Niente di buono, tutto come al solito, ma qui racconto solo cosa ho wisto nel Web.
Some of the largest corporations in America are joining an effort to prevent artificial intelligence software from delivering biased results that could perpetuate or even worsen past discrimination, @SteveLohr reports
artificial intelligence | odio, razzismo, discriminazioni
::: nytimestech
i am unironically in love with how good a tool `insta` is for doing snapshot tests in rust. You don't even need to set up the snapshots, it just makes and manages them for you whenever you refer to one that doesn't exist
linguaggi di programmazione
::: Gankra_
Zorin OS 16 Lite is a Classy Distro for Low-End PCs
Linux distro
::: omgubuntu
NFTs explained: Here’s why they’re not cryptocurrencies
non-fungible tokens
::: simopieranni
Il ministro #Cingolani sta rallentando ogni percorso di conversione ecologica. Ecco perché deve dimettersi. La petizione di @europaverde_it su @ChangeItalia
ma anche no, sapete la termodinamica...
::: DomaniGiornale ::: ilmanifesto
'I'm Truly Happy': Japanese Billionaire Yusaku Maezawa Floats Into Space Station
spazio, esplorazione
::: universetoday
Virgin Media Fined $50K For Spamming Opted-Out Customers
::: Slashdot
Three judges on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit wrote that Apple could wait to make any changes to its App store until the appeals process for the Epic lawsuit concluded, which could take more than a year
::: nytimestech
DeepMind Tests the Limits of Large AI Language Systems With 280-Billion-Parameter Model
artificial intelligence | linguaggi di programmazione
::: Slashdot ::: MIT_CSAIL
Robots that evolve like animals
artificial intelligence | robots, automazione, droni
Your Face Is, or Will Be, Your Boarding Pass
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: Slashdot
We are making our software solutions publicly accessible. With our new rules on Open Source Software, we want to spur innovation and create significant value for companies, start-ups, innovators, citizens and public administrations. #DigitalEU
open source | Unione Europea
::: EU_Commission ::: rdicosmo
1/5 🔬 How did automated decision-making (#ADM) systems impact #pandemic responses so far❓
coronavirus | riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: algorithmwatch ::: FrancesDiBi
Release Julian Assange
Julian Assange
::: KimDotcom
It's very easy to say, "system X solves this problem" for a wide range of problems when "system X" is an as-of-yet unimplemented, vaguely-defined aspirational project
programming, codice, snippet
::: fchollet
Innovazione || Musk
::: elonmusk Is 'Retiring'
applicazioni, programmi
::: Slashdot
Biden Wants To Make Federal Government Carbon Neutral by 2050
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: Slashdot
Hey lexi, I like a lot your work. Could you recommend three books on programming that shaped your career?
che risposta! Lexi 💥 rockz!
programming, codice, snippet
::: DiSilwa
This article by @spillteori, @JohnDanaher, and @MCoeckelbergh addresses a longstanding question: Is it better for ethicists (AI ethicists, animal rights & environmental advocates, etc.) to work within the system they’re challenging or criticize it from the outside?
::: EvanSelinger
Adevent of Code
programming, codice, snippet
::: marcodelmastro ::: thek3nger
Over 40 Million People Had Health Information Leaked This Year
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot
Multa per oltre un miliardo di euro ad #Amazon. Per l’#Antitrust ha danneggiato i concorrenti del servizio di logistica per l’e-commerce
::: DomaniGiornale
Dyson Loses Fight For $198 Million Compensation Over EU Energy Labeling Rules
::: Slashdot
Workers Are Using ‘Mouse Movers’ So They Can Use the Bathroom in Peace
lavoro da remoto | smartwork
::: fabiochiusi
Pearls Before Swine for December 10, 2021
Apple | social media | umorismo
::: _juhan
Apple and Google have recently added new privacy settings and controls into their phone software to give you more power over the companies that want to track you around the internet
dispositivi mobili | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: nytimestech
L’analisi WTW sull'efficienza energetica dei veicoli
::: Popinga1
"AlgorithmWatch warns that a plethora of automated decision-making systems were implemented in haste under the guise of public health." – @AJEnglish about our new #TracingTheTracers report #COVID19 #ADMS
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: algorithmwatch
Su @wireditalia aggiornamento della mappa degli investimenti dalla Cina in startup europee. Tencent si conferma asso pigliatutto, specie nel campo del fintech e del gaming. E anche il metaverso solletica i primi appetiti
Cina | games | metaverso | economia, lavoro
::: Luke_like
👍🏻 We are heartened by reports that EU lawmakers have agreed upon the #DSA compromise text to be voted on next week in @EP_SingleMarket, extending access to platform data for NGOs and removing the problematic 🤫 trade secrets language from Art. 31
Unione Europea | Web, Internet
::: algorithmwatch
#Emacs #notebook (mockup)
tool, componente software
::: NPRougier
Microsoft Tempts Software Pirates With 50 Percent Discount On Office
io non interessato, ho LibreOffice
Microsoft | pirateria
::: Slashdot
L’accordo raggiunto dalle parti sociali è una buona notizia, perché lo #smartworking non è la modalità emergenziale del #lavoro, ma la sua evoluzione strutturale. Per questo è da regolare
lavoro da remoto | smartwork
::: DomaniGiornale
Starting Dec. 1st, Russian ISPs have started blocking access to Tor. We've also learned that Roskomnadzor, the Russian gov't responsible for censorship, intends to block We need your help NOW to fight censorship!
::: torproject ::: Snowden ::: Snowden
Quantum folks: I invite you to join the Quil-Lang Discord which has developers of the Quil stack—including QUILC, an optimizing compiler. There's exciting work slated for the coming year to make compilation easier, more flexible, and more integrated
::: stylewarning
Meta Opens Up Access To Its VR Social Platform Horizon Worlds
virtual reality
::: Slashdot
EFF Warns Chrome Users: 'Manifest V3 Is Deceitful and Threatening'
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | browser
::: Slashdot
Retail CEOs Press Congress To Toughen Rules for Online Sellers
economia, lavoro | Web, Internet
::: Slashdot
Tyson Foods To Spend $1.3 Billion To Automate Meat Plants
::: Slashdot
Visa Launches Crypto Consulting Services
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: Slashdot
If only all critiques of crypto were as existentialist and profound as this one
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto* | economia, lavoro
::: evgenymorozov
Grafici disonesti
giornali, stampa
::: ciocci
Next move by Web2.0 is obvious: we will have Facebook and Google proclaim that we already live in the "creator economy" as all of their services are created with user data and that the trade off is free use/less emissions/less financialization than web3
Web, Internet
::: evgenymorozov
#ipydatagrid is both an example of fantastic use of the Jupyter architecture, and of @TechAtBloomberg's ongoing contributions to the @ProjectJupyter ecosystem. Many thanks!!
::: fperez_org
Meta's WhatsApp Will Allow Crypto Payments Through Novi Wallet in US
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: Slashdot
surveillance technologies of all sorts are used to repress fundamental democratic rights. the #SummitForDemocracy is an opportunity to transform rhetoric (& recent unilateral steps) into global momentum for regulation
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: davidakaye
20y ago today, as a failing physics grad student I posted @IPythonDev 0.2.0. This opened the door to an incredible community: @ellisonbg, @minrk, @Mbussonn, the late John Hunter... who made @ProjectJupyter & scientific python possible
storia | Python
::: fperez_org
I understand modernity, but
::: thek3nger
Julian Assange can be extradited to US to face espionage charges, court rules
Julian Assange
::: fabiochiusi ::: khrafnsson ::: fabiochiusi ::: fabiochiusi ::: couragefound ::: kgosztola ::: jaketapper ::: AntonellaColoru ::: simopieranni ::: DomaniGiornale ::: TrialByTruth ::: AlbertoAgliotti ::: fabiochiusi ::: suigenerisjen ::: fabiochiusi ::: DomaniGiornale ::: _arianna ::: pressfreedom ::: FreedomofPress ::: kgosztola ::: fabiochiusi ::: Snowden ::: fattoquotidiano ::: fede_guerrini ::: fede_guerrini ::: JLMelenchon ::: ReporterOG ::: EleonoraEvi ::: IaconaRiccardo ::: democracynow ::: rebecca_vincent ::: jdakwar ::: jdakwar ::: davidakaye ::: fabiochiusi ::: fabiochiusi ::: fabiochiusi ::: fabiochiusi ::: simopieranni ::: fabiochiusi ::: USIGRai ::: NFratoianni ::: Domani ::: The Washington Post ::: fabiochiusi ::: fabiochiusi ::: L_Apostata ::: ilmanifesto
On Facebook's relationship with academia and why it has become so poisonous
::: angela__mueller
The world's first program was coded in 1842 by #AdaLovelace. Happy Birthday
NASA Launches a New X-ray Observatory
spazio, esplorazione
::: universetoday
The F.A.A. has decided to avoid the scenario of having to decide whether future passengers of space tourism flights are astronauts
spazio, esplorazione
::: nytimestech
After 10 Days of Dangerous, Careful Work, James Webb has Been Fully Fueled up
spazio, esplorazione
::: universetoday
Comparison: vs Codex vs GitHub Copilot, by @mengwangk. The author makes no conclusions, but the results talk for themselves
wow 💥 memo per me: da approfondire
applicazioni, programmi
::: igor_chubin
Elon Musk’s Latest Innovation: Troll Philanthropy
protagonisti | economia, lavoro
::: thek3nger
From Python to Numpy by @NPRougier
::: dataelixir
Ora che il meme dell’#inflazione “transitoria” è finito, difficile sfuggire alla sensazione che l’intera vicenda sia stata gestita con eccessive semplificazioni e subordinata a imperativi politici
economia, lavoro | politica
::: DomaniGiornale
L’unica vera innovazione delle smart cities è la videosorveglianza
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: _juhan
Cosa c'è dietro la multa da oltre un miliardo dell'#Antitrust ad #Amazon e cosa significa per l'Italia?
Amazon | economia, lavoro
::: DomaniGiornale
Jeff Bezos is sending Michael Strahan to space. But that’s not what makes this flight significant
spazio, esplorazione | protagonisti
::: The Washington Post
From the country that gave you fascism (which influenced Hitler & Franco) and Berlusconi’s media circus (which inspired Sarkozy & Trump)👉technopopulism, a political formula that combines populists’ moralizing stance & technocrats’ intellectual arrogance
::: AntonioCasilli
non benissimo
Racists and Taliban supporters have flocked to Twitter’s new audio service after executives ignored warnings
Twitter | odio, razzismo, discriminazioni
::: emenietti
Android Games Are Coming To Windows PCs In 2022
::: Slashdot
I'm actually surprised how little effort it took to compile my "when" command line app to work in a browser. You can now try it right from the browser
programming, codice, snippet
::: mitsuhiko
Digital platforms are increasingly "subject to government interventions that can limit people’s [freedom] of expression and peaceful assembly through internet shutdowns, surveillance, content removal, censorship, and restrictive laws" @vladyruzo writes
social media | politica
::: rasmus_kleis
'China Will Soon Lead the US in Tech'
tecnologia | economia, lavoro
::: Slashdot ::: simopieranni
Citing Fires, London's Transport Agency Bans E-scooters on Public Transit Network
::: Slashdot
How to Customise the GNOME Shell Clock
::: omgubuntu
The Linux Kernel's Second Language? Rust Gets Another Step Closer
linguaggi di programmazione
::: Slashdot
#Logout4Shell: Use Log4Shell vulnerability to vaccinate a victim server against Log4Shell #Log4J #Java #Security
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: myfear ::: tgockel ::: squarecog
The halls of intelligencia are opening up and showing there true colors
robots, automazione, droni
::: birdsarentreal
Focus! Non, ceci n'est pas un réfrigérateur... C’est une machine LISP, un ordinateur doté d’une accélération matérielle pour exécuter efficacement le langage LISP. Ces machines révolutionnaires sont nées au laboratoire d’intelligence artificielle du MIT dans les années 70
storia | Lisp
::: museebolo
End of an era. Hacking Team and FinFisher have pioneered the spyware as a service industry. Without them, there is no NSO
::: lorenzofb ::: evacide
This excellent new paper by @ecuarauz reveals a side to crypto you don't hear about: the global financial system is becoming more US-centric, US banks even more powerful. What happened to the blockchain undermining state power & traditional finance?
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto* | economia, lavoro
::: evgenymorozov
{curly braces} rename long files, create nested directories, or curl several things at once
tip, suggerimenti
::: igor_chubin
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