16 dicembre, 2021

Visto nel Web - 665

È già ora di iniziare? ma per cosa poi? intanto ecco cosa ho wisto nel Web.

Opening Ceremony - COMING SOON

Journalism is not a crime. But now a court in London has ruled that Julian Assange's extradition to the United States is legal. It's a devastating day for press freedom
Julian Assange
::: fede_guerrini ::: ACLU ::: ilmanifesto ::: fabiochiusi ::: kgosztola ::: fabiochiusi ::: fabiochiusi ::: RadioProzac ::: minipetite ::: couragefound ::: _arianna ::: Britain_People ::: couragefound ::: fabiochiusi ::: dw_freedom ::: StellaMoris1 ::: mazzettam ::: Snowden

The idea that free software requires financial support to function is on the side of absurdity. There are better ways to address security vulnerabilities.. like not logging in crazy ways
open source
::: amszmidt ::: amszmidt ::: stylewarning

While Mark Zuckerberg's Meta has grabbed headlines, Snap's AR glasses are offering the metaverse now
::: qz

I wrote a blog post listing various Python features in reverse chronological order to help make a point about interdependence of features means you can't pick and choose what you want - And before anyone asks, I would choose the latest version of Python
::: brettsky

Foreign Policy magazine: 'Bitcoin Failed in El Salvador.' Is the Answer More Bitcoin?
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: Slashdot

Data on Tens of Thousands of South Australian Government Employees Breached in Ransomware Attack
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

"Understanding digital bubbles amidst the COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence from DeFi and NFTs" --> New empirical study confirms what (almost) everyone sort of knows
non-fungible tokens | bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: evgenymorozov

“Police are using hand-held facial recognition cameras on the streets for the first time - allowing suspects to be identified on the spot even if they refuse to co-operate”
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: fabiochiusi

Difendere il diritto degli #insegnanti alla disconnessione #scuola #internet
Web, Internet | scuola, educazione, cultura
::: nilocram

“The results produced by AI ‘have been wildly overblown, subject to hype, and even exploited in dangerous, Cold War-style propaganda among conflicting superpowers…’”
artificial intelligence
::: hypervisible

Not sure it's the best week to tout one's proximity to what even CoinDesk calls a "Ponzi scheme"
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: evgenymorozov

Ah, here goes an interplanetary 0-day! #Mozilla Expects To Generate More Than $500M in Revenue This Year log4j
::: gvarisco

Absolute king!
programming, codice, snippet
::: fogus

Pearls Before Swine for December 12, 2021
::: _juhan

New Zealand: Review prompts police to halt plans to use facial recognition technology
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: fabiochiusi

Will Political Polarization Stop US Lawmakers from Regulating Big Tech?
::: Slashdot

Companies Finally Admit They Don't Know When They're Returning to Offices
lavoro da remoto | smartwork
::: Slashdot

Four activists in Kazakhstan have had their mobile devices targeted by NSO Group's Pegasus. If you've been keeping track of KZ, this finding was really only a matter of time
::: evacide

Apple’s app tracking transparency feature isn’t an instant privacy button
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: fede_guerrini

Is the Internet Changing the Way We Remember?
applicazioni, programmi
::: Slashdot

Has the Corporate Climate Migration Begun?
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: Slashdot

Interesting that "supply chain vulnerabilities" have become a crisis in both the physical world and the web (open source library dependencies) at the same time. The perpetual pendulum between distributed and centralized will now swing back to the latter
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | Web, Internet
::: chr1sa ::: DiegoManinetti ::: Laughing_Mantis ::: TomAnthonySEO

Mastodon, l’ultima frontiera dell’open web che piace anche a Donald Trump
social media | open source | politica
::: Domani

i finally published my common lisp art library
::: inconvergent

Amsterdam introduces mandatory register for sensors
Not a huge fan of transparency solutions but this is quite a big step
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: lilianedwards

When it comes to propaganda, the tobacco industry is nothing in comparison (this is someone with >20k followers)
disinformazione, fake news, bufale | bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: evgenymorozov

This meme speaks about questionable and poor programming practices perfectly. Almost all modern developers take memory and CPU for granted. Nobody thinks about saving resources anymore. No wonder 16GB ram feels like a lot less these days
programming, codice, snippet
::: nixcraft

So sad to learn about Effbot's passing. He has been incredibly impactful for the Python community and beyond. Not only did he build elementtree, PIL and tkinter, he also started with the idea to replace the old latex python docs with something modern, ultimately inspiring Sphinx
::: mitsuhiko

ma de che? 🐶 🤖
::: emenietti

programming, codice, snippet
::: RainerJoswig ::: thek3nger

one of the things that excites me most about implementing a new math renderer is that it’s possible to implement all the rules for rendering math that are hardwired into TeX and just provide them as a library, since that’s always been one of my biggest frustration with TeX
programming, codice, snippet | open source
::: lexi_lambda

'The New Normal': US Blames This Winter's Severe Tornado's on Climate Change
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: Slashdot

#Framalibre è l'annuario del #softwarelibero curato da @Framasoft - I programmi si possono ricercare anche per sistema operativo oppure cercando un'alternativa a quelli proposti dai #GAFAM
open source
::: nilocram

Really, really surprised by this poll. It doesn't coincide with what kind of Lisp I see in the wild. Maybe "imperative" and "functional" are too subjective or ill-defined? Maybe I'm not reading enough code?
uh! me too, forse siamo della vecchia scuola
programming, codice, snippet | Lisp
::: stylewarning

I am teaching a bachelor seminar called "Solving Economic Models with Python". The idea is to let students write a Python program that replicates, for different parameter values, the results of a recent paper. I was *really* impressed by my students this semester. 1/2
Python | scuola, educazione, cultura | economia, lavoro
::: IgorLetina

📌In 1900, ~40% cars were electric
energia | storia
::: AliNouriPhD

Elon Musk named Time's 2021 Person of the Year
::: axios ::: jackcalifano ::: heimbergecon

Ho chiacchierato con Nicolò Cesa-Bianchi @LaStatale della strategia italiana per la #IntelligenzaArtificiale e di come la neonata unità milanese dell'associazione @ELLISforEurope possa essere un laboratorio da replicare su scala nazionale
artificial intelligence
::: chiara_sabelli

selectors — I/O Multiplexing Abstractions
::: pymotw

Mozilla Expects To Generate More Than $500M in Revenue This Year
forza Moz! o devo cambiare browser
economia, lavoro
::: Slashdot

When Apple launched the AirTag earlier this year, its anti-stalking mitigations included a warning if a strange AirTag was traveling with you, but there was no way to get the warning if you had an Android. Now there is
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: evacide

Un disastro climatico in slow-motion: la desertificazione del nord-est del Brasile
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: MauroV1968

Kdenlive Video Editor Just Got a Blockbuster Update (with New Pro Features) #opensource
applicazioni, programmi
::: omgubuntu

"It is frightening and disappointing to know that corporations and the state alike, are using the Covid-19 pandemic as an opportunity to intrude into our lives, without our informed consent and sometimes through various kinds of coercion"
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: fabiochiusi

"Scientists have discovered a series of worrying weaknesses in the ice shelf holding back one of Antarctica’s most dangerous glaciers, suggesting that this important buttress against sea level rise could shatter within the next three to five years"
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: GretaThunberg

When Amazon Expands, These Communities Pay the Price - Consumer Reports
::: fede_guerrini

Prominent NFT Collector Punk4156 Sells Signature CryptoPunk for $10.26 Million
CC0 FTW. One minor detail… CC0 is not a license, it is a dedication…
non-fungible tokens
::: Joi

The World Is So Desperate for Manure Even Human Waste Is a Hot Commodity
sai gli organici, o sano i biologici?
economia, lavoro
::: Slashdot

When the government in #Hungary is surveilling even the President belonging to the same party in power. “Spyware is a threat to human right”
::: infofannny

"Attention is all you need" implementation from scratch in PyTorch. A Twitter thread: 1/
Python | machine learning
::: abhi1thakur

Gli abbonamenti alle riviste scientifiche sono sempre più costosi, gli introiti vanno alle case editrici e non a chi fa peer review, non tutte le università possono permettersi gli abbonamenti (soprattutto nei Paesi più poveri). Sci-Hub è uno strumento fondamentale per la ricerca
::: SteffPy ::: sci_hub_

Unlike everyone else, I've decided based on the log4j vulnerability that recursion is actually bad
programming, codice, snippet | programmazione funzionale
::: samth

hm. sandwiches and burgers are both regular grammars
::: thingskatedid

gotta RT this every time it shows up in my timeline
avendo tempo...
::: jckarter

Se proprio ci tenete, stampate queste foto, prendete un aereo e portatele a mano ai vostri amici in giro per il mondo, invece di inquinare con i vostri maledetti account
umorismo | politica
::: andcapocci

China Fines Second-Largest Coal Producer for Safety Shortcuts
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: simopieranni

‘2.4C is a death sentence’: Vanessa Nakate’s fight for the forgotten countries of the climate crisis
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: ActionAid

Science publishers used to work for the dissemination of scientific knowledge. Now they work to prevent it
::: carlorovelli

La venerazione di #Amazon tra noi, ma a scapito di chi?
Amazon non ha bisogno dei nostri difensori
::: antoniodballaro

Metaverso, VR e il grande balzo in avanti digitale #Cina
metaverso | virtual reality
::: simopieranni

"If you believe social networks were a primary source of Trump’s power, it follows that removing him from those networks would lessen that power. And yet in nearly a year since Trump was removed from those networks, his power has arguably only increased"
social media | politica
::: fabiochiusi

Giornalisti spiati dai federali, l’ultimo abuso di potere Usa
::: ilmanifesto

Pop!_OS 21.10 Released with New App Library Feature
Linux distro
::: omgubuntu ::: omgubuntu

La Cina non ha rinunciato al suo progetto per cambiare i connotati di internet
Web, Internet
::: fede_guerrini

Didi Chuxing, the Chinese ride-hailing giant, is moving its stock listing to Hong Kong in an abrupt reversal after going public on the NYSE just six months ago. The move heralds more departures as Beijing ramps up scrutiny of China’s corporate sector
economia, lavoro | Cina
::: nytimestech

Masayuki Uemura, an engineer who developed the Nintendo Entertainment System, which helped start a global revolution in home gaming, has died at 78
R.I.P. | games
::: nytimestech

Cosa sappiamo sugli 800 gigabyte di dati rubati sul nucleare italiano
dati, raccolta | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: valigiablu

Build tiny games directly in Jupyter
Python | games
::: ThorstenBeier

On Dec. 11, #NASAWebb was slowly hoisted nearly 130 ft (~40 m), then secured on top of its @Ariane5 rocket. Next up: encapsulating Webb inside the rocket’s specially adapted fairing
spazio, esplorazione
::: NASAWebb ::: NASA

LispWorks 8.0 has been released
purtroppo co$to$o
::: RainerJoswig

Per la prima volta il Consiglio di sicurezza #Onu ha votato su una risoluzione per inserire il #clima tra le cause di conflitti e instabilità: la #Russia ha usato il suo potere di veto, l’#India ha votato no e la #Cina si è astenuta
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: DomaniGiornale

In Corea del Sud parte un progetto di sorveglianza biometrica di massa contro Covid-19
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: fede_guerrini

Un appello di più di 50 premi Nobel per ridurre del 2% le spese militari nei prossimi 5 anni
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale | economia, lavoro | coronavirus
::: nilocram

The @CoE’s Ad hoc Committee on #ArtificialIntelligence (CAHAI) has finished its recommendation for a legally binding treaty on artificial intelligence that would protect #democracy, #HumanRights and the rule of law. #AI
Unione Europea | artificial intelligence
::: AlbertRoyo5

NASA's Parker Solar Probe Becomes First Spacecraft To 'Touch' the Sun
spazio, esplorazione
::: Slashdot

USPS Built and Secretly Tested a Blockchain-Based Mobile Voting System Before 2020
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto* | politica
::: Slashdot

Apple and Google's Mobile Duopoly Likely To Face UK Antitrust Action
dispositivi mobili | antitrust
::: Slashdot

Android 12 Go Edition Brings New Speed, Battery, Privacy Features To Lower-end Phones
dispositivi mobili
::: Slashdot

Google Is Building a New AR Device and OS
augmented reality
::: Slashdot

Her Instagram Handle Was 'Metaverse.' Last Month, It Vanished
::: Slashdot

Due nuovi strumenti liberi si aggiungono alla già ricca raccolta di #LaDigitale: - Digicalc, un foglio di calcolo collaborativo; - Digiboard, una lavagna bianca collaborativa #softwarelibero
applicazioni, programmi
::: nilocram

This tweet captures the deceptive populism behind web3: in saying that DeFi=decentralized Wall Street or NFTs=decentralized Hollywood, the assumption is that the centralized predecessors go away. But they don't or won't. Thus, decentralization=legitimation of existing structures
Web, Internet
::: evgenymorozov ::: evgenymorozov ::: evgenymorozov ::: evgenymorozov ::: evgenymorozov ::: evgenymorozov

The more I work with concurrency, the more I'm convinced that @leastfixedpoint is correct that there are two types of concurrent programmers in the world
programming, codice, snippet
::: LeifAndersen

Video promocional de la startup 'Brinc' y su dron para neutralizar migrantes en la frontera con México
::: RaquelCarballal

What about they write what they want and create what they want instead
::: fabiochiusi

Personal speculation: Quantum companies using QIR who have ported the toolchain to their bespoke FPGA/ASIC control systems are in for a rude awakening when they realize the steep costs (in time, money, labor, and knowledge upkeep) associated with maintaining custom LLVM backends
quantum computing
::: stylewarning

Python is an apples-to-oranges comparison because nobody really knows what that is with any degree of precision. (Python is a great case study in exploring the question, "what is a programming language?"
Python | linguaggi di programmazione
::: stylewarning

Steampunk Keyboard
uh! la voglio -- anzi no, ma una volta, per le presentazioni... o forse no
::: _juhan

Chinese province applies blockchain in ‘smart prison’ system to cut corruption and abuse cases
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: AleColarizi

So, looks like hackers were able to get into Proctorio and use it to spy on student accounts and devices (including webcams) in the Netherlands
hackers at work
::: Iwillleavenow

“A review by The Washington Post of more than 100 Huawei PowerPoint presentations, many marked “confidential,” suggests that the company has had a broader role in tracking China’s populace than it has acknowledged”
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: fabiochiusi

Why Google Has Sat on the Web3 Sidelines
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: Slashdot

🚨 Our voices have made an impact! The EU reached a milestone in regulating big tech platforms today, with the @EP_SingleMarket adopting its position on the Digital Services Act (DSA)
Unione Europea | artificial intelligence
::: algorithmwatch ::: NicholasVinocur

Apple Removes All References To Controversial CSAM Scanning Feature From Its Child Safety Webpage
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Microsoft To Make Windows Terminal the Default Windows 11 Command Line Experience
prima o poi ci arriveranno...
sistemi operativi
::: Slashdot

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