03 febbraio, 2022

Visto nel Web - 679

Troppe cose e troppe cose che non so, mi sfuggono, non capisco. A volte lavorare in remoto è --come dire-- non semplicissimo. Intanto ecco cosa ho wisto nel Web.

Carla Ponzio

“Since 1993, the computational power of supercomputers has increased from 124 GFLOPs to 442,010 TFLOPs – a 3.5 million-fold increase”
::: fabiochiusi

Go Fiber tutorial written. Learn how to create simple web applications with awesome Fiber framework
manuali, how to
::: janbodnar

Despite the hype, iPhone security no match for NSO spyware
::: dcavedon

14 years ago today I announced the first release of Tor Browser. The @torproject blog has a great summary of why it came about and what has changed since then
browser | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: sjmurdoch

US Space Force Wants to Fund 'Space Junk'-Cleaning Startups
spazio, esplorazione
::: Slashdot

“providers of deepfake services have to verify the identities of their users before granting them access to relevant products. Companies are also expected to “respect social morality and ethics” and “follow the correct political direction””
artificial intelligence | deep learning | disinformazione, fake news, bufale | Cina
::: fabiochiusi

Mobile #lisp evening hacking setup: iPad Pro and MacBook Pro with the Symbolics Portable Genera IDE. Looking to make the ‚Screamer‘ Non-deterministic Lisp work for it
notevole discussione
::: RainerJoswig

Major leak from oil pipeline in Ecuador's Amazon happening in real time. Saw many of these in @Chevron's oil fields; they were rarely remediated. The oil and gas industry treats our ecosystem like a trash bin
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: SDonziger

#AI is already having a huge impact on our lives. But what do AI-based solutions offer for the European innovation ecosystem?
artificial intelligence | Unione Europea
::: EITeu

I got some questions about why I think that unsafe Rust is so harder than C. This is a tiny example and it really only scratches the surface
programming, codice, snippet
::: mitsuhiko

Non Sequitur for January 31, 2022
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: _juhan

Spotify: Streaming giant announces plans to clamp down on Covid misinformation
È arrivata la pezza: “warning will redirect users to a data hub of coronavirus facts”
disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: ivosilvestro ::: nytimestech ::: nytimestech ::: _arianna

L'Italia secondo un recente report di DLA Piper è al secondo posto per numero di violazioni della GDPR con 83 interventi dell’Autorità Garante (in testa c’è la Spagna con più di 250 sanzioni, segue la Romania con 57)
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: informapirata

"Despite climate emergency, the United States, Canada, and Norway 'pumping more oil than ever'". These are "three countries who like to see themselves as climate leaders". As always - the gap between their words and actions never fails to deliver...
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: GretaThunberg

When Chinese officials isolated the city of Wuhan in the first lockdown, they created high-tech controls to track its society to stop the spread of Covid. Now, the same tools are being used to monitor other risks, like crime and "hostile" political forces
coronavirus | riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza | politica
::: nytimes

Si può muovere col vento una nave mercantile?
::: MauroV1968

Cosa sono e perché sono importanti le "terre rare"? E quali sono le diverse strategie di Stati Uniti e Unione europea per aggirare la posizione dominante della Cina su questi materiali fondamentali?
hardware | ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: DomaniGiornale

I robot stanno invadendo (pacificamente) il Giappone
robots, automazione, droni
::: Domani

Why Is a Harvard Astrophysicist Working With UFO Buffs?
::: Slashdot

Riflessioni intorno al libro «Né intelligente né artificiale» di Kate Crawford, uscito in Italia per Il Mulino
artificial intelligence
::: ilmanifesto

Not Just the IRS - 20 US Agencies Are Already Set Up For Selfie IDs
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: Slashdot

Wikimedia Foundation Urged to Stop Accepting Cryptocurrency Donations
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: Slashdot

Chinese Satellite Observed Grappling Another and Pulling It Out of Orbit
spazio, esplorazione
::: Slashdot

"at Tel Aviv University, the researchers hope that the electrodes will eventually be replaced by video cameras and software able to spot a liar from a distance or even via an internet link, based on facial muscle movements"
::: fabiochiusi

Very happy to announce. A new text "From Commons to NFTs: Digital objects and radical imagination". Part of an ongoing series of essays
not fungible token
::: stalfel

What the metaverse focus means for the company’s products, like Facebook and Instagram, remains in flux, two employees said. Of the more than 3,000 open jobs listed on Meta’s website, more than 24 percent are now for roles in augmented or virtual reality
Facebook | metaverso
::: nytimestech

“The New Climate War” by Michael Mann – book review
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: RadioProzac

#Eni sfrutta l'occasione di #Sanremo2022: sarà il principale sponsor del Festival per introdurre il nuovo marchio tinto di verde #Plenitude. Un esempio perfetto di greenwashing
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale | disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: DomaniGiornale ::: DomaniGiornale

The U.S. government is lobbying the EU's Digital Markets Act #DMA in an 8-point policy paper circulated to Brussels officials & seen by @POLITICOEurope. Washington condemns plans to target U.S. firms, raises security concerns, & more
politica | economia, lavoro | antitrust
::: SamuelStolton

Australian "model" coming to UK? "Google and Facebook would be forced to agree a price with newspapers for using their stories under new laws being drawn up by the government"
Web, Internet | economia, lavoro
::: rasmus_kleis

Lo scontro interno al #M5s tra Di Maio e Conte arriva anche su Twitter con l’hashtag #DiMaioOut. Un tweet bombing riconducibile però, secondo l’esperto di comunicazione @pietroraffa, a un’area esterna al Movimento
Twitter | politica
::: DomaniGiornale

LooksRare Has Reportedly Generated $8B in Ethereum NFT Wash Trading
not fungible token
::: Slashdot

importlib — Python's Import Mechanism
::: pymotw

Happy birthday to Python creator Guido van Rossum
Python | protagonisti

when we say something is formally verified, that's shorthand for a very nuanced statement and typically a long list of caveats. we don't usually spell them all out but it's great to see that being done here
programming, codice, snippet
::: johnregehr

The first lesson about #IBM’s #Watson fiasco is that throwing ridiculous amounts of money and #data at a problem doesn't necessarily solve it. The second lesson is that #AI is not magic, and may not be able to do anything and everything we want it to
dati, raccolta | artificial intelligence
::: CarissaVeliz ::: j2bryson

Our researchers will lead over 400 hours of observations in @NASAWebb's 1st year so that we can learn how exoplanets form, what they’re made of, and if any might be habitable
spazio, esplorazione
::: NASAAmes

Twitter's Algorithm Favors the Political Right, Study Finds
Twitter | politica
::: Slashdot

Change the "X" in any arXiv article link to the "5" in ar5iv to get a modern HTML5 document
scienza | Web, Internet
::: dginev

8 In 10 App Developers Back Measure To Rein In Google and Apple, Poll Finds
::: Slashdot

My contributions to scientific Python: "From Python to Numpy" (1.8k★), 100 Numpy exercises (7.8k★), Matplotlib cheatsheets (5.9k), "Scientific Visualization" (6.8k★), VisPy (2.8k★), Glumpy (1k★) and many others
::: NPRougier

Now that the core of my math layout engine is coming together, I’ve taken the past couple days to put together a completely new Racket API for fonts and font metrics, which provides a much cleaner set of abstractions over Pango and HarfBuzz than the existing APIs in racket/draw
::: lexi_lambda ::: lexi_lambda

In a just society, there are no prisons except for people that make kitchenware demand an internet connection
Internet of things
::: Snowden

Hungary’s data protection authority finds no problem in the surveillance of journalists
::: F_Kaltheuner

We have covered over 80 Linux commands in detail. Each tutorial contains easy to follow, practical examples
manuali, how to
::: LinuxHandbook

TIL the creator of Bash shell is Black 👍🏾 Anddd he created the first interactive online banking software in the United States
tutto il thread, molte cose che non sapevo
::: engineering_bae

Reaction to the challenges of platform work has been much slower than needed: The Metaverse is a labour issue and should not become another ‘wild west’ for labour protection
::: francesca_bria

How the Fossil Fuel Industry is Pushing Plastics on the World
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: Slashdot

Cruise To Offer Free Robo-Taxi Rides In San Francisco For the Public -- Without Back-Up Drivers
::: Slashdot

India Proposes a 30% Tax on Crypto and NFTs Income
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto* | not fungible token
::: Slashdot

VR to the ER: Metaverse Early Adopters Prove Accident Prone
virtual reality
::: Slashdot

YouTube Ad Revenue Tops $8.6 Billion, Beating Netflix In the Quarter
social media
::: Slashdot

We've written an open letter to @WhiteHouse to address concerns around the recent meeting about FOSS infrastructure. We believe there should be more of a voice given to consumer rights and not just addressing the needs of Big Tech
open source
::: conservancy

Albert Einstein and Niels Bohr walking together in Brussels during the 1930 Solvay Conference in Physics. Image capture by Paul Ehrenfest. Wikimedia Commons Image

"The Guardian and media partners have separately learned that NSO is the subject of an active criminal investigation by the Department of Justice, according to four people familiar with the investigation"
::: fabiochiusi

This is a brilliant site that tracks all the ongoing nonsense about so-called "web3" and all the fraud associated with it
not fungible token
::: smdiehl

In The News: OpenSSF Announces The Alpha-Omega Project to Improve Software Supply Chain Security for 10,000 OSS Projects
open source | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: theopenssf

The WWW is done and @pepijndevos has won
hardware | ooh!
::: fogus

The UN is Testing Technology That Processes Data Confidentially
dati, raccolta | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

lisp is so beautiful
Lisp | Racket
::: lexi_lambda

I mesi con 31 giorni sono i numeri pari modulo 7
matematica | ooh!
::: orporick

"Whistleblowing is an individual act against a collective corruption and it has many similarities with foundational events of the #FreeSoftware movement"
whistleblower | open source
::: disruptberlin

Climate-Washing Litigation: Legal Liability for Misleading Climate Communications
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: RadioProzac

Digital Services Act: cosa prevede il testo del Parlamento europeo
Unione Europea
::: fabiochiusi

Sembra che il #Mose funzioni. Sembra che il problema delle grandi navi sia stato risolto. E sembra anche che #Venezia sia avviata a diventare la «capitale mondiale della sostenibilità», come dice il sindaco Luigi #Brugnaro. Ma è un inganno percettivo
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: DomaniGiornale

"Extreme heat in the world’s oceans passed the “point of no return” in 2014 and has become the new normal, according to research"
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: GretaThunberg

The EU and U.S. are starting to align on AI regulation
FDA, DOT, EEOC, FTC, HUD, CFPB, FDIC, NCUA, OCC, the Fed Reserve, NIST & OSTP - all working on AI regs and rules. It's easy to miss the many developments on AI regulation in the US, so I put them all in one place for ya
artificial intelligence | politica
::: AlexCEngler

LibreOffice 7.3 Released
applicazioni, programmi
::: omgubuntu

It's AI: Decoded time! This week
artificial intelligence
::: Melissahei

New commerical program could put power satellites that power other satellites in orbit by 2025
spazio, esplorazione
::: universetoday

After Sisyphus got away with using regular expressions
::: greghendershott

Trisquel 10.0, codename "Nabia" is finally here! And an upgrade to the "Etiona" release (v9.0.2) was also published yesterday
sistemi operativi
::: fsf

The one European country where the socialists get the largest share of the vote and win absolute majorities in elections...
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto* | politica
::: evgenymorozov

Go echarts tutorial written. Learn how to generate HTML-based charts in Go
manuali, how to
::: janbodnar

Il collegio dei commissari europei ha sdoganato l’atto delegato che classifica anche #gas e #nucleare come attività sostenibili. Da più fronti arrivano accuse di #Greenwashing
energia | Unione Europea
::: DomaniGiornale

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