Cose brutte nel mondo, ecco cosa ho wisto nel Web.
A new study found there’s an easy way to teach students to spot fake news online. Lots of us could benefit from these tips, writes @juliejargon
disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: minzengwsj
Dans un second temps, les mêmes auteurs amènent des éléments de réponse aux nombreuses questions que soulèvent ces métavers, sur des aspects comme l'environnement, l'addiction ou encore les données personnelles
metaverso | ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale | dati, raccolta
::: univbordeaux
Sometimes maligned, Telegram becomes essential during Ukraine invasion
social media | disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: fede_guerrini
'Open Web Advocacy' Group Battles Apple's WebKit-Based Walled Garden
open source | Apple
::: Slashdot
A new tensor language w/formally verified optimizations could have benefits for high-performance computing
linguaggi di programmazione
Linux Foundation's 'Census II' of Open Source Libraries Urges Support, Security, and Standardization
open source
::: Slashdot
What If We Put Solar Panels on California's 4,000 Miles of Canals?
::: Slashdot
Ukraine Receives $42M in Cryptocurrency Donations - Plus 180 NFTs They Didn't Ask For
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto* | not fungible token
::: Slashdot
Samsung Elec says shipments to Russia suspended, donating $6 mln in aid
"Samsung Electronics is No. 1 in handsets in Russia with 30% market share as of the fourth quarter of 2021"
::: fabiochiusi
Solar power generation - top 15 countries
::: stats_feed
anonymous gli ha hackerato il sito dei servizi segreti
::: gianlucac1
I giorni passano, e le analisi continuano a concordare: France24 si spinge a scrivere, nel titolo, che l'Ucraina sta "dominando" nel campo della "information war" sui social media. Ci sono pareri di esperti, ma non capisco su cosa si basi il giudizio
social media | guerra
::: fabiochiusi ::: carljackmiller
Sunday scaries
robots, automazione, droni | umorismo
Can Russia Bootstrap High-Performance Computing Clusters with Native Tech?
hardware | Russia
::: Slashdot
Mastercard and Visa block in Russia does not stop domestic purchases
Web, Internet | Russia
::: fede_guerrini
I social si sono schierati e partecipano a un nuovo tipo di conflitto. Molti diranno che si sono schierati dalla parte giusta. Ed è vero. Ma questa osservazione non può distrarci dal fatto che rischia di rappresentare un pericoloso precedente
social media | cyberwar
::: DomaniGiornale
La Russia sta per disconnettersi da Internet
Russia | Web, Internet
::: Corriere ::: DomaniGiornale ::: fede_guerrini ::: joetidy
Two Python Core Developers Remain in Ukraine
Python | guerra
::: Slashdot
Researchers Release 'PolyCoder', the First Open-Source Code-Generating AI Model
artificial intelligence | programming, codice, snippet
::: Slashdot
TikTok restricts service in Russia and Netflix stops streaming
social media | Russia
::: fabiochiusi ::: fabiochiusi
Ubuntu Now “Just Works” on the Framework Laptop
::: omgubuntu
Here are all Russia’s independent media outlets banned, blocked, or shuttered in just the past few days
Russia | media
::: fabiochiusi
let's start the week well replying with creative NOPEs to recruiters with NFT jobs
not fungible token
::: vikkio88
funny story about jobs and tech tests in IT
programming, codice, snippet
::: vikkio88
Will Changing Opinions Boost America's Nuclear Power Industry?
::: Slashdot
The Biggest Cyber Risk in Ukraine?
::: fabiochiusi
Deepfake researchers have long feared the day this would arrive
frodi | riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: techreview
asyncio — Asynchronous I/O, event loop, and concurrency tools
::: pymotw
Fraud Is Flourishing on Zelle. The Banks Say It's Not Their Problem
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot
Why the Maker of iPhones Must Not Be Named
hardware | economia, lavoro
::: Slashdot
Samsung Confirms Galaxy Source Code Breach
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot
Stanford Cryptography Researchers Are Building Espresso, a Privacy-focused Blockchain
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: Slashdot
"The Amazon is losing its ability to recover from disturbances like droughts and land-use changes, scientists reported Monday, adding to concern that the rainforest is approaching a critical threshold beyond which much of it will be replaced by grassland"
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: GretaThunberg
“La conferma”
giornali, stampa
::: fabiochiusi
"...state-sponsored software piracy may be a heavier lift today than it was even a decade ago. Software-as-a-service has become far more widespread..." - Russia mulls legalizing #software #piracy as it’s cut off from Western tech
Russia | pirateria
::: petterigunther
She was inspired to work on batteries after growing up in a polluted Chinese city. Carmakers are betting big bucks on the technology she and her partner are developing
hardware | energia
::: nytimestech
Pensieri su transizioni ed energia
::: MauroV1968
The World's Largest Green Hydrogen Plant Will Be Built In Texas
::: Slashdot
Britain To Start Approval Process for Rolls-Royce Mini Nuclear Reactor
::: Slashdot
Coinbase Blocks 25,000 Crypto Wallets Linked To Russia Users
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto* | Russia
::: Slashdot
EPA Proposes New Rules To Cut Heavy Truck Emissions
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: Slashdot
Hackers Targeted US LNG Producers in Run-Up To Ukraine War
::: Slashdot
Attackers Can Force Amazon Echos To Hack Themselves With Self-Issued Commands
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot
Non Sequitur for March 08, 2022
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto* | umorismo
::: _juhan
200 major Western corporations have either withdrawn or suspended business with Russia. Yale has helpfully prepared this list
::: Billbrowder
"Data and communications industry engineers have been working from bomb shelters and running out to repair internet cables when bombing stops in Ukraine’s border cities, where the fight against the Russian invasion is sustained by continued communications"
guerra | Web, Internet
::: fabiochiusi ::: fabiochiusi
#Anonymous takes control of over 400 Russian cameras in support of #Ukraine
::: LatestAnonPress
Qui il link all'annuncio pubblicato pochi minuti fa sulla home page del CERN
ok ma non per i singoli: The CERN Council also expresses its support to the many members of CERN’s Russian scientific community who reject this invasion
scienza | guerra
::: ilfisico
So @YourAnonNews has created a tool that enables anyone to bypass the Kremlin's draconian info blackout & text random people in Russia about what is going on in Ukraine
::: bopanc
Use Snaps? You’ll Dig This Nifty GNOME Extension
tool, componente software
::: omgubuntu
GNOME 42’s New Terminal and Text Editor are Available to Install on Ubuntu 22.04
forse, non ci ho mica capito tanto
applicazioni, programmi
::: omgubuntu
Automatic Test-Case Reduction in Proof Assistants: A Case Study in Coq
programming, codice, snippet
::: johnregehr
KDE is all about functionality, and the freedom to tweak. And, GNOME follows simplicity. What do you think is better?
applicazioni, programmi
::: itsfoss2
A.I. algorithms have the potential to go far beyond what a set of human eyes can do to cut down on problem gambling. Will it work?
artificial intelligence
::: nytimestech
The Best New Features in GNOME 42
applicazioni, programmi
::: dcavedon
in what might become one of the most significant Tor onion services ever launched, Twitter now has a version on Tor. Potentially makes it easier to access the social network from Russia + other countries, and comes as Russia blocked Twitter last week
Web, Internet | censura
::: josephfcox
WW International, the weight loss organization formerly known as Weight Watchers, used an app to illegally collect personal information from children without their parents’ permission, the Federal Trade Commission said
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: nytimestech
Internet e la «nuova Cortina di ferro» che cala sulla Russia
Web, Internet | guerra
::: ilmanifesto
Today in On Tech, @shiraovide writes that Apple used to give us only a few cool options. Now it has to work harder to win us over
::: nytimestech
Digital Books Are Not Fireproof
da noi è sempre censurato Project Gutenberg 👿
Web, Internet | censura
::: Slashdot
Cybersecurity Firm Says Chinese Hackers Breached Six US State Agencies
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot
Apple, Microsoft and Google All Receive Poor Grades on Repairability Report Card
diritto di riparare
::: Slashdot
In 1994, Jeff Bezos famously spotted a stat that made him leave his high-paying PE job to start Amazon: 💡 The Internet was growing 2300% per year. What are the generation-defining stats of today? I'll post a few to kick things off...
impressionante, anzi di più
storia | tecnologia
::: stephsmithio
Today is #InternationalWomensDay! Our mission is to advance human rights through free privacy software, and here are some ways Tor can help in the fight for women's rights around the world. ⤵️
odio, razzismo, discriminazioni
::: torproject
Aperture di Tempo e Libero ora
giornali, stampa
::: fabiochiusi
Italian DPA fines Clearview AI for 20 million euros. The company violated "basic principles" of the GDPR and performed "biometric surveillance" in Italy, the Authority claims
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: fabiochiusi
This week's AI: Decoded is all about the AI Act: 👀Two new reports shed light on what the European People’s Party wants from the AI Act. 😱 Technical errors could exclude unsupervised learning and reinforcement learning
artificial intelligence | Unione Europea
::: Melissahei
La carenza di microchip sta provocando seri problemi a molte industrie, in particolare a quella dell’auto. Biden ha un piano di investimenti per aumentare la produzione e ridurre la dipendenza dalle forniture asiatiche. E l'Italia?
::: DomaniGiornale
Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine Accelerates Its Drive Toward Cyber Sovereignty
hardware | politica
::: fabiochiusi
Biden Orders Study of Cryptocurrency Risk, Creation of US Digital Currency
crittografia | digitalizzazione
::: Slashdot
You use a tool more effectively if you're at least a little bit skeptical of its capabilities. This applies especially to machine learning
machine learning
::: fchollet
China's state media buys Meta ads pushing Russia's line on war
guerra | Cina
::: fede_guerrini
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