13 marzo, 2022

Visto nel Web - 690

Disordinato e pieno di cose che non vorrei ecco cosa ho wisto nel Web.

Learning to Combine Instructions in LLVM Compiler
programming, codice, snippet
::: johnregehr

“Throughout the investigation and in follow-up inquiries, senior executives at Amazon engaged in a pattern and practice of misleading behavior before the committee. Amazon and its executives must be held accountable for this behavior”
::: nytimestech

‘Solaar’ Makes Managing Logitech’s Unifying Receiver Easy on Linux
::: dcavedon

Stolen Nvidia Certificates Used To Hide Malware in Driver Downloads
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Microsoft's Return Puts Focus On Workers Who Are Skipping the Office
lavoro da remoto | smartwork
::: Slashdot

E quindi, dovremo riaprire le centrali nucleari?
::: MauroV1968

Blender 3.1 Released with “Major Leap in Performance”
applicazioni, programmi
::: omgubuntu

Rebelote 7 ans plus tard : sous la menace d'une nouvelle censure par les autorités russes, les internautes russes consultant Wikipédia sont informés des différentes façon de contourner ce blocage
::: Pyb75

Alongside stories about TikTok being flooded with Ukraine war footage, I’m seeing academics say “TikTok has never been used this way before.” This is false and it says much more about how academics & journalists have regarded TikTok than it says about the app
social media
::: abbieasr

"La censura è figlia della paura e madre dell’ignoranza." (Laurie Halse Anderson) #IoStoConSalviniParody #WLaSatira
::: Sir_SamWise

1. This was all done without any kind of public announcement from the EU. We only know about it because Google submitted it to @lumendatabase. 2. Requiring social media firm to delete posts that reproduce "any content" from RT or Sputnik is crazily overbroad
::: evacide

Russia’s digital rights group Roskomsvoboda made a statement against disconnecting Russia from online services that will only help Putin’s censorship
::: natynettle

For years people have pushed platforms for clear rules based on international human rights, consistent enforcement, due process, and transparency in their content moderation. We need, at the very least, the same from public authorities
Web, Internet
::: rasmus_kleis

La transizione ecologica e ora la guerra ucraina spingono a cercare fonti di energia diverse e più sostenibili. L’industria auto esplora l'uso del metano sintetico. Ma i primi tentativi dimostrano che non è facile
::: DomaniGiornale

The two pillars of Russian independent media over the last years — the radio Echo of Moscow (Ekho Moskvy) and TV channel Rain (Dozhd) — have halted broadcasts, while access has been blocked to pro-opposition online news sites and major social networks
::: Dunja_Mijatovic

1/6 📣The Artificial Intelligence Act MUST put our #FundamentalRights first! In 2021, @EDRi & 123 civil society orgs launched a collective statement to call for an #AIAct that addresses the structural, societal, political & economic impacts of #AI uses
artificial intelligence
::: edri

The Missing Semester of Your CS Education - Q&A
💥 uh! type non l'ho scoperto solo ora (non c'era nel SYS V), per gli script mi da ragione & altro ancora 🙂
manuali, how to
::: The Missing Semester

Zorin OS 16.1 is Now Available to Download
Linux distro
::: omgubuntu

Twitter unveils version of site that can bypass Russia block
::: fede_guerrini

Russian Space Agency Tweets a Bizarre Video Showing the Russian Modules Detaching From ISS
spazio, esplorazione | guerra
::: universetoday ::: andcapocci

#lisp Allegro Common Lisp now is the first big Common Lisp implementation which has their IDE ported to the web
::: RainerJoswig

Microsoft’s carbon emissions increase resulted from strong demand for products, a reminder that robust business growth can often mean pumping more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale | Microsoft
::: nytimestech

Facebook temporarily allows posts calling for violence against Russians or Putin's death
se ho capito Facebook mi piace sempre meno
Facebook | cyberwar
::: fabiochiusi

The Labor Department wants to investigate crypto in retirement plans
“These assets are for people’s old age, and we really are very serious about making sure that this money is invested and recommendations are made in people’s best interest”
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: nytimestech ::: crypto_council

A key member of the REvil ransomware group, who federal authorities say is responsible for the Kaseya attack that encrypted over a thousand of its customers' networks, has been arrested and extradited to Texas to face U.S. federal charges
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: zackwhittaker

Russia Creates Its Own TLS Certificate Authority To Bypass Sanctions
Web, Internet
::: Slashdot

Russia Says Its Businesses Can Steal Patents From Anyone In 'Unfriendly' Countries
copyright e brevetti
::: Slashdot

Google Dupes Diners, Sidelines Restaurants For Delivery Profits
frodi | Google
::: Slashdot

La cybersecurity non si improvvisa nelle emergenze
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: ilmanifesto

HBO Accused of Sharing Subscriber Data With Facebook In Class Action Lawsuit
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

I knew about `/dev/null` in Linux, but today I learned about `/dev/full`
memo per me: non dirlo a L* che poi ride troppo (o c'è anche con Windoze?)
::: AaronToponce

La quantità di bot, disinformatori di professione, ma anche incredibilmente di persone normali, che sostiene che le immagini da Mariupol siano attori che recitano in un video di propaganda è impressionante - Dopo la rabbia subentra la desolazione
disinformazione, fake news, bufale | guerra
::: PietroSalvatori

Pearls Before Swine for March 10, 2022
::: _juhan

EARN-IT threatens encryption and therefore user freedom
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | crittografia
::: amszmidt

Russia’s digital iron curtain will fail
Putin's internet clampdown may help him maintain political control. But it will also undermine Russia's technological sovereignty
Russia | Web, Internet
::: johnthornhillft

School strike week 185. #FridaysForFuture #ClimateStrike #PeopleNotProfit
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: GretaThunberg ::: Leahinitiative ::: davisreuben3 ::: FFFStockholm

Ieri Meta aveva fatto eccezione alle sue regole sull'odio, per consentire di incitare alla violenza contro i russi nel contesto della guerra che hanno scatenato - Oggi la Russia replica: Meta è un'organizzazione estremista, incita a uccidere i russi
Russia | Facebook
::: fabiochiusi ::: BrianCathcart ::: maxseddon

Desktop Cube @GNOME Extension Now Supports Background Panoramas
non esattamente quello che vorrei, ma chissà, il mondo è grande e vario
applicazioni, programmi
::: omgubuntu

Bitcoin ATMs Declared Illegal in UK by Financial Regulator
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: Slashdot

What do a Wisconsin public school district, a California urgent care provider and the card game Apples to Apples have in common? All of their trademark applications were opposed by Apple
::: nytimestech

Facebook cuts back on employee perks, like laundry service and pushing dinner to later in the evening. Some employees are upset! Others, including execs, are telling them to cut out the entitled attitude
::: MikeIsaac

La #Rete è di tutti. Prima dell’#innovazione vengono le #persone. Prima dell’efficienza, i #diritti. Prima della tecnica, la #democrazia
Web, Internet | politica | etica
::: BiennaleTech

La guerra ha diviso ancora una volta gli utenti in cerchie opposte. I media creano delle bolle in cui i vari utenti tendono a riconoscersi. Solo un aumento della qualità può finalmente mutare la logica dei mass media
::: DomaniGiornale ::: birdsarentreal

Google e Meta nel mirino delle autorità antitrust europee e britanniche: avrebbero raggiunto un’intesa per spartirsi i profitti delle pubblicità online
ad, pubblicità | antitrust | Unione Europea
::: DomaniGiornale ::: Domani

No, Russia Has Not Threatened To Leave An American Astronaut Behind In Space
spazio, esplorazione
::: Slashdot

I asked Ukraine’s deputy minister of digital transformation why the country canceled its crypto airdrop. He said it became clear people were exploiting the possibility by sending tiny donations in hopes or profiting. "I don't think it's ethical"
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: maxwellstrachan

A $4 Billion Hedge Fund Is Shorting Tether's Stablecoin
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: Slashdot

"Numerous campaigns have been coordinated in a secret Telegram channel that directs these influencers on what to say, where to capture videos, what hashtags to use, and when exactly to post the video"
::: fabiochiusi

Java mail tutorial written. Learn how to send/receive emails on the JVM with Jakarta Mail. Java, Groovy & Clojure examples
programming, codice, snippet
::: janbodnar

A big problem - latest monthly update for greenhouse gases: carbon dioxide (*new record*), methane (*new record*), and nitrous oxide (*new record*) 🥴
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: ZLabe

TikTok's National Security Saga Nears Its End
dati, raccolta
::: Slashdot

La solita fobia del nucleare
disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: MauroV1968

US Eliminates Human Controls Requirement For Fully Automated Vehicles
::: Slashdot

Plants Humans Don't Need Are Heading for Extinction, Study Finds
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: Slashdot

Ecco, cominciamo col dire che le oltre 15.000 persone sono morte per lo tsunami. Poi discutiamo di tutto il resto. Ma bisogna almeno partire da una base di fatti
disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: marcocattaneo

#SaudiArabia: Blogger @Raif_Badawi has been released after ten years in prison! RSF welcomes this decision and shares his relatives' relief. We remain mobilized to ensure that he will stay safe and be able to join his family in Canada despite his 10-year travel ban
::: RSF_inter

1/15 OSINT: Open Source Intelligence investigation & the use of facial recognition. Trigger to the investigation: ➡️ Russian propaganda Military video posted on Telegram by what seems to be a Chechen Muslim fighter
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza | cyberwar
::: OSINT_Tactical

In our white paper "Suspicious Twitter Activity around the Russian Invasion of #Ukraine" we present some preliminary evidence of suspicious activity obtained from analysis of 60 million tweets posted since February 1. Here is what we found
Twitter | cyberwar | disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: OSoMe_IU

~the TikTok Cold War~
social media | politica
::: WillOremus

I'd maybe rephrase this. At one point there was a stable set of collectives working under the banner Anonymous that could b partially mapped & understood (2010-2015). Today, there is a resurgence of hacktivist activity but what it is composed of and how it works is an open ?
hackers at work
::: BiellaColeman

No search engine is neutral. Every search engine ranks sites. Transparency is good and the people who are outraged about this do not understand how the technology works
Web, Internet
::: evacide

This is a great read from the original creator of Snowflake about how it came to be and how the technology is helping people in Ukraine and Russia bypass censorship
Web, Internet | censura
::: zackwhittaker

Bitcoin trading volume rose after Russia invaded Ukraine, but it has remained flat since
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: nytimestech

The Future of the Internet in Russia
“The invasion of Ukraine is deepening Putin’s internet paranoia”
Web, Internet | censura
::: fabiochiusi

33 years ago today, I submitted a proposal for a system called the World Wide Web. I'd normally publish thoughts on the state of the web. But these are not normal times. Instead, @rosemaryleith & I ask you to join us to #StandWithUkraine however you can
protagonisti | guerra
::: timberners_lee ::: webfoundation

Il giurista Sabino Cassese ha criticato il provvedimento dell’Antitrust che ha sanzionato per 1,1 miliardi #Amazon Italia, ma combattere questi strapoteri economici con ogni mezzo è un dovere
Amazon | antitrust
::: DomaniGiornale

Thread by @emme_emi on Thread Reader App
Aspetto interessante dell'embargo sulle commodities energetiche russe
economia, lavoro
::: MauroV1968

Russian FSB agents came to homes of top Google and Apple officials and threatened to take them to prison. Part of a massive Kremlin pressure campaign against US tech now accelerating amid Ukraine war
::: gregpmiller

Arch Linux Turns 20
Linux distro
::: Slashdot

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