24 ottobre, 2021

Visto nel Web - 650

 Chissà se Zuck... ma chissene! ecco invece cosa ho wisto nel Web.

Giuliano l'Apostata

On this day in 2004, the first version of Ubuntu was released
storia | Ubuntu
::: DayTechHistory

Non Sequitur for October 21, 2021
social media | umorismo
::: _juhan

The leak reveals Saudi Arabia, Japan and Australia are among countries asking the UN to play down the need to move rapidly away from fossil fuels
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: GretaThunberg ::: lawrencecarter1

Conspiracy theories are more visible online, and journalists feel they need to report on them to help make sense of what is going on. But that doesn’t mean there are more of them, or that belief in them has necessarily increased
Web, Internet | giornali, stampa
::: acerbialberto

Need to communicate with someone who doesn't speak your language? Google Translate and Apple's own Translate app on your phone or tablet might be able to help
tratta solo dei telefoni; io, da fisso uso www.deepl.com/translator, di solito funziona
dispositivi mobili | applicazioni, programmi
::: nytimestech

GIMP 2.99.8 Released with Clone Tool Tweaks, Support for Windows Ink #opensource
applicazioni, programmi
::: omgubuntu

The reports of Perl’s death have been greatly exaggerated
linguaggi di programmazione
::: UnixToolTip

Wanna see something cool? 😎 Go to "http://vscode.dev" and start coding with Visual Studio Code entirely in your browser. Anywhere, anytime, on any device and tablet, with no install required 🧑‍💻🪄
mah, io sono vecchio
programming, codice, snippet
::: code

Russia allows methane leaks at planet’s peril
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: The Washington Post

Astronomers race to save the night sky
spazio, esplorazione
::: StartsWithABang

Powering the picket line: Workers are turning to tech in their labor battles
lavoro | social media | tecnologia
::: The Washington Post

Facebook doesn’t need a new name. It needs new people
::: fede_guerrini

Delays in the AI Act! The European Parliament is unlikely to start work on the bill before December. The Conference of Presidents will make a decision on which committee will lead (IMCO, JURI, LIBE etc) on November 18
artificial intelligence | politica
::: Melissahei

Putin and Xi look set to disengage as world leaders meet on climate
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: The Washington Post

Trump, still barred from Twitter and Facebook, to launch social network in ‘fight back’ against Big Tech
social media | politica
::: The Washington Post ::: Miti_Vigliero

La Gigafactory Tesla che rischia di consumare l’acqua del Brandeburgo
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: Domani

Facebook’s Brand Is So Toxic Zuckerberg Reportedly Wants to Change Its Name
::: fede_guerrini

I would like to thank everyone who replied to the Gab CEO's crazy anti-semitic rant on Twitter with "delete your account." It worked
social media | odio, razzismo, discriminazioni
::: evacide

Mark Zuckerberg Has Been Added To a DC Lawsuit Over the Cambridge Analytica Scandal
non si fa mancare proprio niente (gnente)
Facebook | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Google Removes Support for FTP and Old-gen U2F Security Keys in Chrome 95
Web, Internet | browser
::: Slashdot

Man Arrested For Uncensoring Japanese Porn With AI In First Deepfake Case
deepfake | artificial intelligence
::: Slashdot

The True Cost of Upgrading Your Phone
dispositivi mobili | economia, lavoro
::: nytimestech

Dutch police keep a list of the "the top 400 children at risk of criminal behavior," filled w/kids who have never committed a crime. Opposition to that scheme & other predictive policing tech in growing in the EU
automazione | Unione Europea | odio, razzismo, discriminazioni
::: AASchapiro

Finalmente un’iniziativa parlamentare in Italia sul caso Julian #Assange: il 26 ottobre, potete collegarvi e ascoltare
Julian Assange
::: SMaurizi

“Brazilians are also using memes to counter fake news and antidemocratic discourse. This is particularly important for the citizens, as it’s estimated that Bolsonaro gave 1,682 false or misleading statements in 2020 alone”
disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: fabiochiusi

It's time for Twitter to change their disgusting propogandist logo
::: birdsarentreal

La BBC ha cambiato il proprio logo. Non sappiamo quanto sia costato rifare il logo (BBC non lo ha voluto comunicare) e a prima vista potrebbe sembrare una di quelle operazioni all'Italiana ma c'è un motivo interessante dietro la scelta. 1/5
copyright e brevetti | open source
::: giorgiogilestro

Primi esempi di abrogazione per decreto della tutela privacy del cittadino da parte della PA
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: OGiannino

Dark Arts
::: xkcdComic

Raspberry Pi Suffers First Ever Price Increase
hardware | economia, lavoro
::: Slashdot

Purtroppo è anche necessario ricordare che questo è un metodo, non un caso isolato. Gli attacchi e la derisione dei giornalisti critici sono un format, sulla stampa di destra (e non solo) in Italia. E da un sacco di tempo
giornali, stampa
::: fabiochiusi

[Thread] Paris 100 % cyclable, c'est pour bientôt ! Au prochain Conseil de Paris, nous présenterons le nouveau plan pour achever la révolution du vélo dans la capitale ! #parisvelo 🚴🏿‍♀️🚴‍♂️
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: David_Belliard

A better Internet: Interoperability and beyond. Part three. This time with Mai Ishikawa Sutton @maira. About the Decentralized Web (@GETDWeb), about @COMPOSTmag and more
Web, Internet
::: commonsnetwork

Non vi è dubbio che l’attivismo di Greta Thunberg abbia dato uno scossone alle nostre coscienze. Ma la visione dei movimenti ambientalisti può avere un futuro politico?
io, a differenza di @yorick612 penso di sì
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale | protagonisti
::: rivistailmulino

Ragazze e ragazzi di tutto il mondo si preoccupano per il futuro e sono delusi dai governi. Lo ha scoperto un grande studio sulla crisi climatica pubblicato dalla rivista The Lancet
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: FondazioneIU

Apple's Product Design Has Improved Since Jony Ive Left
::: Slashdot

The ultimate one year review: daily driving the PinePhone
dispositivi mobili
::: dcavedon

Crazypants. The FIN7 ransomware gang created a fake company called Bastion Security, which they used to recruit security researchers and trick them into executing ransomware attacks on their behalf
::: evacide

Total lo sapeva dal 1971
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: RadioProzac

Is Parallel Programming Hard, And, If So, What Can You Do About It?
Paul McKenney's book features the excitement you're going for, I think
programming, codice, snippet
::: samth

Mastodon founder Eugen Rochko told TPM in an email that TRUTH appeared to violate the terms of use that the software sets forth: making the source code available, and having a copy of the general product license available to users
open source | social media | politica
::: TPM_dk

A New Name Won't Fix Facebook
::: fede_guerrini

I've just ordered the new 10 Year #Smartphone, you should check it out! 10yearphone.com #10yearphone #RightToRepair
dispositivi mobili
::: zacchiro

Russia’s censorship model can quickly and easily be replicated by other authoritarian governments
::: fabiochiusi

"La vita americana si è assestata su schemi prevedibili. Appena arrivano gli aspiranti censori, le istituzioni si piegano alle loro richieste. È una piacevole sorpresa oggi quando un’istituzione si rifiuta di cedere a richieste simili"
odio, razzismo, discriminazioni | economia, lavoro
::: fede_guerrini

GPSD Bug Will Switch Your Time-Keeping Systems To March 2002 This Weekend, Unless You Update
::: Slashdot

Encryption is the foundation of modern security
crittografia | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Snowden

Is Sci-Hub a pirate infrastructure? (or a legit #OpenScience initiative)
open source | scienza
::: EPFLOpenScience

Vinyl Is Selling So Well That It's Getting Hard To Sell Vinyl
::: Slashdot


Meet Starlab: Private Space Station Planned To Fly In 2027
spazio, esplorazione
::: Slashdot

The new React docs are out! Well-written and practical, complete with interactive examples, diagrams, and more. Plus, they teach Hooks first
programming, codice, snippet
::: leeerob

PS3 Emulator Will Now Boot Every Game Ever Released On the Console
::: Slashdot

Google Lowers Play Store Fees To 15% on Subscription Apps, as Low as 10% for Media Apps
economia, lavoro
::: Slashdot

EFF will always fight for strong encryption—in the courts, in Congress, and around the world
::: EFF

(Un vantaggio di fare lezione con il tablet collegato alla lim è che a fine lezione la classe ha gli appunti pronti in PDF. Uno svantaggio di fare lezione con il tablet collegato alla lim è che a fine lezione la classe ha gli appunti pronti in PDF.)
scuola, educazione, cultura
::: orporick ::: orporick

We can see that it is happening. We are not entirely sure why it is happening
Twitter | politica
::: fabiochiusi

ANYWAY the Rust community is an amazing demonstration of what can happen if you build a space that is open and welcoming and doesn't tolerate toxic behaviour and the wider free software community needs to learn from that
open source | programming, codice, snippet
::: mjg59

All'università per poter sostenere l'esame ci sono molti corsi propedeutici di matematica da seguire, mentre le aziende vogliono raggiungere un pubblico quanto più vasto possibile e assumendo zero conoscenze pregresse, in modo da dare visibilità al provider del corso stesso
scuola, educazione, cultura
::: SteffPy

Mary Jackson nasce nel 1921 a Hampton, in Virginia, sede di una base aerea e un centro di ricerca dell’ente aeronautico statunitense, la NACA. Dopo essersi diplomata con il massimo dei voti, nel 1942 si laurea in matematica e fisica, sempre in istituti riservati ai neri. /1
ok, qui lo spazio è solo sullo sfondo ma è un bel rokketto (Twitter ice così)
spazio, esplorazione | odio, razzismo, discriminazioni
::: a_a_f_t

In German the word "Verschlimmbessern" means "to make something worse while repairing it." In English we call that "software development"

La strategia di Draghi per l’Intelligenza artificiale
artificial intelligence
::: LucaSambucci ::: dilettahuyskes_

New Facebook Storm Nears as CNN, Fox Business and Other Outlets Team Up on Whistleblower Docs
::: emenietti ::: BrandyZadrozny ::: RMac18 ::: The Washington Post ::: Rai News ::: CNN ::: The Washington Post ::: fchollet ::: dandrezner ::: baekdal ::: philipdisalvo ::: fede_guerrini ::: fabiochiusi

Twitter deserves credit for - again - leading on open self-examination and data-sharing, ahead of larger competitors
::: rasmus_kleis

Up next on @TheLunduke Was Right: Microsoft angers the .NET open source community with a controversial decision
Microsoft | open source
::: RichardEstes5

Walmart Shoppers Can Now Buy Bitcoin at 200 Kiosks in Its Stores
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: Slashdot

Intel Open-sources AI-powered Tool To Spot Bugs in Code
programming, codice, snippet
::: Slashdot

John Carmack Pushes Out Unlocked OS For Defunct Oculus Go Headset
applicazioni, programmi
::: Slashdot

Apple Updates App Store Guidelines To Permit Devs To Contact Customers About Other Payment Methods
::: Slashdot

Bitcoin's Price Crashed 87% On Binance.US Thanks To a Bug
nope, 61,000, è quasi ok (per il loro stile)
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: Slashdot

Amazon's Alexa Collects More of Your Data Than Any Other Smart Assistant
Amazon | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Apple's Safari Browser Runs the Risk of Becoming the New Internet Explorer -- Holding the Web Back for everyone
::: Slashdot

Governments Turn Tables On Ransomware Gang REvil By Pushing It Offline
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Intel's Future Now Depends On Making Everyone Else's Chips
::: Slashdot

France and Israel hold ‘secret’ talks to defuse phone spyware row
::: fabiochiusi

Cara Chiara, stai facendo aumentare il PIL. #ironic
lavoro a distanza/casa
::: dcavedon

Julian Assange's next Extradition hearing is on Wednesday. It would be a shame & a disgrace if this country sent Mr Assange to the USA, on what are essentially political charges. I'm baffled that so few of my fellow-journalists have opposed this extradition. It threatens us all
Julian Assange
::: ClarkeMicah ::: philipdisalvo ::: Snowden

L'hélicoptère Ingenuity 🚁 est toujours opérationnel sur #Mars ! Le contact a été rétabli et Ingenuity a réussi un test du rotor à 50 tours/min. Si le problème lié aux servos est réglé, Ingenuity tentera bientôt un 14e vol. #MarsHelicopter
spazio, esplorazione | robots, automazione, droni
::: thomas_appere

You solve one of these problems, you win 1 Million dollars. The six (out of seven) millennium prize problems in mathematics stated by the Clay Mathematics Institute
::: thePiggsBoson

Tech workers warned they were going to quit. Now, the problem is spiralling out of control
::: ZDNet

Lettura del pranzo
Notation as a Tool of Thought, Kenneth E. Iverson
programming, codice, snippet
::: orporick

Dipendenti pubblici, Brunetta bleffa sullo smart working
lavoro a distanza/casa
::: ilmanifesto

Dutch forensic lab says it has decoded Tesla's driving data
dati, raccolta | crittografia
::: CyberFactsIT

Audio Tape Interface Revives Microcassettes As Storage Medium
::: Slashdot

A vent’anni dalla messa in commercio del primo iPod credo valga la pena di chiedersi se siamo stati capaci di sfruttare appieno tutto questo ben di Dio. Se siamo ancora in grado di ‘sentire’ la musica o se alla fine rischiamo di restarne sopraffatti
::: antoniodballaro

Facebook Fined Record £50m By UK Competition Watchdog
::: Slashdot

Le tecnologie riproducono il passato, lo status quo. Le intelligenze artificiali vengono addestrate con i dati che dipendono dalle nostre società, quindi anche con tutti i rapporti di potere, le discriminazioni e le disuguaglianze
artificial intelligence
::: f_fittipaldi ::: PossibileIt

AmigaOS Is Still Getting Updates and Upgrades
::: Slashdot

It is crucial to bear in mind that the industry's problem is not data "protection," it is data COLLECTION. Mass surveillance must be recognized as a crime, not a business model
dati, raccolta | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Snowden

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