Police in Edmonton have announced that they've begun using facial recognition software in their investigation processes. The provincial privacy commissioner's privacy impact assessment of the program is still underway
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: cyberpolicyx ::: caro1inehaskins
Google Ethical AI employees @AlexHanna and Dylan Baker are resigning to join ousted AI ethics leader @TimnitGebru's @DAIRInstitute, saying they believe they can now do more good outside the company than within it
etica | artificial intelligence
::: josheidelson
Seznam, a small search engine company in the Czech Republic, has been a thorn in Google’s side since the tech giant crowded it out years ago. Google hasn’t heard the last of it
Google | antitrust
::: nytimestech
DeepMind claims its new code-generating system is competitive with human programmers
artificial intelligence
::: fede_guerrini
TensorFlow 2.8 is out now! 🥳
machine learning
::: fchollet
🚨#BorderTech robot dogs to be deployed by US Customs and Border Patrol. Announced Feb 1,2022, the robot dogs will “lend a helping hand (or “paw”) with new technology that can assist with enhancing the capabilities of CBP personnel”
robots, automazione, droni
::: _PMolnar ::: svaroschi
How the Free Software and the IP Wars of the 1990s and 2000s Presaged Today’s Toxic, Concentrated Internet
"To avoid reproducing platform power in new institutional and technical forms, awareness of how past utopias and aspirations have contributed to existing blind spots and structural problems is therefore key"
mi sembra strano; vero che sono VIP ma...
Web, Internet | open source
::: fabiochiusi
Algorithmic audits are *incredibly* difficult to execute successfully. The toolkit for auditors is scattered - fragmented by closed corporate-captured development processes, & limited flexibility. Excited to launch a new Mozilla project to address this!
algoritmi, codice | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: rajiinio
Facebook loses users for the first time in its history
::: The Washington Post ::: verge ::: CaseyNewton ::: bermat ::: fede_guerrini ::: bermat ::: Slashdot ::: fede_guerrini ::: MsHannahMurphy ::: fabiochiusi ::: fabiochiusi
Data Act’s proposed rules for data sharing, cloud switching, interoperability
Unione Europea | dati, raccolta
::: lucabolognini
Scientists Just Created Magnetic 'Seeds' To Heat Up and Kill Cancer
::: Slashdot
Executives with Grindr, the world’s most popular gay dating app, have pulled it from Apple’s app store in China over concerns about data regulations, marking the latest of a series of foreign departures from the Chinese market following new rules
Apple | Cina | censura
::: nytimestech
Today in On Tech, @shiraovide writes that the continued prevalence of SMS in the U.S. is a reminder that the most resilient technologies aren’t necessarily the best ones
social media
::: nytimestech
Scientists Engineer New Material That Can Absorb and Release Enormous Amounts of Energy
::: Slashdot
Microsoft Says That if Apple Isn't Stopped Now, Its Antitrust Behavior Will Just Get Worse
::: Slashdot
New Lightweight Material is Stronger Than Steel
::: Slashdot
Formatting numbers at the command line
tool, componente software
::: UnixToolTip
Ultimately, Facebook (now Meta) gave up on Libra (now Diem). Last week, the intellectual property and technology behind Diem was sold for $180 million to Silvergate Capital, a bank holding company
Facebook | bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: nytimestech
Ferrari Wants To Take Its Real-World Wow Factor To the Metaverse
::: Slashdot
Don't miss this thread on this legal challenge on phone data extraction used on asylum seekers, an admittedly unlawful policy. This has been in the works for a long time - very proud of my colleagues and everyone involved!
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: svaroschi
What are the automatic corrections (e.g. from voice recognition, auto-correct) that are more faithful to their subject? I quite like "Simone Bile" for "Simone Weil" and "Hermit Simon" for "Herbert Simon". "Licklider" as "Lick Letters" and "Habermas" as "Hamas" never disappoint
::: evgenymorozov
I am really surprised that this by @theintercept about the lobbying and tracking practices of news media companies like the @nytimes @cnn @Gizmodo etc has not received wider pick up
ad, pubblicità | media
::: emilybell
As the years go by...
programming, codice, snippet | umorismo
Twitter is working on “Twitter Articles” and the ability to create one within Twitter - Possibility a new longform format on Twitter
reinventa il blog?
::: wongmjane
spazio, esplorazione
::: SpaceX ::: bermat
Linux users! 🐧 cheating is ok 😂 http://cheat.sh is one of my favorite utilities and easy to curl from the command line. Want to know about "ssh"? Just `curl http://cheat.sh/ssh` and get a little cheat sheet right to your terminal. Here's an example with "echo"
tool, componente software | Web, Internet
::: johncodezzz
As the nation with the world’s oldest population, Japan is most vulnerable to the ravages of dementia. Several localities in the country have now turned to electronic tracking of seniors
io non ancora, dimentico i nomi (qualcuno, non tutti) ma sono ok, nèh!
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: nytimestech
Facebook gives non-US users less protection from harmful content to save money: Haugen
Facebook | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: fede_guerrini
Ubuntu 22.04 May Offer a Choice of System Accent Colour
::: omgubuntu
5% of 666 Python Repos Had Comma Typos (Including Tensorflow, and PyTorch, Sentry, and V8) #python
::: realpython
È uscito "Mal'aria", il rapporto annuale di #Legambiente sulla qualità dell'aria in #Italia. Nessuno dei 102 capoluoghi rispetta i valori limite dell’inquinamento atmosferico suggeriti dall' #OMS
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: ecologica_it
Dug into the Air Force contract with Clearview AI for augmented reality glasses. It’s $49,847 for a 3-month study into “feasibility” of AR face recognition glasses. No glasses or prototypes to be “delivered.” This is flyer Clearview created for Air Force
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: kashhill
What Big Tech’s Riches Mean for Our Future
big tech
::: nytimestech
Dati, algoritmi, intelligenza artificiale, sorveglianza: cosa rischiamo davvero come cittadini?
dati, raccolta
::: CBlengio
Nel 2022 la Commissione europea vuole accelerare sul progetto del sistema comune di identità digitale e di wallet per lo scambio di dati, sulla scia del modello green pass. Ma gli esperti chiedono più salvaguardie
Unione Europea | digitalizzazione | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Luke_like
A Florida college student said that Elon Musk offered him $5,000 to stop tracking his private jet and posting its whereabouts on a popular Twitter account
Twitter | protagonisti | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: nytimestech
The middle section of Rotterdam’s 95-year-old Koningshaven Bridge will be temporarily dismantled so that a 417-foot superyacht being built for Jeff Bezos can pass underneath it
forse, non ancora deciso
::: nytimestech ::: heimbergecon
...and you fancy a GUI, you may give Veusz a try
applicazioni, programmi
::: pzarabadip
L’Fbi ammette di aver comprato Pegasus: «Solo per studiarlo»
::: ilmanifesto
EPA Objects To USPS Plan To Buy a New Gas-Powered Delivery Fleet
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: Slashdot
Microsoft May Scrap HoloLens 3 As Metaverse Hype Hits Fever Pitch
::: Slashdot
Ubuntu MATE 22.04 Will Include Flatpak by Default
::: omgubuntu
US Lawmakers Introduce 'Right To Repair' Bills To Spur Competition
diritto di riparare
::: Slashdot
the @mitdci work with the Federal Reserve on CBDC finally launch! Bringing together the crypto community with central banks has always been my dream since the 90s
::: Joi
Coinbase is trying to establish itself as a mainstream gateway to the world of cryptocurrency, a place to routinely deposit paychecks, expense reimbursements and tax refunds
::: nytimestech
NASA Details Its Plan for the End of the International Space Station in 2031
spazio, esplorazione
::: universetoday
Integratori alimentari
scienza | disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: RadioProzac
Facebook’s dream of connecting the whole world is dead
::: WillOremus ::: bermat
Over $320 Million Stolen In Hack of Blockchain Platform Wormhole
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto* | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot
Silenced AirTags With Disabled Speakers Are Popping Up for Sale Online
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot
Who Owns Your Address in AR? Probably Not You
augmented reality | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot
Npm Enrolls Top 100 Package Maintainers Into Mandatory 2FA
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot ::: zkat__
Over 500 Mobile Apps Are Now Using the Term 'Metaverse' To Attract New Users
::: Slashdot
Canada Will Get Its First Universal Quantum Computer From IBM
quantum computing
::: Slashdot
Google Workspace Goes All in on Shadow IT
::: Slashdot
Mozilla is Shutting Down Its VR Web Browser, Firefox Reality
virtual reality
::: Slashdot
Opaque & biased algorithms decide who has access to housing, education, and more. We should be concerned. Today @RonWyden @SenBooker & @RepYvetteClarke introduced the Algorithmic Accountability Act of 2022 to help combat algorithmic discrimination
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: mixedintech
”Att respektera samernas rättmätiga förvaltarskap över sina egna marker är en nödvändighet också ur ett klimat-och miljöperspektiv.” #NoMineInGállok #StandWithSápmi
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: GretaThunberg
#Beijing2022 sarà la prima Olimpiade invernale ad esclusivo innevamento artificiale, perché -essenzialmente- dove si svolgono non nevica mai. Produrranno 700.000 m^3 di neve, un cubo di 89 metri. Quanta CO2 immetteranno in atmosfera non lo voglio sapere. Lo spirito olimpico
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: L_Apostata
1/ We’re announcing @storyverse_xyz to bring your NFTs to life in interactive animated story games that *you* create
not fungible token
::: jtwald
Twitter just introduced downvotes: an exciting new feature that lets you help the algorithm make this place an even bigger echo chamber than it already is
::: Snowden
Slackware, the Oldest Actively Maintained Linux Distro, Releases Version 15.0
Linux distro
::: Slashdot
Your ability to get a loan, rent a car, or apply for a job shouldn't depend on your skin color, age, or gender. Today I'm introducing my #AlgorithmicAccountabilityAct to bring transparency and accountability to flawed algorithms that impact every aspect of daily life
algoritmi, codice | odio, razzismo, discriminazioni
::: RonWyden
«Ti è piaciuta Dubai?»*
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: ferrazza
Symbolics 3600 - Symbol Processing Systems
storia | hardware
::: fogus
Le pillage de la communauté des logiciels libres
L'article co-ecrit par Laure Muselli, @sociographie, @zacchiro et votre serviteur sur les #GAFAM #FOSS #opensource est en acces libre
open source
::: mathieuoneil
A New AI Traffic Light Could Help Shorten Your Commute Times
artificial intelligence
::: Slashdot
Il Transparency & Consent Framework di IAB Europe viola il GDPR. Questa è la contestazione dell'Autorità Belga insieme ad altri 28 Garanti Privacy europei. Noi lo dicevamo già nel 2020, ricevendo aspre critiche da IAB Europe, che ribadiva la legittimità del TFC
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: privacynetwork_
"Hi honey, how was work?"
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: ellajakubowska1
World Inequality Report: la classe sociale conta più di dove si nasce
cose di tutti i giorni, la vita | economia, lavoro
::: formicablu
#ICYMI: Webb made light work of…light work! Having seen its first photons of starlight, #NASAWebb has begun the 3-month process of getting its mirrors into focus so it can start science this summer
spazio, esplorazione
::: NASAWebb
Gli ultra-metanogeni
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: RadioProzac
The frenzy of speculation around Web3 has produced a counter-frenzy of resentment
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto* | economia, lavoro
::: fabiochiusi
For quite some time I wanted a command-line tool to calculate the entropy of files that was fast and supported Windows. I ended up coding my own.🙂 It could be useful for people in #malwareanalysis, #forensics, etc.
tool, componente software
::: mer0x36
“If Software is My #Copilot, Who Programmed My Software?”⇒ A proposal from our Policy Fellow (@bkuhn_ebb_org) for #FOSS community response to Microsoft & #GitHub's #copyleft-unfriendly strategy with Copilot, their AI-based programming assistant product
programming, codice, snippet | open source | artificial intelligence
::: conservancy
David Noble did a good job of picking this ideology of technological progress apart in “Present Tense Technology,” outlining its emergence in the Industrial Revolution, its evolution over time, and how it closes off criticism and alternatives
::: parismarx
This has been a long time in the making but I used my quarantine to push myself to actually sharing it on GitHub: deser, an alternative design for serialization in Rust
programming, codice, snippet
::: mitsuhiko ::: mitsuhiko ::: mitsuhiko
The EARN IT Act is back, and it’s as bad as it ever was
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: EFF
New 'Game-Changing' Technology Removes 99% of CO2 From the Air
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: Slashdot
Satellite Images Show Biggest Methane Leaks Come From Russia and US
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: Slashdot
It looks like @Spotify is removing a lot of podcast episodes. There does not seem to be a pattern to explain why
social media
::: slashdot
Traders Are Selling Themselves Their Own NFTs To Drive Up Prices
not fungible token
::: Slashdot
Amazon, i numeri da record del bilancio certificano che siamo tutti in trappola
::: Domani
Almost all of the "scripting" work around 9/11 was Perl
programming, codice, snippet
::: fogus ::: fogus ::: fogus ::: fogus
“Like NSO's Pegasus spyware, QuaDream's flagship product - called REIGN - could take control of a smartphone, scooping up instant messages from services such as WhatsApp, Telegram, and Signal, as well as emails, photos, texts and contacts”
::: fabiochiusi
La demonizzazione dello #smartworking è battaglia di retroguardia
lavoro da remoto | smartwork
::: diritto2punto0 ::: AlanElettronico
Ragazzi, correte! C'è un qualcosa di molto simile ad una distro war 😍😍😍
::: DiegoManinetti
Developers React To 27% Commission With Astonishment and Anger
::: Slashdot
Two small private Chinese banks announced last month that they would no longer provide services involving banknotes or coins, in the latest sign that the country is accelerating its march towards a totally cashless society
crittografia | Cina
::: AleColarizi
GitHub Launches New Sponsors-Only Repositories
programming, codice, snippet
::: Slashdot
Golang's Most-Downloaded Beta Ever Brings Support for Generics, Fuzzing
linguaggi di programmazione
::: Slashdot
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