20 marzo, 2022

Visto nel Web - 692

C'è l'equinozio ma freddo fuori e triste dentro (e fuori); intanto ecco cosa ho wisto nel Web.

The Linux Foundation's Statement Against Texas Discrimination
odio, razzismo, discriminazioni
::: linuxfoundation

#Webb has Now Taken the Sharpest Image the Laws of Physics Allow
spazio, esplorazione
::: universetoday

Dovranno raddoppiare la ram dei circuiti…
Google | ad, pubblicità
::: bermat

La #NASA ha esteso le operazioni di volo dell'elicottero marziano #Ingenuity fino a settembre
spazio, esplorazione
::: _AliveUniverse

Midwestern US Has Lost 57.6 Trillion Metric Tons of Soil Due To Agricultural Practices, Study Finds
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: Slashdot

Ukraine's Zelenskyy Signs Virtual Assets Bill Into Law, Legalizing Crypto
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: Slashdot

The deepfakes have arrived. "Ukraine 24 posted a warning that its broadcast and website were hacked. Adding to the chaos is a deepfake video of Zelenskyy appearing to tell Ukrainians to surrender began to go viral online at the same time"
deepfake | cyberwar
::: zackwhittaker

PowerPoint Begins Transitioning from Talking Points To Talking Heads
applicazioni, programmi
::: Slashdot

UK Looking To Extend Life of Nuclear Plant By 20 Years Amid Energy Crisis
::: Slashdot

Il nuovo paradigma monetario cino-indo-russo
(forse) | economia, lavoro | bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: ThManfredi

Parere congiunto di @EU_EDPS e @EU_EDPB sulla proroga di 12 mesi del Regolamento sulla certificazione digitale #COVID19. Garante e Comitato europeo ricordano che il rispetto delle norme sulla protezione dei dati non ostacola la lotta contro la pandemia #GarantePrivacy
coronavirus | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus

La guerra ha mandato sotto traccia il rifiuto della giustizia britannica ad accettare il ricorso di #Assange, sulla cui sorte non si è mai nemmeno espressa la corte dei diritti dell’uomo che tempo fa trovò il tempo per occuparsi dei boss mafiosi italiani ristrettì al 41bis. 1)
Julian Assange
::: Moonlightshad1 ::: SMaurizi ::: SMaurizi

A career in tech is less about learning
::: kelseyhightower

The Asymmetry of Open Source - A comprehensive guide to funding open source software projects
open source
::: dcavedon

Decision to take on a new project
::: ExcelHumor

In responding to the onslaught of propaganda Twitter has “labeled or removed more than 50,000 pieces of content and have permanently suspended more than 75,000 accounts” during the invasion of #Ukraine
Twitter | cyberwar
::: EmmaLBriant ::: marcowenjones ::: fabiochiusi

Una meravigliosa meraviglia - Sembra proprio tornare ggiovine 🤓😜
::: _juhan

Amazon Closes $8.5 Billion Acquisition of MGM
Amazon | economia, lavoro
::: Slashdot

Cornell Researchers Taught a Robot To Take Airbnb Photos
robots, automazione, droni | artificial intelligence
::: Slashdot

MIT's Mini Cheetah robot runs faster than ever
robots, automazione, droni

Savage Chickens for March 18, 2022
::: _juhan

E’ ufficiale: sospesa la missione #ExoMars
spazio, esplorazione
::: galileoedit

I published a blog article detailing a phishing technique I called Browser in the Browser (BITB) Attack. It's very simple but can be very effective. I also published templates on my Github feel free to test them out
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: mrd0x

Report on "How Authorities Use Cameras and Facial Recognition against Protesters" in Russia, published in January 2022, including details on how facial recognition in public space has been rolled out in recent years, and on its use
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza | Russia
::: WolfieChristl

Utilitarie minacciate di estinzione
economia, lavoro
::: MauroV1968

Hundreds of GoDaddy-Hosted Sites Backdoored In a Single Day
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Google has discovered a threat actor it calls "Exotic Lily," which breaks into victim networks on behalf of ransomware groups like Conti
::: zackwhittaker

Apple's Charts Set the M1 Ultra up for an RTX 3090 Fight it Could Never Win
Apple | hardware
::: Slashdot

Microsoft Faces EU Antitrust Complaint About Its Cloud Computing Business
Microsoft | antitrust
::: Slashdot

Ennesimo disastro. I Consolidator Grants dell’ERC assegnati oggi vedono gli scienziati di nazionalità italiana aggiudicarsi 30 fondi. Ma solo 11 svolgeranno la loro ricerca in Italia. Siamo all’11 posto per numero di grant che saranno ospitati. Dietro anche al Belgio
::: marcocattaneo

1/ Non è solo propaganda ucraina. In tre settimane di combattimento l'esercito russo ha subito perdite pesantissime e inaspettate di uomini e mezzi, anche tra i più moderni e costosi, e ora si trova in difficoltà. Un thread 🧵
::: DM_Deluca

JUST IN: Russia bans tractor emoji
::: Sputnik_Not

ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: FFF_Helsinki ::: GretaThunberg ::: Zipat_YN

Ubuntu 22.04 Lets You Pick a UI Accent Colour
::: omgubuntu

According to an #AI, our keyboard should look like this. Very interesting project @nemshilov
perso qui: sapeste quanto ci ho messo ad adattarmi alla tastiera italiana (dall'americana); e a volte capita che i diti dimenticano e vanno alla casa vecchia
::: phretor

Libre coopération: un sito dedicato alla collaborazione, per costruire una cultura Libera, fatta di #softwarelibero, ma non solo - Il sito è in francese e in inglese, un modello che potremmo copiare e adattare anche in italiano. #cooperazione #Libre
open source
::: nilocram

A NASA manager gave a presentation on how the HLS development is going
spazio, esplorazione
::: universetoday

Australian Watchdog Sues Facebook-owner Meta Over Scam Advertisements
ad, pubblicità | Facebook
::: Slashdot

Now That is a Big Rocket. Space Launch System Rolls out to the Launch pad for a Series of Tests
spazio, esplorazione
::: universetoday

Russian Cyber Attacks Are Struggling To Impact Ukraine's Networks
::: Slashdot

Keras community is really vibrant. There are now over 100 concise and clear code examples that demonstrate the latest deep learning models and techniques for computer vision, NLP, structured data, time series, generative DL, reinforcement learning, etc..
machine learning
::: Jeande_d

Latest post is on the announcement of forthcoming AI features for Google Classroom. The marketing calls it "Google Magic." It means automation of education at "unprecedented scale"
scuola, educazione, cultura | Google | automazione
::: BenPatrickWill

"It took less than six hours for drug-developing AI to invent 40,000 potentially lethal molecules"
artificial intelligence
::: fabiochiusi

US Schools Can Subscribe To An Electric School Bus Fleet At Prices That Beat Diesel
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale | scuola, educazione, cultura
::: Slashdot

The self-driving capabilities of @NASAPersevere will be put to the test. The rover will head to its next sampling spot - an ancient river delta within Jezero Crater - & the 3-mile (5-km) trip could be the most distance covered in a month by a Mars rover
spazio, esplorazione | robots, automazione, droni | artificial intelligence

I droni sono i nuovi protagonisti della guerra in Ucraina
::: Domani

Sen. Warren Announces Sanctions Compliance Bill For Crypto Companies
crittografia | Russia
::: Slashdot

Starting to think Meta/Facebook isn't actually very good at doing the security!
::: zackwhittaker

Clearview AI is a creepy surveillance company that’s building a database of 100 BILLION faces.
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: privacyint

The U.S. government is warning of potential threats to US satellite networks following the Viasat cyberattack that left thousands offline across Europe and Ukraine
::: TechCrunch

The Australian government has announced that they are launching a program to help survivors of domestic abuse scan their phones for stalkerware and other forms of surveillance
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: evacide

Every year my students final machine learning project includes a prompt about how their model could potentially cause harm in the world (and how it could support communities too!) I'm so proud of them 😭🌈💖 As I grade I'll put some examples here
machine learning
::: yimregister

Mai vista un'anomalia simile in Antartide. Polverizzato il record assoluto di temperatura massima di Vostok, nel cuore del plateau: -17,7 °C, il precedente era circa 15 °C più basso. Picchi di anomalia anche superiori ai +30 °C
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: Giulio_Firenze

The Australien Government has made an ad about this summer’s floods, and it’s surprisingly honest and informative
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: thejuicemedia

I'm actually angry
programming, codice, snippet | (forse)
::: johnregehr

L’invasione dell’Ucraina nello Spazio - Le operazioni militari russe e le sanzioni stanno avendo ripercussioni sul luogo dove Occidente e Russia spesso collaborano di più, oltre l'atmosfera
spazio, esplorazione | guerra
::: emenietti

Una pagina di ⁦@Adnkronos⁩ - 100% banner pubblicità
media | ad, pubblicità
::: phretor

In an extraordinary move, the three new arrivals emerged from their Soyuz capsule after docking with the space station wearing bright yellow jumpsuits with blue stripes, instead of the standard-issue blue uniform
spazio, esplorazione | guerra
::: thetimes

A guide to how Amnesty verifies military attacks in Ukraine
dati, raccolta | guerra
::: fabiochiusi

Simple Electrical Circuit Learns On Its Own -- With No Help From a Computer
machine learning | (forse)
::: Slashdot

“It’s very easy for us in the west to assume (that) Ukraine is winning the argument online and in public discourse. But if you look around region by region, or even within certain countries, you’ll see very different narratives spreading”
deepfake | cyberwar
::: fabiochiusi

Born #otd in 1927: Allen Newell, who in 1955 - before the term “AI” existed - co-wrote what many consider the world’s first AI program. "Logic Theorist" proved 38 of 52 classic math theorems & established the field of heuristic programing
storia | protagonisti | artificial intelligence

Here are the best new features shipping in #GNOME 42, out later this month
applicazioni, programmi
::: omgubuntu

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