privacy. This is how we lost control of our faces
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: fabiochiusi
Ad oggi vaccinate 108 milioni di persone nel mondo, ma solo il 4% nei paesi in via di sviluppo. A fronte di 100 miliardi di finanziamenti pubblici, le aziende produttrici dei tre vaccini approvati realizzeranno entrate per trenta miliardi di dollari
::: unoscribacchino
Statistical terms: what they really mean
::: MaartenvSmeden
Android emulator called NoxPlayer abused to introduce malware onto PCs and Macs
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: nixcraft
Nevada Bill Would Allow Tech Companies To Create Governments
economia, lavoro | politica
::: Slashdot ::: jerrybrito
US Senators Propose Limiting Liability Shield For Social Media Platforms
social media
::: Slashdot ::: blakestacey ::: mmasnick ::: wexler ::: fightfortheftr ::: slashdot
#Linux, which started as a personal project 30 years ago, now dominates cloud platforms and servers. Read about how #Linux is targeted by cybercriminals for nefarious purposes
Linux | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: TrendMicroRSRCH
Denmark Strikes Deal On Artificial Wind Energy Island
::: Slashdot ::: konrad_ilpost
Science and Technology links (February 6th 2021)
::: lemire
🤖 JAX is more than just the 'next cool autodiff library'. The primitives allow us to flexibly leverage XLA and to speed-up + vectorize neuroevolution methods 🦎 with minimal engineering overhead. Find out more in my new blog post 📝
neural networks
::: RobertTLange
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