28 ottobre, 2021

Visto nel Web - 651

Uh! è di nuovo giorno che devo raccontare (speciale Zuck) cosa ho wisto nel Web.

Abián San Gil

Facebook, tutto il mazzo
::: New York Times ::: fede_guerrini ::: CNN ::: fede_guerrini ::: justinhendrix ::: ilmanifesto ::: fede_guerrini ::: fede_guerrini ::: fede_guerrini ::: evacide ::: Jessicalessin ::: daveyalba ::: markscott82 ::: nytimestech ::: fede_guerrini ::: fede_guerrini ::: New York Times ::: Slashdot ::: DiaKayyali ::: nytimestech ::: nytimestech ::: laurenweinstein ::: algorithmwatch ::: fabiochiusi ::: nytimestech ::: Slashdot ::: DomaniGiornale ::: reckless ::: restofworld ::: privacynetwork_ ::: M_B_Petersen

$28B Startup Says Companies Were Refusing Their Free Open-Source Code as 'Not Enterprise-Ready'
uhmmm... da verificare
open source | economia, lavoro
::: Slashdot

Aggressive US Marketers are Bringing Police Surveillance Tools to the Masses
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: Slashdot

After Open Source Community Outcry, Microsoft Reverses Controversial .NET Change
open source | Microsoft
::: Slashdot ::: fchollet

Visual Studio for Browsers: Microsoft Unveils 'VSCode for the Web'
browser | programming, codice, snippet
::: Slashdot

Salviamo il clima con il disarmo e senza il nucleare
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: ilmanifesto

Systemd-Free Devuan 4.0 'Chimaera' Officially Released
Linux distro
::: Slashdot

How Netflix affects what we watch and who we are — and it’s not just the algorithm
::: fede_guerrini

This startup is creating personalized deepfakes for corporations
::: fabiochiusi

New awesome tutorial from @RisingSayak: MobileViT, a mobile-friendly Transformer model for image classification. Includes building the model from scratch, training it, then converting it to TFLite for use on a mobile device
manuali, how to | machine learning
::: fchollet

I don't know what people (trying to build a AI to give ethical advice) expect really. Morality is NOT something you can build into a machine
artificial intelligence | odio, razzismo, discriminazioni
::: Abebab

Assange: Massive rally held in London today before October 27-28 court hearing in the #Assangecase - follows bombshell revelations of a CIA kill-kidnap plot against the WikiLeaks publisher #FreeAssangeNOW
Julian Assange
::: wikileaks ::: couragefound ::: StefSimanowitz ::: Snowden ::: fabiochiusi ::: wikileaks ::: MollyAhmed ::: valigiablu ::: couragefound

This looks like it produces a global (hash) database of people's iris scans (for "fairness"), and waves away the implications by saying "we deleted the scans!" Yeah, but you save the *hashes* produced by the scans. Hashes that match *future* scans. Don't catalogue eyeballs
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | crittografia
::: Snowden

EFF Board of Directors Removes 76-Year-Old John Gilmore
open source
::: Slashdot

While companies have ample resources to meet their human rights obligations, the new report by @UNHumanRights should leave us asking whether govts have the resources & political will to uphold their duties to hold companies to account
artificial intelligence | politica
::: CIGIonline

The issue isn’t just Google, but how we are letting others do our computing and control are computing
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: amszmidt

A step-by-step #guide for using Wikipedia for research communication
::: ENJOIproject

The Man Who Stole and Then Sold Data on 178 Million Facebook Users Gets Sued by Facebook
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | Facebook
::: Slashdot

Il razor-razorblade model è una delle cose che mi fa più incazzare in assoluto. Una truffa legalizzata, con conseguenze anche ambientali disastrose: ed è uno dei motivi per cui non ho una stampante da anni
::: stebaraz

Cyberattacks to critical infrastructure threaten our safety and well-being
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: fede_guerrini

Solar and Wind Force Poverty on Africa
economia, lavoro | ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale | energia
::: MauroV1968

Xpeng Unveils a Flying Car That Also Drives on Roads - Plus a Bionic Horse
uhmmm... forse, tutto da vedere
::: Slashdot

Trump's Truth App Bans Criticism of Itself - and Also 'Excessive Use of Capital Letters'
politica | social media
::: Slashdot

'Best Open Source Software of 2021' Identified by InfoWorld Listicle
programming, codice, snippet | open source
::: Slashdot

Why The FBI Held Back a Ransomware Decryption Key for 19 Days
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Digital Nomad Communities Want to Build the Infrastructure for an Internet Country
Web, Internet
::: Slashdot

US Air Force Announces Plans for a Micro Nuclear Reactor in Alaska
::: Slashdot

How Misinformation - and one Facebook Group - Threatened a Federal Investment in Montana
giggini merikani
disinformazione, fake news, bufale | Facebook
::: Slashdot

BILD is more of a cultural memory than that seemingly invincible giant it is still being described as
::: wblau

New research by @citizenlab documents a @nytimes journalist being infected with NSO's Pegasus in 2020 and 2021. The forensic traces detailed here are pretty interesting. #ProjectPegasus
::: runasand ::: AASchapiro

++Thread: DataSet di Stato per l'Industria.++ In USA non improvvisano e il National Research Cloud (NRC) si sta concentrando sul: "robust government datasets for researchers". Partiamo da Automotive per spiegarne la strategicità
dati, raccolta
::: Cr1st14nM3s14n0

#Pegasus #NSO : #FiveEyes deal plus France, who could have guessed? @Snowden
#surveillance (some apparently still trying to fix the problems of a global world by sticking to always solving them "just for us") #HumanRights
::: mnbeeko

At first, you have a problem
umorismo | scienza | lavoro
::: fchollet

Please don't create cults of personality around whistleblowers. And before you @ me, yes I also mean every single whistleblower I have ever said anything nice about
social media
::: evacide

Decine di lavoratori licenziati per un errore nei software di gestione delle risorse umane. Ad Amazon. Non oso pensare cosa accadrà con il soluzionismo tecnologico all'italiana... Inside Amazon’s Worst Human Resources Problem
Amazon | lavoro
::: CBlengio

How Digital Powers Will Reshape the Global Order
digitalizzazione | social media | politica
::: simopieranni

Questo orologio cambierà l’esplorazione dello Spazio profondo?
spazio, esplorazione | tecnologia
::: emenietti

The Dirty Secret Behind China's Rising Emission Levels: Pollution from State-Run Companies
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: Slashdot

Face Recognition Isn’t Just Face Identification and Verification: It’s Also Photo Clustering, Race Analysis, Real-time Tracking, and More
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: fabiochiusi

Our society is troubled. Beware those who blame it all on big tech
::: _arianna

logging — Report Status, Error, and Informational Messages
::: pymotw

Our September 2021 Threat Labs Report is out! And the winner is... Google Drive (that continues to lead the pack of the cloud services exploited to deliver malicious content, such as #malware and #phishing) The race with OneDrive goes on... #cloudsecurity
cloud | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: paulsparrows

Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis for October 25, 2021
social media | umorismo
::: stephanpastis

Best low-resource desktop computer in the world: @Raspberry_Pi Zero running Devuan! RPi images of Devuan Chimaera are blazing fast, maintained by @AdamPeterBurns
::: DevuanOrg

How well does @SWHeritage cover the packages found in #Guix? How does that change over time? Timothy Sample publishes the first "Preservation of Guix Report" to answer these questions. 59% of today's packages are definitely archived so far! 👍
storia | Lisp
::: GuixHpc

According to a report, 91.5% of #malware detections in Q2 2021 involved malware hidden in HTTPS. Only 20% of organizations currently have mechanisms for decrypting and scanning HTTPS, meaning the remaining 80% are at risk of missing 9/10 of the malware
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: paulsparrows

Mac users: Are you going to get the new Macbook Pro?
::: slashdot

#otd in 1983, Microsoft Word was released

I have a lot of really complex thoughts about bootcamps. This lambda school story is neither the worst I have read nor experienced. These programs can be good but the incentives of the camps are completely misaligned with both industry and graduates
programming, codice, snippet | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: mitsuhiko

The cybercriminals behind a ransomware scheme didn't realize they had made a mistake. It was enough for a security company to foil their plan
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: nytimestech

Here are all the Facebook Papers stories
::: MauroV1968

If helpful, here’s the Google Doc where I’m keeping track of all the FB stories since Friday based on the docs
::: katieharbath

the quality of @scikit_learn #documentation is mind blowing, case in point
Python | machine learning | manuali, how to
::: zacchiro

Adottata una Convenzione internazionale per proteggere i difensori dell’ambiente
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: sdallagata

Ecologia facile 2
energia | ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: Soffia il vento dell'est

It's Windows XP's 20th Birthday and Way Too Many Still Use It
sistemi operativi
::: Slashdot

Mastercard To Allow Banks To Offer Crypto Credit and Debit Cards
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: Slashdot

Indie Dev Finds That Linux Users Generate More, Better Bug Reports
Linux | games
::: Slashdot

US retail giants pull Chinese surveillance tech from shelves
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | Cina
::: dtbyler

macOS Monterey is Now Available To Download
sistemi operativi | Apple
::: Slashdot

Greenhouse Gas Levels Hit a New High In 2020, Even With Pandemic Lockdowns
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: Slashdot

Microsoft Says Russia Hacked at Least 14 IT Service Providers this Year
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

After a week of testing, @bxchen concluded that Google has made serious progress with the new Pixel 6 and Pixel 6 Pro — but the advancements were not enough to make him switch from an iPhone
dispositivi mobili | Google
::: nytimestech

Content that can encourage eating disorders is often hidden in plain sight on social media platforms. It is not always clear cut what the companies can do about it
social media
::: nytimestech

#Facebook's reply here is a near copy-paste of the Obama administration's response to the revelation of the NSA's unlawful mass surveillance program. Mark seems unaware that the "false picture" defense did not do well in court
Facebook | Edward Snowden
::: Snowden

Tesla Value Tops $1 Trillion After Hertz Orders 100,000 Cars
economia, lavoro
::: nytimestech

I’m ready for people to look at my new @racketlang package “Splitflap”, an ergonomic library for producing valid Atom and RSS feeds, including podcast feeds
language Racket | Web, Internet
::: joeld

The public understanding of (and confidence in) science is undermined every time we let ideology substitute for actual truths. An interesting take, full of examples, of how this problem infiltrates even scientific journals themselves
disinformazione, fake news, bufale | scienza
::: StartsWithABang

RARE photo captured of an early drone model
::: birdsarentreal

L’Istituto Superiore di Sanità è stato costretto ad emettere un comunicato stampa per smentire non il solito gruppo di fessi su Internet che vogliono curare il Covid con dei farmaci per i cavalli ma lo sciagurato direttore di un quotidiano italiano. Così siamo messi
giornali, stampa
::: mante

Affascinante la laicità di Corriere e Repubblica, che pubblicano in questi giorni pubblicità su Facebook che “aiuta la ricerca”, nel mezzo di uno scandalo globale— o presunto tale — proprio su dati che Facebook non aveva mai diffuso a ricercatori e pubblico
giornali, stampa | Facebook
::: fabiochiusi

Oltre a @emergency_ong anche @ScienceMagazine sostiene che la proprietà intellettuale sia un ostacolo per la produzione di vaccini nei Paesi poveri
copyright e brevetti | coronavirus
::: SteffPy

“The expansion of surveillance has been marketed as a way to increase personal safety. Doorbells are just one product. Amazon hopes that it will also have indoor drones flying inside your house, and a robot, Astro, that can recognise the face and voice of everyone in your home”
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza | Amazon
::: hare_brain

China To Cut Fossil Fuel Use To Below 20% By 2060
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: Slashdot

Chi si oppone alla transizione ecologica? L’inchiesta di #Greenpeace e le pressioni sugli scienziati #IPCC
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: IlBoLive

Oh here’s something mainstream media never do in their own feeds
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: fabiochiusi

The second #cyberattacks timeline of September is out! Apart from #ransomware (not a surprise), vulnerabilities continue to characterize the #threat landscape, exploited by opportunistic #cybercriminals and state-sponsored actors
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: paulsparrows

Clima, gas serra fuori controllo anche col Covid
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: ilmanifesto

Il Grande Reset: l'eterno ritorno del mito del Nuovo Ordine Mondiale
disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: MauroV1968

Russia will be launching some cosmonauts on Crew Dragon
spazio, esplorazione
::: universetoday

Artemis 1 Comes Together as the Orion Capsule is Stacked on Top of the Space Launch System
spazio, esplorazione
::: universetoday

Terraforming: why the Moon is a better target than Mars. Everyone always wants to terraform Mars. But expanding human civilization to the Moon makes far more sense as the first permanent step beyond Earth.
non subitissimo ma voi ggiovani...
innovazioni, futuro | spazio, esplorazione
::: StartsWithABang

The Dream of Scooping Plastic From the Ocean Is Still Alive—and Problematic
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: MauroV1968

How to Get Nautilus Typeahead Search Back in Ubuntu
::: dcavedon

Applause for @riddleandcode and others working to equip Europe with its Blockchain Services Infrastructure
crittografia | Unione Europea
::: Leon_Vandenberg

The 'Dune' Screenplay Was Written In MS-DOS
applicazioni, programmi | retrocomputing
::: Slashdot

Tech's Message To the Hill: We're Not Facebook
social media
::: Slashdot ::: Slashdot

Amazon Joins Race for Quantum Computer With New Caltech Center
quantum computing | Amazon
::: Slashdot

FBI Raids Chinese Point-of-Sale Giant PAX Technology
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Biden Appoints Jessica Rosenworcel To Officially Lead the FCC
Web, Internet
::: Slashdot

To be honest y’all - we’ve been showing this in our research for some time now cc @kreissdaniel
Google | Facebook
::: shannimcg

My latest column for @IEEESpectrum. And yes, I intend this to confront some deeply held assumptions
boh, dubbioso
artificial intelligence | innovazioni, futuro
::: rodneyabrooks

This week we have Terence Tao's first published paper, in which he developed a program to find perfect numbers. The paper was published when Tao was 8 years old
storia | protagonisti
::: fermatslibrary ::: orporick

Siamo nel 1965. Lo Sputnik 1 è stato lanciato solo otto anni fa, ma tutto il mondo si sta rapidamente organizzando per sfruttare i satelliti nelle telecomunicazioni radiotelevisive e telefoniche. Un anno fa è nato a questo scopo il consorzio Intelsat, /1
spazio, esplorazione | storia
::: a_a_f_t

When I talk about how stalkerware is a tool of coercive control and how it is linked to violence, I’m talking about murders like this one
social media
::: evacide

Questo grafico lo conosco a memoria. La fonte é la relazione del CNR sullo stato della ricerca e innovazione in Italia. Lo conosceranno anche i ministri competenti, no?
innovazioni, futuro
::: f_ronchetti

::: SnazzyQ

Apple's iPod Came Out Two Decades Ago
::: Slashdot

È documentato che lo #smartworking abbia permesso di risparmiare tonnellate di CO2 in Europa e potrà continuare a contribuire all’abbattimento delle emissioni inquinanti. In Italia la leadership politica sostiene l'economia del tramezzino
lavoro a distanza/casa | ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: brrivv1

“America's leaders must put an end to mass spying - by ensuring that surveillance is targeted, that there is robust judicial oversight, and that people whose lives the government invades can have their day in court”
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: fabiochiusi

Critics of age checks say that in the name of keeping people safe, they could endanger user privacy, dampen free expression and hurt communities that benefit from anonymity online
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: nytimestech

Microsoft Closes on Apple in Race for World's Most Valuable Listed Firm
economia, lavoro
::: Slashdot

Indagine rileva il rapporto tra crisi climatica e i giovani
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: ogdabaum

France Moves To Shield Its Book Industry From Amazon
::: Slashdot

Things You Didn’t Know About GNU Readline
la mia perso: set blink-matching-paren on
tool, componente software
::: UnixToolTip

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