17 marzo, 2022

Visto nel Web - 691

Sempre tempi bui, ma forse... Intanto ecco cosa ho wisto nel Web.

Happy birthday to the World Wide Web! MIT professor Tim Berners-Lee's invention was initially described by his CERN supervisor as "vague but exciting"
Web, Internet

In his first in-depth interview since war began, Mykhailo Fedorov, a vice prime minister of Ukraine, said his goal was to create a “digital blockade” that would make Russian citizens question the conflict
::: nytimestech

'The Kremlin is Lying', Warn Text Messages Sent to Millions of Russian Cellphone Numbers
::: Slashdot

Shoppers React as Grocers Replace Freezer Doors with Screens Playing Ads
ad, pubblicità
::: Slashdot

Critical US Companies Will Soon Be Required to Report All Breaches and Ransomware to the DHS
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

The 11,000-Member Discord Channel For People Pretending to Be VR Police Officers
disinformazione, fake news, bufale | virtual reality
::: Slashdot

DuckDuckGo's Down-Ranking of Russian Disinformation Caused by Microsoft's Bing
uh! Bing, non lo sapevo; ma ok, Micro$oft fa (o potrebbe fare) anche cose buone
Web, Internet
::: Slashdot

How China Built an Exascale Supercomputer Out of Old 14nm Tech
::: Slashdot

Conspirituality: The ugly marriage between far-right conspiracy theories and pseudoscientific health ideology in the alternative medicine/wellness woo community
disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: jonathanstea

The ability to attract and retain top AI talent will define the long-term trajectory of current tech companies. Underappreciated fact
artificial intelligence
::: fchollet

"US-based technology companies routinely wait until political events become so terrifying that they have no choice but to do something to stop the spread of the disinformation, misinformation and hate that always presages violence"
cyberwar | social media
::: fabiochiusi

Finally got around to publishing a #tutorial on how I made custom tables in @matplotlib. I think the explanations on my approach are longer than the actual code!
Python | manuali, how to
::: TimBayer93

Share scientific #knowledge to make it more relevant
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: ENJOIproject

Dalla Russia agli Stati Uniti dilaga il complottismo sui biolaboratori ucraini
disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: valigiablu ::: marcowenjones ::: katestarbird

Stazione Spaziale Internazionale, CERN, fusione nucleare: nella Big Science Russia e Occidente collaborano da anni. E adesso non possono tornare indietro, né continuare come prima
scienza | Russia
::: andcapocci

Team Chosen To Extract Oxygen From the Surface of the Moon
spazio, esplorazione
::: Slashdot

US officials warned that a wave of debilitating cyberattacks could accompany Russia's war on Ukraine. So far they haven't materialized, and US and Ukrainian officials are contemplating why as they prepare for the next phase of the war
Russia | cyberwar
::: CNN

"Digital rights experts say Putin may have inadvertently sparked a massive, permanent shift in digital literacy in Russia that will work against the regime for years"
Russia | Web, Internet
::: fabiochiusi

Hmm - interesting article, a few good points on Putin errors etc but a) it’s taken a LOT to move the information war to where it is, we must recognise the enormity of what it took, and b) this is too hasty in calling a victory… it’s not over IMHO
attenzione che questa lavora per Cambridge Analytica, ma...
cyberwar | Russia
::: EmmaLBriant

L’autorità russa per i media ha cominciato a fare pressioni sull’enciclopedia dai primi giorni della guerra in Ucraina. Chi diffonde informazioni non approvate dal Cremlino rischia fino a 15 anni di carcere
censura | Wikipedia
::: Open_gol

1/ Un'inchiesta rilanciata oggi da analisti 🇬🇧 affidabili ha stimato che il Telegraph abbia ricevuto almeno 5 mln di £ in finanzianenti dall'agenzia di stampa statale 🇷🇺 - RIA Novosti - dal 2007 in poi
Russia | politica
::: paolomossetti

‼️📚 The Italian Review of the History of Science 2021 is now online!
The RISS reports the historical-scientific writings published in 2021 in Italy or promoted/sponsored by Italian institutions. It is published by the Library of the @museogalileo
::: SISS_Outreach

So #Windows 11 now has a video editor. Except it's not new, it's web-based, and you have to buy a monthly subscription to export video above 480p — yes, 480p in 2022!? Both @kdenlive and @openshot are free, #opensource video editors available for Windows
::: omgubuntu

SLS will cost over $4 billion per launch according to NASA inspector general
spazio, esplorazione
::: universetoday

Against #InternetShutDown the anonymous geniuses behind Project V have developed an amazing tool: v2ray already capable to bypass the most advanced firewall techniques including adaptive blocking based on protocol detection
Web, Internet | censura
::: jaromil

Intel Finds Bug In AMD's Spectre Mitigation, AMD Issues Fix
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Ukraine's defense ministry has started using Clearview AI’s facial recognition technology during its war with Russia. The company offered to help uncover Russian assailants, combat misinformation and identify the dead
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza | guerra
::: JLDastin

They're Frustrated with Power Utilities - So They're Leaving the Grid Altogether
::: Slashdot

Vanced, an Alternative to YouTube's Official App, is Shutting Down
social media
::: Slashdot

Computer History Museum Publishes Memories of the Programmer for NASA's Moon Missions
::: Slashdot

“The flow of pro-Russian messages has noticeably declined at TikTok, with the most popular account being state-backed news agency RIA Novosti, which is known for false or discredited claims” (“First” though? 🤔)
social media | guerra
::: fabiochiusi

WSJ reporting that Tencent is facing a potential record fine for violations of anti money laundering rules by its WeChat Pay mobile network: lapses in compliance with “know your customer” and “know your business” regulation
Cina | economia, lavoro
::: ruima

Risparmio e rinnovabili per sfuggire al più grosso shock energetico degli ultimi 40 anni
energia | ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: valigiablu

According to @j2bryson, if the EU’s proposed legislation on AI - the #AIAct - excludes certain AI systems from oversight, it will both harm people and make the EU less attractive for businesses
artificial intelligence | Unione Europea
::: algorithmwatch

“The Ukrainian government is to launch a non-fungible token marking the history of the Russian invasion with unique digital art, in its latest use of digital assets to fund its war efforts”
not fungible token | guerra
::: fabiochiusi

Ford Plans to Just Start Selling SUVs Without Some of Their Chips
::: Slashdot

Il genio visionario che l'Universo ci invidia
protagonisti | guerra
::: RadioProzac ::: gianlucac1 ::: amszmidt ::: _mattux_

Here’s what to know about Apple’s new $430 iPhone SE
cosa serve davvero?
dispositivi mobili
::: nytimestech

dis — Python Bytecode Disassembler
::: pymotw

Il futuro avrà sempre più bisogno di alluminio: negli ultimi 20 anni la domanda è triplicata, tanto che le sanzioni contro la #Russia (che ne produce un decimo di quello usato nel mondo) sull’export di questo metallo sono state caute
risorse, materiali | ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: DomaniGiornale

Mumbai Becomes First South Asian City To Detail Net-Zero Roadmap
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: Slashdot

🤳Today's thread looks at how social media and influencers are being used in war
thread h/t @fabiochiusi
social media | guerra
::: risj_oxford

Il grido dell’Università di Mosca
scuola, educazione, cultura | guerra
::: Comuneinfo

Criptovalute, il ruolo ambiguo delle DAO
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: MauroV1968

Starlink is the Only Communications Link for Some Ukrainian Towns, but the Terminals Could Also be a Target
Web, Internet | guerra | spazio, esplorazione
::: universetoday

Amnesty statement slams Supreme Court refusal to hear #Assange appeal
Julian Assange
::: wikileaks ::: journalismfest ::: FreedomofPress ::: GiovanniPaglia ::: SMaurizi ::: amnestyitalia ::: wikileaks ::: ilmanifesto

Ukrainian hackers and security researchers say HackerOne froze their accounts and is blocking payouts, in some cases thousands of dollars, citing economic sanctions and export rules that they say don't apply to them
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: zackwhittaker ::: zackwhittaker

Davvero le autorità dell'#Ucraina stanno portando avanti un programma per lo sviluppo di armi chimiche con il supporto degli Stati Uniti, come dice la #Russia? No. Ecco perché
disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: DomaniGiornale

Researcher Uses 379-Year-Old Algorithm To Crack Crypto Keys Found In the Wild
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Israeli Government Sites Crash in Cyberattack
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

New CaddyWiper Data Wiping Malware Hits Ukrainian Networks
::: Slashdot

Apple Supplier Foxconn In Talks To Build $9 Billion Factory In Saudi Arabia
::: Slashdot

macOS 12.3 Arrives With Universal Control, Spatial Audio Features
sistemi operativi
::: Slashdot

TorGuard Settles Piracy Lawsuit, Agrees To Block Torrent Traffic On US Servers
copyright e brevetti
::: Slashdot

In 1949, it took the early ENIAC computer 70 hours to figure 2,037 digits of Pi
oggi da me ~1.457s - calcolo e print

Marina Ovsyannikova, la donna che ha fatto irruzione in un TG con un cartello contro la guerra. In questo video registrato in precedenza spiega che suo padre è ucraino e che si vergogna di lavorare per la propaganda del Cremlino denunciando la guerra #UkraineWar
::: GiovaQuez ::: L_Apostata

In Italia il dibattito sulla guerra è arrivato a livelli da "bar dello sport" con le varie tifoserie. Tutti pseudo esperti di geopolitica. Uno spettacolo penoso. Questa è una guerra dove muoiono donne e bambini non una partita di calcio. Abbiate la decenza di restare in silenzio
guerra | social media | media
::: MMmarco0 ::: fabiochiusi

Kaluga, Russia occidentale, fine Ottocento. In periferia c’è una casa di legno. Qui vive con la famiglia un insegnante di matematica e scienze, quasi sordo. Gli abitanti lo considerano un eccentrico che va in giro parlando da solo e borbottando parole incomprensibili. /1
protagonisti | storia | spazio, esplorazione
::: a_a_f_t

Just your periodic reminder that Russia tweeted this as #fakenews
disinformazione, fake news, bufale | cyberwar
::: nicoleperlroth

Ukrainian researchers flee trauma and terror of war
guerra | scienza
::: emenietti

Please find attached the English version of my op-ed about nuclear weapons and face recognition abolitionism, published in @Le1hebdo
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: AntonioCasilli

Russian sites under attack
::: YourAnonNews

Aleggia questa sensazione, che cioè Xi non sia più insfidabile come qualche tempo fa: economia e Russia insidiano la sua presa sul Partito? Lingling Wei su Wsj
chissà se sarà vero
politica | Cina
::: simopieranni

Il Politecnico sperimenta i primi esami in cloud
cloud | scuola, educazione, cultura
::: fulcorno

South Africa Regulator Refers Meta To Tribunal Over Dominance
Facebook | antitrust
::: Slashdot

Intel unveils ‘landmark’ €33B investment in EU chipmaking
hardware | Unione Europea
::: simopieranni

Germany Warns Kaspersky Software Risks Being Exploited by Russia
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Leaked Email Shows Microsoft Expects Its HoloLens-like Goggles To Disappoint Soldiers
::: Slashdot

Where it used to require a team of engineers to build a piece of software, now users with a web browser and an idea have the power to bring that idea to life themselves
devo indagarci su
artificial intelligence
::: nytimestech

Guerra e tensioni internazionali: quale futuro per le collaborazioni spaziali?
spazio, esplorazione
::: formicablu

For the third time, @FTC has forced a company to destroy algorithms built with data gathered deceptively. Here's why it's a sign that algorithmic destruction is now a standard way the FTC will penalize companies
algoritmi, codice | artificial intelligence | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: KateKayeReports

Nasty Linux Netfilter Firewall Security Hole Found
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Crowdstrike said that a threat actor it tracks as Prophet Spider has used a Citrix FileShare vulnerability (CVE-2021-22941) to gain access to targets -
Per the company, Prophet Spider is an access broker for ransomware gangs
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: campuscodi

How California Is Building the Nationʼs First Privacy Police - A new state agency has a $10 million budget to regulate Google, Facebook and others
big tech | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: nytimestech

ARM To Drop Up To 15% of Staff
::: Slashdot

Internal Documents Show Amazon Has For Years Knowingly Tricked People Into Signing Up for Prime Subscriptions
::: Slashdot

Google Unveils Its B2B Cloud Gaming Platform Built With Stadia Tech
cloud | games
::: Slashdot

Microsoft Introduces Its DirectStorage API Which Promises To Reinvent Game Storage
::: Slashdot

Google's Domain Name Registrar is Out of Beta After Seven Years
Google | Web, Internet
::: Slashdot

Cosa pensa l’Università Luiss del fatto che un sito, Sicurezza Internazionale, diretto dal professor Alessandro Orsini, sia allertato da Facebook in questo modo?
Facebook | censura
::: mrctrdsh

The most crucial skill every coder has to develop is the wisdom to know when to use an obscure tool/technique because it's superior
cit. | programming, codice, snippet
::: lisperati

Hackers have reportedly disabled the websites of several courts in cities across Russia, targeting Primorye, Novosibirsk, Amur, Kursk, Moscow, Krasnodar, and Khabarovsk. Russia’s justice system is getting a breather
::: KevinRothrock

Gazeta Ru informed that Sweden has refused to launch their #MATS satellite as a secondary payload on a Russian Soyuz2.1b rocket, with a link to the press service of the SNSA @rymdstyrelsense. Roscosmos press service said, they have been not informed about this decision
spazio, esplorazione
::: katlinegrey

Did you know that we provide fast and light ARM64 images for all @Raspberry_Pi products?
Internet of things
::: DevuanOrg

March 25th is the next global climate strike! In Stockholm we meet at Mynttorget 12.30. Spread the word!
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: GretaThunberg

Another meeting that could have been an email #rewindWednesdays
::: _workchronicles

With no new TikTok content coming online in Russia, old videos from state media outlets Sputnik and RT have been circulating. So, too, have posts from an account called “simpleputin” that promotes fun and quirky videos of Russian President Vladimir Putin
social media | censura
::: WSJ ::: trackingexposed ::: mikarv ::: rasmus_kleis

“Communication technology has shifted the power dynamic in wartime for decades. This time, however, the power of information is in the hands of the people, not the political leaders or military strategists”
social media | guerra
::: fabiochiusi

Com’era l’immane sciocchezza? Ah sì, “se non hai niente da nascondere non hai niente da temere”. Ma certo
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: fabiochiusi

“I don’t want to abolish the Scheme programming language. I simply want to reduce it to the size where I can drag it into the bathroom and drown it in the bathtub.” — John Cowan during the standardization of R7RS-small, probably
::: lexi_lambda

How to Change Mouse Cursor on Ubuntu
::: omgubuntu

New pics from #JWST LOOK at that gorgeous star showing the mirrors are aligned! 😍 🌟
spazio, esplorazione
::: astraughnomer ::: NASAWebb

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